
spirit的英语怎么读啊_向用英语怎么说spiritspirit的意思、解释过去式:spirited;  现在分词:spiriting;   复数形式:spirits;spirit 基本解释名词精神,心灵; 情绪; 勇气

spirit   spirit的意思、解释   过去式:spirited;     现在分词:spiriting;   复数形式:spirits;   spirit 基本解释   名词精神,心灵; 情绪; 勇气; 精髓   动词神秘地带走spirit 同义词   spirit的翻译   名词soulvivacitytempervigorlifedispositionheartcouragenaturemind   spirit的翻译spirit 反义词   名词bodyflesh   spirit的翻译spirit 相关词组   spirit的近义词   1. give up the spirit : 死去;   spirit 相关例句   名词   1. He is a proud spirit.   他是个骄傲的人。   2. He said it in a spirit of enmity.   他是怀着敌意说这话的。   3. He drinks beer and wine but no spirits.   他喝啤酒和葡萄酒但不喝烈酒。   4. The spirit of a law is more important than its words.   法律的精神比它的具体条文更重要。spirit 情景对话   求职面试   B:What is your strongest trait?   你个性上最大的特点是什么?   spirit   A:Helpfulness and caringhttps://www.chazidian.com/dict/spirit/Adaptability and sense of humorhttps://www.chazidian.com/dict/spirit/Cheerfulness and friendliness.   乐于助人和关心他人。/适应能力和幽默感/乐观和友爱。   B:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?   你的朋友或同事怎样形容你?   A:They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friendshttps://www.chazidian.com/dict/spirit/They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.   他们说陈先生是位诚实、工作努力,负责任的人,他对家庭和朋友都很关心。/他们说陈先生是位很友好、敏感、关心他人和有决心的人。   spirit在线翻译   B:What personality traits do you admire?   你欣赏哪种性格的人?   A:(I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-goinghttps://www.chazidian.com/dict/spirit/(I like) people who possess the can do spirit.   诚实、不死板而且容易相处的人。/有实际行动的人。spirit 双语例句   1. It shows the positive national spirit of Chinese nation.   北宋末年,北方游牧民族的铁骑长驱直入,掳走徽钦二宗。   2. spirit的解释   2. It was a happy time, but still unfulfilling for the lives of spirit children were of thought alone.   他们很快活,但是认为自己头脑中仍然很空虚的灵魂们多少有些不乐意。   3. spirit的反义词   3. I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination.   我就感觉到你并不具备学习高贵的预言艺术的灵魂。   4. spirit什么意思   4. On the bridging beam of the temple, a spider spun her home there. Due to edified by burning joss stick and devotional sacrifice every day, the spider obtained the spirit of Buddha.   在圆音寺庙前的横梁上有个蜘蛛结了张网,由于每天都受到香火和虔诚的祭拜的熏托,蛛蛛便有了佛性。   5. Dark spirit is cruel go to get billowy and frequent girl with inspiration, once she is in suddenly pay mad state, everywhere hold tight lives the person asks: Does scabbard of neon of さ of trade of easy ruthenium of drop of prize n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor cut?   概要:冥灵是一个暴走和灵感都来得汹涌频繁的姑娘,有一次她忽然处于抓狂状态,四处揪住人就问:你们说我最擅长的是什么?   6. spirit是什么意思   6. Third, there are two cores of spirit of his prose, one is the scholar-officials`s responsibility、innate knowledge、ambition; and the other is the poet`s unique poetic quality.   他的散文成就主要表现在四个方面:一、众体兼备,各有特色;二、其《入蜀记》开创了古代日记体山水游记的先河;三、其文显示了双重的精神内核:封建士大夫的责任与良知、忧患与抱负,诗人所特有的情怀意趣;四、其文显示了独特的艺术魅力。   7. spirit   7. Because a most special spirit, and knowledge and reason and the power of reading dreams and unfolding dark sayings and answering hard questions, were seen to be in him, even in Daniel: now let Daniel be sent for, and he will make clear the sense of the writing.   就因为在他身上具有一种卓越的精神、学识和聪敏,能详解梦境,释谜破惑;君王就将他达尼尔的名字改作贝耳特沙匝。现在就召达尼尔前来,他必能说出其中的意义。   8. Because a greater spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, and interpretation of dreams, and shewing of secrets, and resolving of difficult things, were found in him, that is, in Daniel: whom the king named Baltarsar.   就因为在他身上具有一种卓越的精神、学识和聪敏,能详解梦境,释谜破惑;君王就将达尼尔的名字改作贝耳特沙匝。   9. I am active and have responsibility in work and I have strong spirit of team-work.   奖励情况 08~09学年三等奖学金 2009年参加校党校学习,并毕业自偶评价我自己思想积极要求上进,向党组织靠拢,并取得党课结业证书,适应性强,性格开朗,善于与人沟通,乐于助人。   10. This is the fruit of the spirit.   这也是圣灵的果子。   11. This was the fruit of the Spirit.   这就是圣灵的果子。   12. spirit什么意思   12. PATIENCE is the FRUIT of SPIRIT..   这是我生存的力量。。   13.   13. We have the responsibility to develop the fruit of the Holy Spirit in life.   我们有责任在生命中结出圣灵的果实。   14. I believe unself-consciousness is characteristic of the fruit of the Holy Spirit.   