1. 使用`replace`方法:
original_string = "Hello world! Hello Python!"
new_string = original_string.replace("Hello", "Hi")
print(new_string) 输出:Hi world! Hi Python!
2. 使用`translate`方法和`str.maketrans`方法:
original_string = "Hello world! Hello Python!"
trans = str.maketrans("Hello", "Hi")
new_string = original_string.translate(trans)
print(new_string) 输出:Hi world! Hi Python!
3. 使用`re.sub`方法(正则表达式):
import re
original_string = "Hello world! Hello Python!"
new_string = re.sub("Hello", "Hi", original_string)
print(new_string) 输出:Hi world! Hi Python!
4. 使用`str.replace`方法的批量替换功能:
replacements = {
"apple": "orange",
"banana": "grape",
"cherry": "melon"
original_string = "I like apple, banana, and cherry."
new_string = batch_replace(original_string, replacements)
print(new_string) 输出:I like orange, grape, and melon.
5. 使用`str.replace`方法指定最大替换次数:
original_string = "Hello, world! Hello, world!"
new_string = original_string.replace("world", "Python", 1)
print(new_string) 输出:Hello, Python! Hello, world!
6. 替换文本文件中的单词:
def replace_word(file_path, old_word, new_word):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
content = file.read()
new_content = content.replace(old_word, new_word)
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
replace_word("test.txt", "old", "new") 替换test.txt文件中的"old"为"new"
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