bcis是什么学校学费_bcis 学费

bcis是什么学校学费_bcis 学费2022年北京乐成国际学校_学费_入学条件_怎么样BCIS School Fee Policy2021-2022 年度学费制度1、Tuition 学费The tuition fee covers all the ma

  BCIS School Fee Policy2021-2022 年度学费制度

  1、Tuition 学费

  The tuition fee covers all the major costs in running a high-quality educational program. The tuition fee varies according to grade level, as shown in the tuition fee chart.


  Full payment for returning and new students will guarantee enrollment.


  For new students who enroll after the school year has started, twenty percent of the full annual tuition fee is payable regardless of when the student joins the school. The remaining eighty percent fee is pro-rated monthly according to the time a student is enrolled in school.


  The tuition fee is shown in the chart below. If you would like to make the payment in foreign currency, please contact our school finance office. Bank charges are borne by the payer.


  Tuition fee chart – Annual payment ⼀次性交费付款⾦额bcis是什么学校学费_bcis 学费bcis是什么学校学费_bcis 学费

  Note: For students in Toddler through Kindergarten, snack and lunch are included in the annual tuition fee. School PE uniforms are provided to students in Toddler through Grade 10.注:学校为⼩⼩班⾄⼤班学生免费提供午餐和加餐;为⼩⼩班⾄⼗年级学生免费提供校服。2. Application Fee 申请费A one-time, non-refundable/non-transferable application fee of 3,000 RMB is part of the enrollment process.申请费⼈⺠币 3,000 元是整个招生过程中的⼀部分,且不可退还或转让。3. New Student Fee 新生费A one-time, non-refundable/non-transferable new student fee of 15,000 RMB for new student materials and other ancillary expenses associated with the matriculation of new students will apply. An additional fee for Xperience BCIS will also apply for those who attend the Xperience Summer camp.新生需⼀次性交纳⼈⺠币 15 ,000 元⽤以⽀付迎新介绍、新生资料以及其他与新生入学相关的辅助开⽀,该项费⽤不可退还或转让。此外,拟参加夏季体验营的新生需要额外⽀付体验营费⽤。4. School Bus Fee 校⻋费The School Bus service is contracted to an outsourced bus company. BCIS will collect the bus fees and pass the fees directly to the bus company. The bus company is responsible for providing a Fapiao (if applicable). A non- refundable and non-transferable school bus fee must be paid for the full school year. School bus fees vary according to the distance to the school.学校的校⻋服务由外包公司提供,校⻋费将由学校代收后交付给校⻋公司,并由校⻋公司提供发票(如需要)。校⻋费需按全学年⽀付,不予转让和退还。校⻋费根据离校距离远近⽽不同。School bus fee chart 校⻋费付款⾦额bcis是什么学校学费_bcis 学费bcis是什么学校学费_bcis 学费