我相信,没有自我意识是圣灵所结果子的特征。   15. The fruit of the Spirit is really the character of Christ being seen in us.   圣灵的果子,就是在我们身上可以见到的基督的品格。   16. Fixes a date finish sale job reporting and contract administer with should receive account money dun; Riches carve out spirit, There is perseverance, Style toughness.   定期完成销售工作报告及合同管理与应收账款催讨;富有开拓精神,有毅力,作风坚韧。   17. spirit是什么意思   17. Fixes a date finish sale job reporting and contract administer with should receive ac money dun; Riches carve out spirit, There is perseverance, Style toughness.   定期完成销售工作报告及合同管理与应收账款催讨;富有开拓精神,有毅力,作风坚韧。   18. A ship in sail, a blooming flower, a town at night, a lovely poem, leaf shadows, a child`s grace, the starry skies, apple trees in spring—the thought of beauty—these are the drops of rain that keep the human spirit from death by draught.   扬帆的航船,绽放的鲜花,夜晚的小镇,优美的诗行,婆娑的树影,孩童的烂漫,漫天的繁星,春天的果树,这些使我们潜生美感的万千景象,音籁和词句,仿佛雨露般滋润着我们干涸的心田。   19.   19. This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.   21耶稣基督降生的事,记在下面:他母亲22马利亚已经许配了约瑟,还没有迎娶,马利亚就从圣23灵怀了孕。   20. I searched deeper into the Spirit of Prophecy and discovered that Sister White brought some of the strongest rebukes against those who would not boldly give the straight testimony and call sin by its right name.   我更加深入地研究预言之灵,发现怀姐妹向那些没有大胆给出直截证言并直指罪名的人发出了最严厉的责备。spirit 词典解释   1. 精神;心灵   Your spirit is the part of you that is not physical and that consists of your character and feelings.   e.g. The human spirit is virtually indestructible…   人的精神实际上是不可摧毁的。   e.g. Marian retains a restless, youthful spirit, in search of new horizons.   玛丽安怀着一颗年轻、不断进取的心去寻求新的天地。   2. 灵魂   A person’s spirit is the non-physical part of them that is believed to remain alive after their death.   spirit什么意思   e.g. His spirit has left him and all that remains is the shell of his body.   他已灵魂出窍,剩下的只是他的躯壳。   3. 鬼魂;幽灵   A spirit is a ghost or supernatural being.   e.g. …protection against evil spirits.   避邪   4. 勇气;意志   Spirit is the courage and determination that helps people to survive in difficult times and to keep their way of life and their beliefs.   e.g. She was a very brave girl and everyone who knew her admired her spirit.   她是个非常勇敢的女孩,认识她的人都敬佩她的勇气。   5. 生命力;精力;活力   Spirit is the liveliness and energy that someone shows in what they do.   e.g. They played with spirit.   他们打得生龙活虎。   6. (对待事物的)态度   The spirit in which you do something is the attitude you have when you are doing it.   e.g. Their problem can only be solved in a spirit of compromise…   他们的问题只能通过妥协来解决。   e.g. They approached the talks in a conciliatory spirit.   他们抱一种和解的态度去参加谈判。   7. (团体成员对团体的)忠诚度   A particular kind of spirit is the feeling of loyalty to a group that is shared by the people who belong to the group.   e.g. There is a great sense of team spirit among the British Olympic squad…   在英国的奥运代表团中有一种强烈的团队精神。   e.g. The president has appealed to the Brazilian people for patriotism and community spirit.   总统已经呼吁巴西人民要有爱国情怀和集体主义精神。   8. 精神(指某一群体特有的思想、信念、目标)   A particular kind of spirit is the set of ideas, beliefs, and aims that are held by a group of people.   e.g. …the real spirit of the Labour movement.   劳工运动的精髓   9. (法律、协议等的)原意,实质,精神   The spirit of something such as a law or an agreement is the way that it was intended to be interpreted or applied.   e.g. The requirement for work permits violates the spirit of the 1950 treaty.   对工作许可证的要求违反了 1950 年条约的精神。   10. (具有特定品质的)人   You can refer to a person as a particular kind of spirit if they show a certain characteristic or if they show a lot of enthusiasm in what they are doing.   spirit   e.g. I like to think of myself as a free spirit…   我愿意把自己看成是个无拘无束的人。   e.g. He was the founder and guiding spirit of New York’s Shakespeare Festival.   他是纽约莎士比亚戏剧节的创始人及领导者。   11. 情绪;心情;兴致   Your spirits are your feelings at a particular time, especially feelings of happiness or unhappiness.   e.g. At supper, everyone was in high spirits…   晚餐时,每个人都兴致勃勃。   