
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思fibers 是什么意思_fibers 用英语怎么说_fibers 的翻译_fibers 翻译成_fibers 的中文意思_fibers 怎么读,fibers 的读音,fibers 的用法,fibers 的例句全部Sym

fibers 是什么意思_fibers 用英语怎么说_fibers 的翻译_fibers 翻译成_fibers 的中文意思_fibers 怎么读,fibers 的读音,fibers 的用法,fibers 的例句   全部   Sympathetic fibers are distributed to all regions of the heart.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   交感神经纤维分布于心脏的所有部分.   辞典例句   When fibers swell , they fill the air spaces and thus reduce ventilation.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   一般纤维膨胀后, 占据了空隙,因而减少了通气能力.   辞典例句   When the fibers broke, fiber ends were mangled and frayed.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   纤维断裂时, 纤维端部相互纠缠并有擦散现象.   辞典例句   Fibers may be loosely or tightly twisted into yarns.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   纤维可以是膨松地或紧密地捻成纱线.   辞典例句   Optical fibers have replaced small electric lights in some medical instruments.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   光学纤维已经代替了某些医疗器械中的小电灯.   辞典例句   Elastic fibers usually occur as individual , refractile, branching, and anastomosing fibers.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   弹性纤维通常是单独的, 折光的, 分枝的及吻合的纤维.   辞典例句   The cells of this epithelium exhibit many interdigitations with the lens fibers.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   这种上皮细胞同晶状体纤维呈现许多相嵌连接.   辞典例句   In cotton and wool processing, short length fibers may clog sewers.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   在棉毛生产中, 短纤维可能堵塞下水管道.   辞典例句   Many natural fibers decay rapidly when exposed to aerobic cultures.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   许多天然纤维在需氧菌的侵袭下则迅速腐坏.   辞典例句   The heart is innervated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   心脏受交感神经纤维和副交感神经纤维的支配.   辞典例句   The material for the threads is spider web or quartz fibers.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   丝的材料可以用蛛丝或石英丝.   辞典例句   At the doffer, fibers are removed and eventually enter the card sliver.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   纤维被从落纱机上剥下,形成梳棉棉条输出.   辞典例句   The fracture surface traverses matrix as well as fibers and interface.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   断裂表面横切过基体、纤维和界面.   辞典例句   One solution flows through the central lumen of the fibers.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   一种溶液从纤维的中心腔流过.   辞典例句   Consequently, asynchronous excitation and fibrillation of muscle fibers are observed.
fiber是什么意思?_icon是什么意思   所以就出现非同步的肌纤维兴奋和纤颤.   辞典例句


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