
arm内核是软件还是硬件啊英文翻译_arm内核是软件还是硬件啊英文翻译arm用作名词 (n.) arm in arm

arm   用作名词 (n.) arm in arm 挽臂,携手 with the arm of one person being passed through the bent arm of the other   bear arms 从军,服兵役 join the army   go to arms 诉诸武力 settle the matter by the use of the army   make a long arm for 伸臂去拿某物 reach arms to catch sth   twist arm 强迫 oblige sb to do sth   用作动词 (v.) arm against( v.+prep. ) 为对付…而武装起来; 对…加以防备 provide defence for oneself or sb with weapons, etc. against sth; guard against   arm against sth   We bought the house to arm against big price rises.   我们买了这处住宅,以防大涨价。 arm sb/oneself against sb/sth   We must arm the people against the lowering of our morals.   我们必须武装人们的头脑,以防我们的道德标准降低。 arm for ( v.+prep. ) 武装…以备 supply sb with weapons for; prepare for   arm for sth   The soldiers armed for battle.   士兵们拿起武器准备战斗。 arm sb/sth for sth   The nation must arm its soldiers for battle.   国家必须为战士提供打仗武器。 arm with ( v.+prep. ) 用…武装; 向…提供 provide sb with weapons; provide with the means to gain sth   arm sb/oneself/sth with sth   They armed him with a rifle.   他们发给他一支步枪。   John had armed himself with an excuse before he went to see the headmaster.   约翰去见校长之前已经为自己准备好了一个借口。   The crowd were armed with broken bottles.   那帮人手中备有碎酒瓶子。   The divers were armed with cameras and collecting gear.   潜水员配备了照相机和收集用具。   A teacher should be armed with answers to questions that his pupils are likely to ask.   一个教师应该准备好学生可能提出的问题答案。   The warship was armed with 16-inch guns.   战舰配有16英寸口径大炮。


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