e.g. A bit of exercise will help lift his spirits.   进行一点儿体育锻炼能帮助他改善情绪。   12. 把…迅速而秘密地带走   If someone or something is spirited away, or if they are spirited out of somewhere, they are taken from a place quickly and secretly without anyone noticing.   e.g. He was spirited away and probably murdered…   他被秘密带走,可能被杀害了。   e.g. His parents had spirited him away to the country…   他的父母偷偷地将他带到了该国。   13. (威士忌、杜松子酒等)烈性酒   Spirits are strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky and gin.   14. (用作燃料、清洗等用途的)酒精   Spirit or spirits is an alcoholic liquid that is used as a fuel, for cleaning things, or for other purposes. There are many kinds of spirit.   15. 热情地参加   If you enter into the spirit of something, you take part in it in an enthusiastic way.   16. 精神上(在某地或和某人在一起,但实际上本人并不在场)   If you say you are somewhere in spirit or with someone in spirit, you mean that although you are not with them, you feel as though you are with them because you are thinking about them a lot.   e.g. In spirit I was with you here.   我在精神上支持你。   17. 本质上   You use in spirit when you are talking about someone’s true nature.   e.g. They seemed close in spirit to those first independent-minded Turkish women who took professions…   她们在本质上似乎和那些最早出去工作的具有独立思想的土耳其女性很相似。   e.g. It is independent in spirit.   它本质上是独立的。   18. 时代精神   The spirit of the age or the spirit of the times is the set of ideas, beliefs, and aims that is typical of people in a particular period in history.spirit 单语例句spirit的反义词   1. This section mainly includes business ethics and keeping to the spirit of a contract.   2. Despite the urgency of the moment, it is imperative that every country act in a spirit of global solidarity.   3. Russia accused NATO of breaking the spirit of the UN resolution by picking sides in the Libya conflict and openly backing the opposition.   4. The classic landscape was instantly destroyed by the symbol of modernization and the artist lamented the disappearing Chinese spirit.   5. We cannot afford to be left untouched by the festive spirit of the West, which doesn’t mean we follow the West blindly.   6. Ki contended that he was caught up in the crowd’s cacophony and was merely joining the spirit of the moment.   7. The circular called on Party members and officials to grasp the basic spirit of the thought and apply it in dealing with practical matters.   8. That is why Hu called on the Party to improve itself ” in the spirit of reform and innovation “.   9. My father’s ” candle spirit ” has lighted many people’s lives and brought comfort, happiness and improved the standard of living for many.   10. The management of workers and team spirit were new concepts to him, and he observed carefully and learned purposefully during this period of his life.spirit 英英释义   noun   1. a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one’s character   2. an inclination or tendency of a certain kind   e.g. he had a change of heart   Synonym: heart   3. animation and energy in action or expression   e.g. it was a heavy play and the actors tried in vain to give life to it   Synonym: livelinesslifesprightliness   4. the intended meaning of a communication   Synonym: intentpurport   5. any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or audible) to human beings   Synonym: disembodied spirit   6. the vital principle or animating force within living things   7. the state of a person’s emotions (especially with regard to pleasure or dejection)   e.g. his emotional state depended on her opinion   he was in good spirits   his spirit rose   Synonym: emotional state   8. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people   e.g. the feel of the city excited him   a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting   it had the smell of treason   Synonym: tonefeelfeelingflavorflavourlooksmell   verb   1. infuse with spirit   e.g. The company spirited him up   Synonym: spirit upinspirit


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