
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子spar是什么意思_spar用英语怎么说_spar的翻译_spar翻译成_spar的中文意思_spar怎么读,spar的读音,spar的用法,spar的例句全部圆材斗鸡争论争吵With protective gear o

spar是什么意思_spar用英语怎么说_spar的翻译_spar翻译成_spar的中文意思_spar怎么读,spar的读音,spar的用法,spar的例句   全部圆材斗鸡争论争吵   With protective gear on you can spar with a partner…
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   戴上护具后可以和对手练习轻拳出击。   柯林斯高阶英语词典   They sparred for a moment, on the brink of a full fight.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   他们互相推搡了一会儿,眼看就要大打出手了。   柯林斯高阶英语词典   Over the years he sparred with his friend Jesse Jackson over political tactics…
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   这些年以来,他一直跟他的朋友杰西·杰克逊为政治手腕的问题争论不休。   柯林斯高阶英语词典   They had always gotten along, even when they sparred.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   他们一直很合得来,甚至拌嘴的时候也是如此。   柯林斯高阶英语词典   The mast, which was a solid spruce spar, bent like a bow, and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   坚固的云杉木做成的桅杆已经弯得像一把弓,那一刻我觉得它马上就要断了。   柯林斯高阶英语词典   We can be conviniently studied with reference to a crystal of calcite or Iceland spar.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   我们可以很方便地以方解石或冰洲石晶体来进行研究.   辞典例句   The phase constituents ofthe slag added with manganese ore or spar and quartz sand are analysed.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   对配加锰矿、萤石、石英砂的渣进行了相成分分析.   期刊摘选   A spar that connects the tail surfaces and the main structure of an airplane.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   尾桁连接飞机的尾部表面和机身的桁.   期刊摘选   CIS: Just killing time . You wanna spar?
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   娱乐而已. 想来比划比划?   期刊摘选   A carbon spar of the wing has a wall made of a carbon braid.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   厢房的一个碳桅杆一个碳包线做一个铸壁.   期刊摘选   A forepeak halliard snapped and the highest top gallant spar was carried away.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   船首舱的帆绳被猛烈的海风吹断,最高矗的船首细斜桅杆已经折断,消失得无影无踪.   期刊摘选   So a crack in a titanium spar can be detected under a layer of aluminum skin.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   因此,它可以探测纵梁蒙皮中钛金属材料以下的铝材裂纹.   期刊摘选   There are abundant mineral resources, mainly copper, lead, zinc , mineral deposits, such as Iceland spar.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   境内有丰富的矿产资源, 主要有铜 、 铅 、 锌 、 冰洲石等矿藏.   期刊摘选   The structural character and recently development of Spar platform is presented in detail in this paper.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   本文详细介绍了单柱式平台的结构特点和发展概况.   期刊摘选   Mr Obama and John McCain continued to spar over foreign policy.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   奥巴马和约翰?麦凯恩在对外政策上仍在持续争吵.   期刊摘选   She said she was honored to speak at historic spar spot as Martin Luther King Jr.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   她说她很荣幸能够站在马丁路德金曾经站过的地方进行演讲.   期刊摘选   The basic characteristic of 120 ℃ thermoluminescence peak of iceland spar was studied.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   对冰洲石120℃热释光峰的基本特性进行初步研究.   期刊摘选   A metal ring that moves freely back and forth on a rope, rod, or spar.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   滑环在一根绳 、 杆子或圆材上可以自由来回移动的金属环.   期刊摘选   With the development of science and technology, the processing technique of Iceland Spar developed greatly.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   随着科学技术的进步, 冰洲石晶体的加工技术有了较大的发展.   期刊摘选   Mast: A vertical spar or pole to which a sail or sails attach.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   桅杆: 一种垂直圆材或杆,用来悬挂船帆.   期刊摘选   I am anxiously, and his father spar together as a result, I lost the battle.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   我急了, 和爸爸对打起来,结果, 我还是败了.   期刊摘选   A long spar extending from a mast to hold or extend the foot of a sail.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   帆下桁从桅杆上伸出的长杆,用来支撑或伸展帆的下端.   期刊摘选   A spar buoy is a navigation mark which functions as a navigational aid at sea.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   杆形浮标的功能是作为一个海上导航设备的航海标记.   期刊摘选   U.S. presidential campaign ads spar over education.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   美国总统竞选广告就教育议题进行争辩.   期刊摘选   The rope, rod, or spar on which such a ring moves.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   环可供这种环移动的绳子 、 竿子或圆材.   期刊摘选   This knot is used for securing a rope to a spar, picket or anchorage.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   图片右上方文字为:绳身左下文文字为:绳头本结用来把绳索固定在圆材 、 支柱或锚身上.   期刊摘选   With protective gear on you can spar with a partner.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   戴上护具后可以和对手练习轻拳出击。   柯林斯例句   The mast, which was a solid spruce spar, bent like a bow, and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it.
spar怎么读音发音_SPAR是什么牌子   坚固的云杉木做成的桅杆已经弯得像一把弓,那一刻我觉得它马上就要断了。   柯林斯例句


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