
spiders怎么读的_英语在线发音spiders1. Most European spiders don’t bite.大多数欧洲蜘蛛不咬人。《牛津词典》2. Are you afraid of spiders?你怕蜘蛛吗?《牛津词典》3. Spiders can live for several days

spiders   1. Most European spiders don’t bite.大多数欧洲蜘蛛不咬人。   《牛津词典》2. Are you afraid of spiders?你怕蜘蛛吗?   《牛津词典》3. Spiders can live for several days without food.蜘蛛几天不吃食依然可存活。   《牛津词典》4. There are hundreds of poisonous spiders and snakes.有数百种毒蜘蛛和毒蛇。   《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》5. I know he’s an ex-champion boxer, but he can be a big baby sometimes! He hates spiders.我知道他是前拳击冠军,但有时他像个大孩子!他恨蜘蛛。   《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》6. Do English people like spiders?英国人喜欢蜘蛛吗?   youdao7. I hope spiders come back later.我希望蜘蛛们再晚点儿来。   youdao8. Some spiders can walk on water.有些蜘蛛能在水上行走。   youdao9. My mother is afraid of spiders.我妈妈害怕蜘蛛。   youdao10. My grandmother hate spiders.我的外婆讨厌蜘蛛。   youdao11. How many spiders do you see?你看见了多少蜘蛛?   youdao12. Why should spiders be our friends?蜘蛛为什么是我们的朋友?   youdao13. Why spiders live in webs?蜘蛛为什么住在网上?   youdao14. Why do spiders make webs?为什么蜘蛛要织网?   youdao15. Your house is teaming with spiders.你的房屋被蜘蛛所包围。   youdao16. He’s afraid of spiders.他害怕蜘蛛。   youdao17. Many spiders make webs to catch food.许多蜘蛛都是靠织网来捕捉食物的。   youdao18. Tell us about spiders.和我们讲讲蜘蛛。   youdao19. The baby spiders grow up very quickly.蜘蛛宝宝很快就长大了。   youdao20. You have to know the number of spiders.你需要确定蜘蛛的数量。   youdao21. Do cats eat spiders?猫吃蜘蛛吗?   youdao22. Do you like spiders?你喜欢蜘蛛吗?   youdao23. Many spiders can travel along under water.很多蜘蛛能够在水下爬行。   youdao24. Spiders live in almost everywhere on earth.蜘蛛几乎生活在地球上的任何地方。   youdao25. There are no spiders in the coldest places.在最冷的地方没有蜘蛛。   youdao26. Yes, many cats will eat insects and spiders.是的,许多猫会吃昆虫和蜘蛛。   youdao27. Spiders are not insects as many people believe.与许多人的认识不同,蜘蛛不是昆虫。   youdao28. How much time do spiders spend in killing insects?蜘蛛用多长时间消灭害虫?   youdao29. She’s studying babies’ fears of spiders and snakes.她研究了婴儿对蜘蛛和蛇的恐惧。   youdao30. Spiders usually have silk glands under their abdomen.蜘蛛通常在腹部下有丝腺。   youdao


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