



  Is there (any) milk in the fridge? 冰箱里有牛奶吗?

  We get a good crop of apples in (the) autumn. 秋天我们的苹果丰收。

  We worked on the project (from) March till June. 我们从3月一直到6月都忙于这项工程。

  I didn’t like the red skirt, so I asked to see another (one). 我不喜欢那条红裙子,所以我要求看另外一条。


  the Gobi (Desert) 戈壁沙漠

  the Kalahari (Desert) 卡拉哈里沙漠

  the Sahara (Desert) 撒哈拉大沙漠


  (Are) Things all right with you? 你情况好吗?

  How long have you known her (for)?一(For) 20 years. 你认识地有多久了?——20年了。

  下面句子中括号内的词大写了首字母,是因为Christian 在此没有小写形式:

  My surname is Smith, my first (Christian) name is John. 我姓史密斯,我的名字叫约翰。


  The girl dreaded going (to go) to school. 这女孩子害怕上学。

  They forced her to sign (into signing) the paper. 他们强迫她在文件上签字。

  It is a good chance to study (of studying) English. 这是学习英语的好机会。

  He survived his wife for (by) five years. 他比他的妻子多活了5年。

  That’s the reason why (for which) he dislikes me. 这就是他不喜欢我的原因。


  At (In) the beginning, our business grew slowly. 一开始时,我们的买卖增长得很慢。

  Over (More than, Above) 100 people were present at the meeting. 参加会议的有100多人。

  What (How much) is the fare for a trip from Bristolto Exeter? 从布里斯托尔到埃克塞特的车费是多少?


  There won’t be any trouble (problems). 不会有麻烦 (问题)。

  The grass was too wet (for us) to sit on. 草地太湿了,(我们)不能坐。

  It’s easy (for me) to make mistakes. (对我来说,)很容易犯错误。


  Is there (Are there) any left? 还有剩的吗?

  We shall be with you at Easter (Christmas). 我们将在复合(圣诞)节来。

  Firstly (First), let me deal with the most important difficulty. 首先,让我来处理最大的困难。


  Having trimmed his smoky lamp (for it was night) with the stem ofhis pipe, the old man put it into his mouth again. 那老人用他的烟斗柄修整了一下他那冒烟的灯(这时是夜晚时分)之后,就又把烟斗塞到嘴里。


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上一篇 2024年 5月 30日 下午5:02
下一篇 2024年 5月 30日 下午5:10

