
contain的用法和搭配_adopt固定搭配care的用法与搭配【简介】感谢网友“i狗勾人士”参与投稿,下面就是小编给大家分享的care的用法与搭配(共10篇),希望大家喜欢!篇1:care的用法与搭配v. 关心,担心,照顾,喜爱n. 照顾,小心,忧虑变形:过去式: cared;

care的用法与搭配   【简介】感谢网友“i狗勾人士”参与投稿,下面就是小编给大家分享的care的用法与搭配(共10篇),希望大家喜欢!   
care的用法与搭配   篇1:care的用法与搭配   v. 关心,担心,照顾,喜爱n. 照顾,小心,忧虑   变形:过去式: cared; 现在分词:caring; 过去分词:cared   care可以用作动词   care用作及物动词作“在乎”“介意”“关心”解时,后面常跟that/wh-或if/whether引导的.从句;作“愿意”解时,后面常跟动词不定式,一般多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,也可用于含有怀疑或不确定意味的半否定句中,但不用于意思十分确切的肯定句中。   care作“在乎,介意,关心”解时还可用作不及物动词,后面常跟介词about或for引导的短语。   care只有在答句中、含有情态动词时、if从句中或定语从句中才可用于肯定句。   care用作动词的用法例句   It makes me feel good that you care about me.你关心我,我感到很高兴。   She will care for the children while I am away.我不在的时候,她会照顾那些孩子。   He doesn’t care for fish.他不喜欢吃鱼。   care可以用作名词   care用作名词时意思是“照顾”“护理”,也可指“小心”“注意”,还可指“忧虑”“挂念”,均用作不可数名词。   care可作“烦人的事”解,为可数名词,多用其复数形式。   care用作名词的用法例句   Owing to wet weather, motorists are advised to drive with extra care.雨天路滑,请格外小心驾驶。   John’s old enough to take care of himself.约翰长大了,能照顾自己了。   He leads a life free from care.他过着无忧无虑的生活。   篇2:care的用法及短语以及固定搭配   care短语及固定搭配:   take care 注意;小心。   take care of 照顾;注意;抚养。   care of 由…转交。   health care 卫生保健。   take care of oneself 照顾自己;颐养。   care about v. 担心,关心。   care for 关心,照顾;喜欢。   medical care 医疗护理。   don’t care 不管,不在意。   nursing care 护理。   skin care 护肤品;皮肤护理。   take good care 好好照顾;珍重。   take good care of 照顾好;好好照看。   with care 小心地。   personal care 个人护理;个人护理用品。   health care products 保健品。   child care 儿童保育。   health care system 保健系统;医疗制度。   intensive care 重病特别护理。   take care of yourself 照顾好你自己;自己多保重。   篇3:care的用法   care的用法1:care用作及物动词作“在乎”“介意”“关心”解时,后面常跟that/wh-或if/whether引导的从句;作“愿意”解时,后面常跟动词不定式,一般多用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,也可用于含有怀疑或不确定意味的半否定句中,但不用于意思十分确切的肯定句中。   care的用法2:care作“在乎,介意,关心”解时还可用作不及物动词,后面常跟介词about或for引导的短语。   care的用法3:care只有在答句中、含有情态动词时、if从句中或定语从句中才可用于肯定句。   care的用法4:care用作名词时意思是“照顾”“护理”,也可指“小心”“注意”,还可指“忧虑”“挂念”,均用作不可数名词。   篇4:care的用法   1. It is nearly always women who are the primary care givers.   从事初级保健护理工作的几乎都是女性。   2. She denied the murder of four children who were in her care.   她否认杀害了她所照管的4个孩子。   3. She had met both sons and did not care for either.   两个儿子她都见了,一个都不喜欢。   4. Condoms are an effective method of birth control if used with care.   如果使用得当,避孕套是很有效的避孕手段。   5. There was no one else to take care of their children.   没有别人可以照料他们的孩子。   6. The children were waiting for placement in a foster care home.   这些孩子在抚育院等待安置。   7. Experts reveal only as much as they care to.   专家们只透露了他们想透露的那些。   8. Every care has been taken in compiling this list.   汇编这份清单时考虑得很充分。   9. Nursing auxiliaries provide basic care, but are not qualified nurses.   助理护士只提供基本护理,不具备护士资格。   10. The President took care to make encouraging noises about the future.   总统小心谨慎地表达了他对未来的乐观态度。   11. In Holland, the government sets a yearly budget for health care.   在荷兰,政府会制定医疗保健部门的年度预算。   12. I had a strong desire to help and care for people.   我非常渴望能够帮助和照顾他人。   13. Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive.   离开福利机构的照顾,离开这种受保护的环境,他将难以生存下去。   14. The cable-TV and health-care industries are both being mauled by government.   有线电视和保健业正在遭受政府的严厉批评。   15. For the homeless, private medical care is simply out of the question.   对于无家可归的人而言,私人医疗纯粹是天方夜谭。   篇5:an的用法与搭配   a与an的用法区别:   用法的.区别   a 用于读音以辅音音素开头的字母或单词前。   例如:a pen 一支笔,a book 一本书。   