
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读certainly not是什么意思_certainly not用英语怎么说_certainly not的翻译_certainly not翻译成_certainly not的中文意思_certainly not怎么读,

certainly not是什么意思_certainly not用英语怎么说_certainly not的翻译_certainly not翻译成_certainly not的中文意思_certainly not怎么读,certainly not的读音,certainly not的用法,certainly not的例句   全部   ”Perhaps it would be better if I withdrew altogether.” — “Certainly not!”
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   “也许,我完全退出更好吧。”——“当然不是!”   柯林斯例句   She was certainly not the type to murder her husband.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   她绝不是那种会谋杀亲夫的人。   柯林斯例句   I’m certainly not scared of him.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   我当然不怕他。   柯林斯例句   Doing it once was just about excusable — doing it twice was certainly not.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   这种事干一次也许还可以原谅,干两次就绝对不能了。   《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》   The students were certainly not wanting in enthusiasm.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   学生们当然不乏热情。   《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》   Last, but certainly not least, are the issues of stewardship and ethics.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   最后, 但当然不是微不足道的, 是工作和道德规范的问题.   《简明英汉词典》   She might be a little common at times, but she was certainly not boring.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   她有时候可能有点粗俗,但绝对不会让人生厌。   柯林斯例句   I don’t know just exactly how old his child is, but certainly not older than twenty.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   他的孩子究竟多大我不清楚, 反正不超过20岁.   《现代汉英综合大词典》   He was certainly not cut out to combine the jobs of editing and writing as a journalist.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   他显然做不来记者这种既要编选材料又要动笔写稿的工作。   柯林斯例句   ” I’m certainly not judging others with a petty man’s mind. ”
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   我也决不是以‘不人之心 ’ 推测人的 —— ”   汉英文学 – 围城   That is certainly not how the rest of the Community sees it.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   当然,共同体其他成员并不这样认为.   演讲部分   Not too rich but certainly not poor.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   既不说得太富裕也一点不寒酸.   飘(部分)   Most articles are certainly not palatable to a larger circle.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   大多数文章谈不上适合更多人的胃口.   辞典例句   She would certainly not allow number three to come in.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   她当然不会让这第三位登堂入室.   辞典例句   In any case, I’m certainly not ashamed of what Robert Kincaid and 1 had together.
certainly怎么读英语单词_use用英语怎么读   在我这方面, 我当然决不以同罗伯特.金凯在一起为耻.   英汉文学 – 廊桥遗梦


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