spiraling是什么意思_spiraling用英语怎么说_spiraling的翻译_spiraling翻译成_spiraling的中文意思_spiraling怎么读,spiraling的读音,spiraling的用法,spiraling的例句 全部 A smoke is spiraling up from the kitchen chimney. 一缕炊烟袅袅升起. 互联网 That spiraling, darkly modern duet reminded Kauffman of his home image.
旋绕忧郁的现代二重奏使考夫曼想起了他的最初的影象. 互联网 Her perfume was still spiraling away between us after she left.
她离开之后,她的香水味依然停留在我们之间. 互联网 Spiraling inflation is a symptom of a downturn in the business cycle.
通货膨胀扶摇直上,说明商业即将转向萧条. 互联网 European orchid having shorter racemes of strongly spiraling snow – white flowers.
欧洲兰花,花色雪白,总状花序较短、呈螺旋状. 互联网 The bright green leaves unfold in a beautiful spiraling pattern.
绿油油的叶子以一种非常漂亮的螺旋状伸展开来. 互联网 That strangulation scene would send corseted Victorian ladies spiraling to the floor.
那压抑窒息的场景会令穿着紧身束腰的维多利亚时代女子眩晕倒地. 互联网 All this comes top of rising populations and spiraling demand for food, water and other resources.
这一切的到来,将使人类本已面临的人口增长和对食物 、 饮水及其它资源需求日增的问题雪上加霜. 互联网 A white sheep of a breed originating in England, characterized a long head with spiraling horns.
威尔特羊原产于英格兰的一种羊, 特点是头长、”.’角’.””.’螺旋’. ”形. 互联网 Tough economic conditions and the spiraling cost of living have helped diminish appeal of male children.
困难的经济状况以及不断攀升的生活成本也是人们生男孩意愿下降的因素. 互联网 A negative spiral ( or vicious cycle ) occurs when the spiraling has an increasingly disintegrative effect.
当螺旋有着越来越合为一体的影响的时候, 螺旋式 增长会发生. 互联网 All this top of rising populations and spiraling demand for food, water and other resources.
当这一切都发生时,紧随而来的是人口的不断增长,以及对食物 、 饮水及其他资源不断增加的需求. 互联网 With the global apparel will be gradually reduced as a stylish, platinum jewelry consumption spiraling.
随着全球服饰渐渐将简约奉为时尚, 铂金饰品的消费节节攀升. 互联网 Watch the ball wind down spiraling slopes , escape the windmill’s blade, and drop into the hole.
观察风的角度,避免风力的影响, 一杆进洞. 互联网
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