

placing是什么意思_placing用英语怎么说_placing的翻译_placing翻译成_placing的中文意思_placing怎么读,placing的读音,placing的用法,placing的例句   全部配售名次   He needs a high placing in today’s qualifier to reach the final.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   在今天的资格赛中,他必须排名靠前才能进入决赛。   牛津词典   Placing a guard there proved to be your downfall.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   那里被安置一个守卫(无头将军)就是你失策的地方.   期刊摘选   Gifts Suppliers: Developing the gifts suppliers , style designing and placing the order.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   礼品供应商: 进行商务礼品的搜寻和细节设计及定单确认.   期刊摘选   What about placing a trial order?
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   何不先试订货?   期刊摘选   Works again suspended. 1360, made the last major amendments. 1372 placing the top bell completion.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   工程再次暂停.1360年, 作了最后一次重要的修正. 1372年摆放钟的顶层完工.   期刊摘选   We are placing a large order with them.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   (我们将向他们下一笔大定单. )   期刊摘选   Edit a pattern by adding and deleting rows and placing and deleting stitches.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   可以加入或删除行,确定或者删除针法.   期刊摘选   We are thinking of placing an order if the price is reasonable.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   如果价格合理,我们会考虑下订单.   期刊摘选   Both local and long distance can be dialed directly without placing the call through an operator.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   所有本地和长途电话都可直拨,不须要通过电话接线员.   期刊摘选   In unoccupied land , the men staked a claim for themselves by placing markers in the ground.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   土地上, 人们通过在地面上做一些标记来声明自己对土地的所有权.   期刊摘选   Have you thought about placing an ad online?
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   你想过要在网上刊登招聘广告 吗 ?   期刊摘选   We are thinking of placing an order.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   我们正在考虑订货.   期刊摘选   Placing one section inside another . A main step in saddle stitching. Called Insert in United States.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   把一帖套入另一帖的情况. 是骑马订的一个主要工序.   期刊摘选   Once again the assistant , Gayne , began placing papers on the conference table.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   助手 盖恩 又一次把一些票据往会议桌上一摊.   辞典例句   He gave us a warning against placing confidence in people we did not know.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   他告诫我们,不要轻信我们不了解的人.   《简明英汉词典》   A style for placing a frame beside the left margin.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   旁注在左页边距放置的框架的样式.   期刊摘选   When the steel pipe diameter is bigger, the placing concrete extremely facilitated.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   当钢管直径较大时, 浇注混凝土就极为方便了.   期刊摘选   Placing stops at obvious levels not a good idea.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   在明显的位置下止损单不是好主意.   期刊摘选   Ages for will take placing important variety of human and social everyone’s.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   人类社会各方面将发生重大变化的时代.   期刊摘选   He needs a high placing in today’s qualifier to reach the final.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   在今天的资格赛中,他必须排名靠前才能进入决赛。   《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》   She seemed to be placing most of the blame on her mother.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   她好像把大部分责任都推到了母亲身上。   柯林斯例句   The carer will have to do all the work: placing the patient on the seat, strapping him in, taking him off again at the top.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   护工将要全程照顾:将病人抱到座位上,替他系好安全带,到顶层后再将他抱下来。   柯林斯例句   I have overcome this problem by placing a sheet of polythene over the top of the container.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   我在容器上盖了一片聚乙烯塑料薄膜,解决了这个问题。   柯林斯例句   His government is placing its faith in international diplomacy.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   他的政府对国际外交关系充满信心。   柯林斯例句   We should teach the young by placing responsibility on them and by trusting them in real endeavors.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   我们应该通过让年轻人承担责任、令他们进行真正的尝试来教育他们。   柯林斯例句   The smart ones will have already bagged their seats by placing cards on them.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   聪明人早已在座位上放一张卡片占住了位子。   柯林斯例句   The French had floated the idea of placing the diplomatic work in the hands of the UN.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   法国提出将外交工作交由联合国处理的想法。   柯林斯例句   Last year it was convicted and fined under the Trades Descriptions Act for placing For Sale boards on empty homes in the area.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   根据《商品说明法》,去年它因在该地区空宅前摆放“待售”牌而获罪并被处以罚款。   柯林斯例句   Before placing your order for a meal, study the menu.
pleasing翻译_英文翻译成中文   点菜前先仔细看一下菜单。   柯林斯例句


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