Bone mineral density in the spine decreases first .脊椎中的骨骼密度是最先降低的。If you mri the spine you will often find prolapsed discs .你对脊椎做核磁共振检查的时候,往往会发现椎间盘突出。A helmet , attached by cords to a pelvic harness , cramps my neck and spine .一个头盔,用线和一个盆骨套相连,让我的脖子和脊椎有种抽筋的感觉。An incurable degenerative spine disorder had left him in considerable pain with the prospect of being wheelchair bound .无药可医的退化性脊椎症让他对与轮椅绑在一起的情景感到相当痛苦。Mri rates have skyrocketed-in 2004 , doctors performed three times as many mris of the spine as they did in 1994 .磁共振使用率直线上升2004年,医生为脊椎实施磁共振的次数三倍于1994年。First we need the manilla cardboard for the spine of the cover .首先我们要用到档案袋的牛皮纸来做书脊部分的封面。In the kitchen , father dropped the book on the table , breaking the creased spine even more .在厨房,父亲把书放在桌上,已经断裂的书脊弄得更散了。But how might dim light have brought about dendritic spine changes ?但是昏暗光是如何引起树突棘数量变化的呢?Republicans pray ( literally , I expect ) for mr obama to show more spine on behalf of an uncompromising liberal agenda .共和党祈祷着(我猜,是真正意义上的祈祷)奥巴马能够拿出更多的骨气来,主张毫不妥协的自由议程。Meanwhile , democrats suggested that they viewed the skirmish as a chance to show some spine .以此同时,民主党人称,他们会把此次争端视作一次展现勇气的机会。
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