  5. Others 其他Students in the IB Diploma Programme (DP) may also request the following services from the IBO: Re- moderation, Examination Retakes, Legalization of Diploma, and Appeals. These services incur additional costs that are not covered by regular fees.IBDP 的学生可能需要获得 IBO 提供的以下服务:考卷综合评估,补考,学历认可及成绩上诉等。这类服务将收取额外费⽤,未包含在学校学费中。6. Payment Schedule 付费时间The payment due dates for fees are indicated on all invoices. Tuition fee must be paid before the due dates indicated on the invoice for a place to be confirmed.所有付款通知单上均注明付款截⽌⽇期。学费必须在付款通知单上注明的付款截⽌⽇期前⽀付,以确保该学生的入学资格。For returning students the fee payment is due by the end of 2021 school year.返校生的付款截⽌⽇期为 2021 学年结束。For newly enrolling students the fee payment is generally 20 days after the invoice has been issued.新入学学生需要在学费付款通知单开具后 20 天内付款。7. Payment Method 付费⽅式We accept payment by RMB bank check, bank transfer and bank card. The school does not accept cash payments.我们接受⼈⺠币⽀票,银⾏转账及银⾏卡付款,不接受现⾦付款。Bank card payments can only be made in person at the BCIS Finance Office. A bank surcharge will be applicable per transaction, a 0.5% surcharge for domestic debit card (upper limit: RMB 20), a 0.6% surcharge for domestic credit card (no upper limit), a 4% surcharge for international cards such as Visa/Master/JCB/American Express/Diners cards (no upper limit). Should the surcharge rate change, the latest one of the banks shall be applied.银⾏卡⽀付:付款⽅如采⽤银⾏卡刷卡付款,请亲⾃到我校财务部办理。每笔刷卡付款将加收⼀定⽐例的银⾏⼿续费:每笔国内储蓄卡刷卡⼿续费为应付费⽤总额的 0.5%(20 元⼈⺠币封顶);每笔国内信⽤卡刷卡⼿续费为应付费⽤总额的 0.6%(上不封顶);每笔国际卡如 Visa/Master/JCB/美运/⼤莱卡⼿续费为 4%(上不封顶)。如有变动请以银⾏最新公布的刷卡费率为准。8. Discounts 折扣In recognition of BCIS 15th Anniversary, Yuecheng Education (YCE) is offering a discount of 2% on the base tuition fees to parents of re-enrolling students, when tuition fees are paid in full before 1st June 2021.为庆祝 BCIS 建校 15 周年,如返校生在 2021 年 6 ⽉ 1 ⽇前⽀付全额学费,乐成教育将提供标准学费百分之⼆的折扣。A discount of 20% on the base tuition fees is available to parents for their legitimate third child or more.如⼀个家庭有三个或更多法定⼦⼥同时在北京乐成国际学校就读,第三个或者更多⼦⼥将享受百分之⼆⼗的学费折扣。9. Responsibility of Payment of Fees 付费责任The student’s parent or guardian is wholly responsible for payment of tuition and other fees by the due date, even in cases where payment may be subsidized by a third party such as the parent’s employer.学生家⻓或监护⼈全权负责学费和其他相关费⽤按时付款;即便付款⼈为第三⽅,如家⻓的雇主,学生家⻓也须全权负责学费和其他相关费⽤按时付款。Once the payment is received by the school, it is deemed that the student’s parent or guardian agrees to the school fee policy.学校收到付款,即视为学生家⻓或监护⼈同意学校的学费制度。10. Refund Policy 退费政策The following are the guidelines and timelines that govern the BCIS Refund Policy. Please note that the calculation to determine the specific amount of the refund will be completed on the actual date that the student withdraws from BCIS. Only subsequent to the actual withdrawal date will the specific calculation be finalized, at which time the process leading to that actual refund will then commence.以下为学校退费政策指导⽅针与执⾏时限条款。谨请注意:具体退费数额将根据学生退学实际⽇期计算。待学生正式退学后,学校将开始进⾏退费计算与相关流程。• A full refund will be given if a formal written notification of withdrawal is received by the relevant Principal (ECC/ES/SS) before July 16, 2021 and the student does not attend any school days for the upcoming year.若学生所在学部的校⻓(幼⼉园/⼩学部/中学部)于 2021 年 7⽉ 16⽇前接收到正式的书⾯退学申请,且该名学生在新学年没有入学上课,将全额退还所缴纳的学费。• A 80% refund will be given if a formal written notification of withdrawal is received by the relevant Principal (ECC/ES/SS) before August 13, 2021 and the student does not attend any school days for the upcoming year. If the student attends any days in Semester 1, tuition fees will be pro-rated based on the attending months, and this amount will be deducted from the refundable 80%.若学生所在学部的校⻓(幼⼉园/⼩学部/中学部)于 2021 年 8 ⽉ 13 ⽇前接收到正式的书⾯退学申请:若该名学生在新学年没有入学上课,将退还百分之⼋⼗的所缴纳学费;若该名学生在第⼀学期就读,按出勤⽉数折算学费,不⾜⼀⽉按⼀⽉计算,将从应返还的百分之⼋⼗的所缴纳学费⾥扣除。• A 40% refund will be given if a formal written notification of withdrawal is received by the relevant Principal (ECC/ES/SS) before November 1, 2021 and the student does not attend any school days for Semester 2. If the student attends any days in Semester 2, tuition fees will be pro-rated based on the attending months and this amount will be deducted from the refundable 40%.若学生所在学部的校⻓(幼⼉园/⼩学部/中学部)于 2021 年 11 ⽉ 1 ⽇前接收到正式的书⾯退学申请,且该名学生在第⼆学期没有入学上课,将退还百分之四⼗的所缴纳学费;若该名学生在第⼆学期仍入学就读,按出勤⽉数折算学费,不⾜⼀⽉按⼀⽉计算,将从应返还的百分之四⼗的所缴纳学费⾥扣除。• No refund will be provided if notification of withdrawal is received by the relevant Principal (ECC/ES/SS) after November 1, 2021.若学生所在学部的校⻓(幼⼉园/⼩学部/中学部)于 2021 年 11 ⽉ 1⽇后接收到退学申请,不予退还学费。Refunds can only be provided after the student completes all necessary withdrawal procedures and has left the school. Any issued Fapiaos should be returned to the school prior to the fees being refunded.退费只有在学生办完离校⼿续,并在离校⽇之后提供。若已开具发票,应先归还发票后办理退费⼿续。A student whose enrollment has been terminated by BCIS may be eligible for a fee refund.被 BCIS 劝退的家庭可能会收到部分学费退款。11. Force Majeure Closing of the Campus 不可抗力导致校园关闭Please note that the school will be unable to refund the fees in the case of campus closure for causes over which the school has no reasonable control.如遇不可抗力⽽需关闭校园,学费不予以退还。12. Statement 声明BCIS reserves the right to make the final decision on the fee policy.BCIS 保留学费政策的最终决定权。bcis是什么学校学费_bcis 学费bcis是什么学校学费_bcis 学费

