
二叉排序树的查找算法代码实现_二叉排序树查找路径符合什么规则二叉搜索树的结构(30 分) PTA 模拟+字符串处理 二叉搜索树的节点插入和非递归遍历#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include

二叉搜索树的结构(30 分) PTA 模拟+字符串处理 二叉搜索树的节点插入和非递归遍历   #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f; typedef int ElementType; typedef struct TNode *Position; typedef Position BinTree; struct TNode { ElementType Data; Position parent; BinTree Left; BinTree Right; }; void InsertTree(BinTree &T,int k) { if(!T) { T=(BinTree)malloc(sizeof(TNode)); T->Data=k; T->Left=T->Right=T->parent=NULL; //printf(“%d   ”,T->Data); } else { //printf(“11111   ”); Position p=T; Position pre=NULL; while(p) { pre=p; if(p->Data<k) p=p->Right; else p=p->Left; } p=(Position)malloc(sizeof(TNode)); p->Data=k; p->Left=p->Right=NULL; p->parent=pre; if(pre->Data>k) pre->Left=p; else if(pre->Data<k) pre->Right=p; else return ; } } Position Search(BinTree T,int k) { Position p=T; while(p) { if(p->Data>k) p=p->Left; else if(p->Data<k) p=p->Right; else return p; } return NULL; } int GetNumber(BinTree T,int k) { int sum=1; Position p=T; while(p) { if(p->Data>k) p=p->Left; else if(p->Data<k) p=p->Right; else return sum; sum++; } return INF; } int main() { BinTree T=NULL; int n; scanf(“%d”,&n); int v; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { scanf(“%d”,&v); InsertTree(T,v); } int m; scanf(“%d”,&m); getchar(); char s[110]; int v1,v2; for(int i=0; i<m; i++) { scanf(“%d %s”,&v1,s); if(!strcmp(s,”is”)) { scanf(“%s”,s); scanf(“%s”,s); if(!strcmp(s,”root”)) { if(T&&T->Data==v1) printf(“Yes   ”); else printf(“No   ”); continue; } else if(!strcmp(s,”left”)) { Position p1=Search(T,v1); scanf(“%s”,s); scanf(“%s %d”,s,&v2); Position p2=Search(T,v2); if(p2&&p1&&p2->Left==p1) printf(“Yes   ”); else printf(“No   ”); } else if(!strcmp(s,”right”)) { Position p1=Search(T,v1); scanf(“%s”,s); scanf(“%s %d”,s,&v2); Position p2=Search(T,v2); if(p2&&p1&&p2->Right==p1) printf(“Yes   ”); else printf(“No   ”); } else if(!strcmp(s,”parent”)) { Position p1=Search(T,v1); scanf(“%s %d”,s,&v2); Position p2=Search(T,v2); if(p2&&p1&&p2->parent==p1) printf(“Yes   ”); else printf(“No   ”); } } else if(!strcmp(s,”and”)) { scanf(“%d %s”,&v2,s); scanf(“%s”,s); if(!strcmp(s,”siblings”)) { Position p1=Search(T,v1); Position p2=Search(T,v2); if(p1&&p2&&p1->parent==p2->parent) printf(“Yes   ”); else printf(“No   ”); } else if(!strcmp(s,”on”)) { scanf(“%s”,s); scanf(“%s”,s); scanf(“%s”,s); int n1=GetNumber(T,v1); //printf(“%d   ”,n1); int n2=GetNumber(T,v2); if(n1==n2&&n1!=INF) printf(“Yes   ”); else printf(“No   ”); } } } return 0; } /* 5 2 4 1 3 0 8 10 is the root 10 and 100 are siblings 10 and 100 are on the same level 10 is the parent of 100 10 is the left child of 100 100 is the right child of 10 10 and 100 are on the same level 100 is the right child of 10 */


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