
spider怎么读?_spider怎么说读spiderspider的意思、解释  复数形式:spiders;spider 基本解释名词蜘蛛; 星形轮,十字叉; 带柄三脚平底锅; 三脚架spider的解释spider 相关例句名词1. spider的意思1. Have you ever see

spider   spider的意思、解释     复数形式:spiders;   spider 基本解释   名词蜘蛛; 星形轮,十字叉; 带柄三脚平底锅; 三脚架   spider的解释spider 相关例句   名词   1. spider的意思   1. Have you ever seen a spider spin its web?   你看到过蜘蛛织网吗?spider 网络解释   1. 小蜘蛛:上去之前还真有点胆怯呢~不过真坐上去才发现其实还好啦,都不怎样的~有个浪里白条同志一直都在大叫,声称自己只是要制造点气氛而已~坐到让我差点晕车吐出来的小蜘蛛(Spider)玩过以上的游乐项目之后我有点体力不支晕车恶心的感觉了,   2. spider的解释   2. 三角架:三角架(Spider) 类似架杆,但头部是拱形的,而且头部更大,可架在另一只球上方以便挥杆击球. 定位器(Swan) 一种带有角形卡球开口或半圆形卡球开口的装置,用于确定球的准确位置. 在其帮助下,球在比赛中途擦拭后可以准确无误地放回原来的位置.   3. spider的解释   3. spider:spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction; 光谱相位相干直接电场重构法spider 双语例句   1.   1. Effects of transgenic Bt rice on predation and prey preference of wolf spider Pirata subpiraticus Function responses of spiders fed Bt prey or control prey both followed the Holling type.Ⅱ.   九、转Bt基因水稻对拟水狼蛛捕食功能反应和猎物选择性的影响以不同食料喂饲的两种拟水狼蛛对褐飞虱的捕食功能反应都符合Holling Ⅱ型反应。   2. spider是什么意思   2. On the bridging beam of the temple, a spider spun her home there. Due to edified by burning joss stick and devotional sacrifice every day, the spider obtained the spirit of Buddha.   在圆音寺庙前的横梁上有个蜘蛛结了张网,由于每天都受到香火和虔诚的祭拜的熏托,蛛蛛便有了佛性。   3.   3. They were handing out glossies of Spider Man signed by the movie’s director to the many people waiting in line, including an alarming number of adults dressed up like Spider Man and mixed between the kids.   很多人排队领取导演签名的光面贴纸,还有很多穿成蜘蛛侠模样的成年人混迹于儿童当中。   4. Thus, angular displacement of this solid shaft tilted the spider to give appropriate cyclic pitch control.   因此,本实心轴角位移倾斜蜘蛛给予适当的循环音高控制。   5. Going to sleep, I used to imagine the spider creeping down, crawling into my mouth, sliding down my throat, and laying loads of eggs in my belly. The baby spiders would hatch after a while and eat me alive, from the inside out.   我上床睡觉时,经常想像着蜘蛛会悄悄溜下来,爬到我的嘴里,滑进我的喉咙,在我的肚子里产卵;再过一阵子,小蜘蛛就会孵出来,把我从里到外活活吃掉。   6. spider的翻译   6. Our company owns two famous brands: DHII and Spider; it’s a high and new technology enterprise specializes in the research, production and marketing of security system and intelligent home series of product.   深圳市深锦宏实业有限公司成立于1999年,公司拥有两大品牌,是专业从事安全防范系统、智能家居系列产品的研发、生产、销售为一体的高新技术企业。   7. It is the only area of the wlence intimidates them and they feel a need to filen there’s a spider or a wasp involved.   当看到一只蜘蛛或黄蜂时,即使意志力很强的女人也需要一个男人在身旁。   8. spider什么意思   8. Some search engine does not support frame construction, their spider program cannot read such webpage.   有些搜索引擎是不支持框架结构的,他们的蜘蛛程序无法阅读这样的网页。   9. Searching engine spider is to cannot be read take Flash content.   搜索引擎蜘蛛是不能读取Flash内容。   10. So you should do SEO you are about to understand a reason, the website is not look to the person only, read to the spider even.   所以你要做SEO你就要明白一个道理,网站不是单单是给人看的,还要给蜘蛛读的。   11.   11. The most crucial is my discovery hair The 100 content that read a spider to download my website to go up, this is the key that I say.   最要害的一点是我发现发百读蜘蛛下载我网站上的内容,这就是我说的要害。   12. Website of a lot of enterprises can make a begin Flash now, actually this is most abstain from, because the spider is read, do not know Flash.   现在很多企业网站会作个开场flash,其实这是最忌讳的,因为蜘蛛读不懂flash 。   13. Want to build reasonable clear website structure, make tourist and search spider OK read your website smoothly all and downstage page.   要建设合理的清楚的网站结构,让游客和搜索蜘蛛都可以顺利地阅读你网站所有前台页面。   