  北京乐成国际学校(BCIS)是乐成教育的重要成员,成立于2005年, 坐落在北京中心商业区(CBD), 是一所非营利性民办学校。学校秉承“文行忠信”的教育理念,经朝阳区教委批准,在开足开齐并创造性地实施国家课程的基础上,通过引进和吸收中外先进的教育思想、教学方法、管理方法和现代化的教育手段,开展集学前、小学、初中、高中15年一贯制的教育国际化课程与教学改革实验。北京乐成国际学校是一个充满挑战和关爱的国际化学习社区,提供个性化教育,赋予学生力量,激发学习热情。北京乐成国际学校是北京区域内兼收中外籍学生的学校,严谨的治学风格、国际化的教学成果在全球范围广受认可。截至目前,11届逾400名高中毕业生已被全球超过20个国家和地区的大学录取。乐成教育致力于成就有激情有远见的学习者,为旗下乐成国际学校、乐成幼儿园、乐成教育研究院、乐学前沿、乐读前沿等成员机构提供支持。创建时间:2005年接受学生年龄范围:2-18岁年级包含:幼儿园小小班-12年级学校类型:非营利民办学校校园面积:逾60000平方米课程体系:国际文凭(IB)课程(创新性地将中国国家课程融进IB小学课程、中学课程、大学预科课程)中学部11-12年级同时开展乐成自主研发的、与IBDP并驾齐驱的创思文凭课程(IDEATE)寄宿项目:否在校学生人数:1250人是否在教育部注册:BCIS由北京市朝阳区教育委员会批准登记注册,可招收中国和外籍学生是否接受外国国籍学生:是是否接受中国当地学生:是学生国籍:来自28个国家及地区(主要来自中国、美国、加拿大与澳大利亚)主要教学语言:英语其他教学语言:汉语、西班牙语,以及旨在满足国际文凭组织教学需求的课程平均班级人数:幼儿园小小班17人;小班17人;中大班20人;1-12年级24人师生平均比率:1:7学校上课时间:幼儿园小小班至五年级:8:30-15:30,六年级至十二年级:8:15-15:30课余活动:舞蹈、国际象棋、书法、游泳、篮球、排球、足球、烹饪、跆拳道、中国功夫、中国大鼓、时装设计、机器人、编程、电影制片等其他教育项目:英语学习辅导(EAL Support)、学习辅导教学体系、各类咨询与辅导服务奖学金:有,包括学术奖学金与才华奖学金,为激励与培养才华横溢且践行BCIS使命与愿景的学生而设立,九至十二年级学生均可申请各种额度的奖学金,或全部减免或部分减免学费学校设施:乐成主校园共有三座教学楼,超过50间配备有智能教学板的教室。学校设有完备体育设施(游泳馆、足球场、体育馆、健身房),一间可容纳300人的剧院、中学设计与技术工程教室、小学创客教室、艺术教室、个人艺术工作室(为DP11年级与12年级艺术生设立)、科学试验室、2间图书馆、2间餐厅等。荣获美国绿色能源与环境设计先锋奖(LEED)金级认证的幼儿园功能完备,绿色环保,20间教室敞亮,配有公共区域、室内外运动场、根据幼儿身高量身定制的教学示范厨房、体育馆、图书馆与空中花园等。两所校园无限网络全面覆盖,并且配有精密空气过滤系统,PM2.5过滤率达80%以上。校医和护士:主校园与幼儿园各设一个护士站联系方式:主校园地址:北京市朝阳区百子湾南二路77号幼儿园地址:北京市朝阳区东柏街11号预约评估热线:400-0118-798



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