
2024tape的翻译tapestry [‘tæpistri]tapestry [‘tæpistri

tapestry [‘tæpistri]   tapestry [‘tæpistri]   
复制翻译结果   英汉解释   n. 织锦;挂毯;绣帷   vt. 用挂毯装饰   同义词   n. arras,tapis   参考例句   1. Within the entire tapestry or wheel of incarnation are trillions and trillions of human lives.
2024tape的翻译   在整个织锦(即全息记忆信息库)或投生之轮中是无数次的人类生命。   2. Rarely do two individuals inherit the exact same portions of lives even if they have an identical tapestry.
2024tape的翻译   很少有两个个体继承恰好相同的生命部分,即使他们有一个相同的织锦。   3. From beneath the fringed trim of the stained silver tapestry hung by the stairs, two small, rounded shapes protruded—shoes.
2024tape的翻译   楼梯旁边挂着的褪色的银色织毯的流苏边儿的下面,突出着两个小小的圆形——鞋子。   英英解释   n.     1. something that resembles a tapestry in its complex pictorial designs     2. a heavy textile with a woven design; used for curtains and upholstery     3. a wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric with pictorial designs   网络释义   tapestry   壁毯; 花毯; 挂毯; 绣帷;   Native Tapestry   祖先的挂毯;   cotton tapestry   棉织花毯;   tapestry handbag   绒线绣花手提包;   tapestry quilts   织花床单布; 挂毯式床单布;


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上一篇 2024年 7月 27日 下午4:28
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