an用语读音以音音素开头的字母或单词前。   例如:an apple 一只苹果, an orange 一颗橙子, an egg 一颗鸡蛋, an English book 一本英语书。   篇6:a的用法与搭配   不定冠词a/an的用法:   不定冠词有两个,a 和 an。a用在辅音开头的’单词前面;an用于以音开头的单词前。如:a book, an apple。具体用法如下:   1)表示“一个”、“某一个”、“ 每一”、“再一,又一”、或“同一,相同”等   Eg:   Rome is not built in a day.   A Mr. Smith is waiting for you at the school gate.   He usually works eight hours a day.   You can try it a second time if you fail.   They are of an age Birds of a feather flocks together.   2)泛指某一类人或物,意为“任何一个,任一”   Eg:   A square has four sides.   3)当物质名词具体化表示“一(类、阵、份)”等;抽象名词具体化为“……的人或者事”时   Eg:   Green tea is a wonderful tea.   We don’t have much rain here, but last night we had a heavy rain.   Reading is a pleasure for me.   The meeting is a great success.   4)表示季节、月份、日期、三餐的名词,或表示世上独一无二的物体名词前有形容词修饰时:   Eg:   We have a every cold winter last year.   This happened on a rain Sunday towards the end of May.   We hope we can see a full moon tonight.   5)源于动词的名词与take/have 连用时:   Take a look; take a walk; have a break; have a visit to…   篇7:feellike的用法与搭配   feel like的用法与搭配归纳   一、feel like用法归纳   1.表示“摸起来像……”   It feels like silk.   这东西摸起来像丝绸。   This feels like an orange.   这东西摸起来像个桔子。   2.表示“感觉像(是)……”   My legs feel like cotton wool.   我感觉两条腿像棉花一样。   They made me feel like one of the family.   他们让我觉得就是这个家中的一员。   3. 表示“有……的感觉”   I’m surprised that he feels like that.   我奇怪他会有这种感觉。   4. 表示“给人的感觉(像)是……”   I was only there two days, but it felt like a week.   我只在那里呆了两天,但好像过了一个星期似的。   It’s been a year since her daughter died, but to her, it still feels like yesterday.   她丈夫已过世一年了,但在她看来,这还仿佛像是在昨天。   5. 表示“想吃或喝……”   Do you feel like a drink?   你想喝点什么吗?   6. 表示“想做……”   I don’t feel like cooking. Let’s eat out.   我不想做饭,我们出去吃吧。   I don’t feel like waiting around for him to make up his mind.   我不能干等着他拿主意。   二、feel like搭配归纳   1. 后接名词   Do you feel like a rest?   你想休息一下吗?   The material feels like velvet.   这料子摸起来像丝绒。   注:下面中like后面的rain和snow是名词,不是动词:   It feels like rain (snow).   像是要下雨(雪)的样子。   2. 后接代词   We’ll go for a walk if you feel like it.   你愿意的话,咱们就去散散步。   “Why did you do that?” “Because I felt like it.”   “你为什么那么做呢?”“因为我想那么做。”   注:有时后接反身代词,表示觉得身体情况正常。   如:   I don’t feel like myself today.   我今天感到不太舒服。   有时可省略介词 like。   如:   He isn’t feeling himself this morning.   今天早上他感到不太舒服。   3. 后接动名词   I feel like catching a cold.   我像是感冒了。   I felt like laughing, but I didn’t dare.   我想笑,但是不敢笑。   After being ill I didn’t feel like eating but I managed to force something down.   我病后不想吃东西,不过还是勉强咽了一点。   4. 后接句子   I feel like I want to cry.   我觉得我想哭。   You feel like you could reach out and touch it (the space).   你感到仿佛能伸手摸到它(太空)。   注:后接句子时,其中的like相当于as if或as though。   如:   I felt like [as if, as though] I was swimming.   我觉得好像在游泳似的。   Alice felt like [as if, as though] she was in a very nice dream.   艾丽斯觉得她好像在做一个美梦。   情态动词:连系动词look, sound, smell, taste 和feel的用法   它们都属于表示知觉的连系动词,意思分别是“看起来”、“听起来”、“闻起来”、“尝起来”、“摸起来”。使用时注意以下几点:   (1) 通常以物作主语,表示人的知觉状态或感觉能力,虽有被动词味,但不用被动语态。如:   误:The stone is felt smooth. 这种石头摸上去很光滑。   正:The stone feels smooth.   误:The soup is tasted delicious. 这汤味道不错。   正:The soup tastes delicious.   (2) 其后均可接like短语。如:   That photograph doesn’t look like her at all. 那张照片看起来一点都不像她。   This tastes like an orange. 这东西吃起来像桔子。   When I realized what stupid mistake I had made, I felt like a fool. 当我发现我犯了个愚蠢的错误是,我觉得仿佛是个傻子。   (3) 除look外,均不能接 to be,也均不用于进行时态(即使是look也不多见)。