
sql语句游标的使用_mysql游标的定义与使用Cursors (Transact-SQL)Cursors (Transact-SQL)Article02/28/2023In this articleApplies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed

Cursors (Transact-SQL)   Cursors (Transact-SQL)   Article02/28/2023   In this article   Applies to:
sql语句游标的使用_mysql游标的定义与使用 SQL Server
sql语句游标的使用_mysql游标的定义与使用 Azure SQL Database
sql语句游标的使用_mysql游标的定义与使用 Azure SQL Managed Instance   Microsoft SQL Server statements produce a complete result set, but there are times when the results are best processed one row at a time. Opening a cursor on a result set allows processing the result set one row at a time. You can assign a cursor to a variable or parameter with a cursor data type.   Cursor operations are supported on these statements:   CLOSE   CREATE PROCEDURE   DEALLOCATE   DECLARE CURSOR   DECLARE @local_variable   DELETE   FETCH   OPEN   UPDATE   SET   These system functions and system stored procedures also support cursors:   @@CURSOR_ROWS   CURSOR_STATUS   @@FETCH_STATUS   sp_cursor_list   sp_describe_cursor   sp_describe_cursor_columns   sp_describe_cursor_tables   See Also   Cursors


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