14. Spider Cross Stitch Happy Anniversary Pattern Laced Cross Stitch DMC Embroidery Floss…   蜘蛛交叉缝合高兴周年格局laced交叉缝合公契刺绣牙线。。。   15. One of the smallest, I discovered, feeds on oribatid mites, which are usually much smaller than the letter o on this page and resemble a cross between a spider and a turtle.   我发现最小的一种蚂蚁,以甲螨为食,通常远小于本页上的字母 O,类似蜘蛛和龟的杂交。   16. Of well-known search engine collecting is to rely on a spider to undertake crawl, if your station space is flabby, often open very slow, the spider can cross your station, such spiders won’t eat on your station fed, and the visit that still can bring about an user and experience, should not say to collect more, what I want to tell everybody is the visit that you want to maintain your website rate is rapid, such spiders can stand to yours generation is depended on, increase thereby collect and user experience.   众所周知搜索引擎的收录是靠蜘蛛进行爬行的,假如你的站空间不稳定或经常打开很慢,蜘蛛就会越过你的站,这样蜘蛛就不会在你的站上吃食了,而且还会导致用户的访问和体验,更不要说收录,我想告诉大家的是你要保持你网站的访问速度快,这样蜘蛛会对你的站产生依赖,从而增加收录和用户体验。   17. A cross between a spider and octopus; the legs help re-position the camera to a favored nook.   杂交蜘蛛和八达通;腿帮助重新定位相机首选角落。   18. The traditional delivery way is that every retailer directly accepts goods from factory separately, thus forms cross route that like spider web, which has disordered transportation and low efficiency.   传统货物配送方式是各个零售商分别直接从工厂接受货物,构成蛛网状交叉运输路线、运输混乱、效率很低。   19. spider的意思   19. And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again.   小蜘蛛再次爬上了水管。   20. I’m like a spider monkey in bed now.   我现在就像一只在床上的蜘蛛猿。spider 词典解释   1. 蜘蛛   A spider is a small creature with eight legs. Most types of spider make structures called webs in which they catch insects for food.spider 单语例句spider在线翻译   1. An employee of Whole Foods Market found the Brazilian Wandering Spider Sunday in bananas from Honduras and managed to catch it in a container.   2. The fiery spider legs of a bottle rocket radiated from the source of the concussion above.   3. Black stripes or lively spider webs that reach upward to the ankles, rivets decoration and toes revealed through a ” fish mouth ” are the key features.   4. Using a cocktail stick, draw lines out towards the edges to create a spider web.   5. For reference you may ask Dustin Hoffman as The Graduate who happily cruised around in his Alfa Romeo Spider in the classic 1967 Hollywood hit.   6. Spider experts believe that webs were developed even earlier, but the delicate gossamer threads rarely leave any trace.   7. A male sea spider carries its eggs on specially adapted appendages under its body in this undated handout.   8. Although a typical spider can produce five types of silk, it does not make much of any of them.   9. Miraculously, the spider web at the door sealed up to its original state before Liu entered.   10. The only other side with a fly’s chance of surviving a spider picnic and upsetting the applecart is the team from the Big Apple.spiderspider 英英释义   spider的解释   noun   1. predatory arachnid with eight legs, two poison fangs, two feelers, and usually two silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body   they spin silk to make cocoons for eggs or traps for prey   2. a skillet made of cast iron   3. a computer program that prowls the internet looking for publicly accessible resources that can be added to a database   the database can then be searched with a search engine   Synonym: wanderer


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