如:   She looks (to be) the right person for this job. 她似乎是做这项工作的合适人选。   You look / are looking very fetching in that hat with the purple dress. 你戴上那顶帽子配上这紫色衣服显得非常动人。   (4) taste和smell常与of连用,意为“有┅的味道”。如:   The room smelt of cigarettes. 房间里有烟味。   This soup tastes of chicken. 这汤有鸡的味道。   【注】feel 表示“感觉”可用于进行时。如:   How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉如何?   I’m feeling terrible. 我感到难受极了。   feel还可表示“使人感觉起来…”。如:   It feels cold here. 这儿让人觉得冷。   It feels as if a great weight had been lifted from us. 我们如释重负。   英语语法大全:feel like用法小归纳   1. 表示“感到想要(做某事)”,其后接名词或动名词。如:   Do you feel like a rest? 你想休息一下吗?   I don’t feel like walking there. 我不想步行到那里去。   I felt like laughing, but I didn’t dare. 我想笑,但是不敢笑。   2. 表示“摸起来好像”。如:   My legs feel like cotton wool. 我感觉两条腿像棉花一样。   What’s this in my pocket? It feels like a nut. 什么东西在我口袋里面?摸上去像是一个硬壳果。   3. 表示“(感到)像是……(的样子)”。有以下两种用法:   (1) 表示某事物给人的感觉。如:   It feels like rain (snow). 像是要下雨(雪)的样子。   I was only there two days, but it felt like a week. 我只在那里呆了两天,但好像过了一个星期似的。   (2) 表示某人对某事的感觉。如:   I feel like catching a cold. 我像是感冒了。   They made me feel like one of the family. 他们让我觉得就是这个家中的一员。   4. 后接反身代词,表示觉得身体情况正常。如:   I don’t feel like myself today. 我今天感到不太舒服。   有时可省略介词 like。如:   He isn’t feeling himself this morning. 今天早上他觉得不大对劲儿。   不用进行时的动词   1) 事实状态的动词   have, belong, possess, cost, owe, exist, include, contain, matter, weigh, measure, continue   I have two brothers.   This house belongs to my sister.   2) 心理状态的动词   Know, realize, think see, believe, suppose, imagine, agree, recognize, remember, want, need, forget, prefer, mean, understand, love, hate   I need your help.   He loves her very much.   3 ) 瞬间动词   accept, receive, complete, finish, give, allow, decide, refuse.   I accept your advice.   4) 系动词   seem, remain, lie, see, hear, smell, feel, taste, get, become, turn   You seem a little tired.   feel like的用法与搭配归纳   篇8:destroy的用法与搭配   在口语中destroy有时可作“把…累得精疲力竭”解,作此解时,谓语若以be destroyed形式出现,其后可接动名词形式。   在口语里destroy还可作“销毁”解。   例句:   They can’t destroy truth without destroying each and every one of us.   除非他们将我们赶尽杀绝,否则真理不灭。   Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases.   青蛙吃破坏庄稼、传播疾病的害虫。   After the killing, he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence.   杀人后,他镇定地点起火销毁罪证。   篇9:argue的用法与搭配   argue还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明”“表明”“显示”。   argue作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义; 表示“为…而争论”时接 about , on或over; 表示“为反对…而争论”时接against; 表示“为赞成…而争论”时接for; 表示“与…争论”时接with。   argue用作及物动词时,可接the matter, the point, the question之类的`名词作宾语,也可接that引导的从句(有时可用虚拟语气)。   argue作“说服”“劝说”解时,接out of表示“拒绝”,即“不做某事”; 接in表示“采纳”,即“做某事”。   argue作“表明”解时,可接以“to be+ n ”作补足语的复合宾语。   argue还可用于引出直接引语。   篇10:pay的用法与搭配   pay可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。也可接由动词不定式或副词充当补足语的复合宾语。   pay是不可数名词,意思是“工资,薪水”,指工作所得到的酬金,也可特指发给军人的薪饷,强调付了钱,不如salary和wages正式。   pay作及物动词,后面可直接跟宾语,但一般是表示钱,账单或人的词。如果要表示为某事或某物付钱时,需要用介词for或是to的不定式来引导。如:I will pay for that book.   在美国,pay可作形容词,表示“付费的”或是“收费的’”,例如pay hospital(收费的医院)和pay patient(付费的病人);   pay bills表示“付帐”,pay homage to a person表示“向某人表示敬意”,pay tribute to a person表示“赞扬某人”。   ★ difficulty的用法搭配   ★ look out的用法和搭配   ★ advise的用法及短语搭配   ★ kite的短语与词组搭配   ★ 人教版高三Unit 9 Health care   ★ 地板木门怎么搭配   ★ risk短语搭配   ★ 词语理解、搭配和例句   ★ desire的短语搭配   ★ 穿衣搭配心得感想


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