
python读取多个excel文件_python编程在 Python 中 同时读取两个文件可以通过以下几种方法实现 1 使用多个 open 函数 pythonfile1 open file1 txt r file2 open file2 txt r for line in file1 处理 file1 的内容 pass for line in file2 处理 file2 的内容 pass file1


1. 使用多个`open()`函数:

 file1 = open("file1.txt", "r") file2 = open("file2.txt", "r") for line in file1: 处理file1的内容 pass for line in file2: 处理file2的内容 pass file1.close() file2.close() 

2. 使用`with`语句同时打开多个文件:

 with open("file1.txt", "r") as file1, open("file2.txt", "r") as file2: for line in file1: 处理file1的内容 pass for line in file2: 处理file2的内容 pass 

3. 使用列表存储文件名,循环打开文件:

 filenames = ["file1.txt", "file2.txt"] files = [] for filename in filenames: file = open(filename, "r") files.append(file) for file in files: 对每个文件进行操作 pass 

4. 使用生成器和`zip`函数:

 def gen_line(fname): with open(fname, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: yield line.strip() gens = [gen_line(fname) for fname in filenames] for a, b in zip(*gens): print("\t".join([a, b])) 

5. 使用`itertools.zip_longest`确保迭代完所有文件内容:

 from itertools import zip_longest def gen_line(fname): with open(fname, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: yield line.strip() gens = [gen_line(fname) for fname in filenames] for a, b in zip_longest(*gens): print("\t".join([a, b])) 

6. 使用`fileinput`模块:

 import fileinput for line in fileinput.input(["file1.txt", "file2.txt"], inplace=True): print(line, end='') 


上一篇 2025-03-13 13:24
下一篇 2025-02-07 13:42


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