sputtering是什么意思_sputtering用英语怎么说_sputtering的翻译_sputtering翻译成_sputtering的中文意思_sputtering怎么读,sputtering的读音,sputtering的用法,sputtering的例句 全部 Thin film manganin gages and ytterbium gages were fabricated by magnetron sputtering. 采用磁控溅射法制备锰铜薄膜,溅射和真空蒸发法制备镱薄膜. 互联网 Morgenes went back to his painting, sputtering quietly to himself.
Morgenes又开始画起来, 自言自语. 互联网 The kinetic process of reactive magnetron sputtering has been studied.
研究了反应磁控溅射的动力学过程. 互联网 Boron carbon nitride ( BCN ) thin films were deposited by radio frequency ( RF ) magnetron sputtering .
采用射频 磁控溅射 技术制备出硼碳氮 ( BCN ) 薄膜. 互联网 Reactive magnetic sputtering ( RMS ) is widely used in optical coating preparation.
反应 磁控溅射 广泛应用于制备光学薄膜. 互联网 Technical manuals of a company: glass – sandblasting machine. Glass Sputtering Plant maintenance.
某公司技术操作手册: 玻璃喷砂机. 互联网 The design of a DC sputtering power source was presented.
介绍一种大功率直流溅射恒流电源的设计. 互联网 BCN thin films were grown by RF reactive sputtering.
用射频反应溅射法制备出BCN薄膜. 互联网 Deposition rate is increase quickly with sputtering power.
结果表明溅射功率对沉积速率的影响最大,随溅射功率的增大沉积速率快速增大. 互联网 A whole goat is sputtering over the fire.
一整只被烤的山羊在火上劈啪作响. 互联网 A new method, which synthesizes tantalum film by a sputtering cathode , has been introduced.
介绍了一种新型的在钢铁基体上制备钽薄膜的方法. 互联网 It was also found that Ag is the preferential sputtering element for the AgNi alloys.
并发现该系统Ag是择优溅射素. 互联网 We were all very busy when Bill blew in with a great sputtering.
大家正在忙着,比尔气急败坏地闯了进来. 互联网 The sputtering rate increases with the increase of the cathode voltage and the temperature.
并且随着阴极温度升高,阴极溅射率也随之增加. 互联网 With other global engines of growth sputtering, that’s not to be sneezed at.
在全球其他经济增长引擎都运转不畅的情况下, 这一承诺不容小视. 互联网
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