
frid的中文意思_卡西欧fri是什么意思friedSo that’s two fries, two orders of fries, two large fries.是两份薯条 点两份薯条 两份大薯…shrimp gumbo, pan fried, deep f

fried   So that’s two fries, two orders of fries, two large fries.   是两份薯条 点两份薯条 两份大薯   …shrimp gumbo, pan fried, deep fried, stir fried.   虾浓汤 平锅煎虾 油炸虾 清炒虾   In the other frying pan I fried my black pudding off, returned that to a plate then put the scallops in and fried those off.   在煎锅里煎熟血肠 装进盘子 放扇贝 煎熟   It’ll fry your brain, dip it in batter and fry it again.   它会让你的脑子沸腾 搅成糊以后 再次沸腾   It fries well, it colours well and once it’s fried, it’s got that fluffy middle.   不仅适合油炸而且颜色十分好看 油炸过后内部还很松软   For prizewinning fried eggs, fry them in oil, adding a tablespoon of water and then cover.   要想煎一个完美的荷包蛋 蛋放进油中 加一小勺水 然后盖上锅盖   You were even happier than the time you ordered regularsize fries and they actually brought you large fries instead.   甚至比那次 你点了中份薯条 结果他们给你上了大份薯条还要高兴   So hang on, I’ll fry that out slightly.   你继续 我再稍微煎一下   Obviously you’re off the hook for those fries.   显然你不必费心约我吃薯条了   If I do this, I’m going to fry your work.   如果我这么做 你们的努力将付之一炬


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