spin 是什么意思英语_spin是什么意思英语翻译

spin 是什么意思英语_spin是什么意思英语翻译spin是什么意思_spin翻译_读音_用法_翻译vipkid提供spin是什么意思、spin英语单词推荐、spin英语解释、spin相关词、spin英语短语英音 [spɪn] 美音 [spɪn]【中文释义】


  英音 [spɪn] 美音 [spɪn]


  vi. 纺纱;吐(丝),作(茧),结网;快速旋转;眩晕;

  vt. 纺(线);吐丝,将…抽成丝;讲述,尤指通过想象地;使延长,使延伸;

  n. 旋转的行为;快速的旋运动;眩晕;疾驰;



a swift whirling motion (usually of a missile)

  the act of rotating rapidly;

  ”he gave the crank a spin”

  ”it broke off after much twisting”

  a short drive in a car;

  ”he took the new car for a spin”

  rapid descent of an aircraft in a steep spiral

  a distinctive interpretation (especially as used by politicians to sway public opinion);

  ”the campaign put a favorable spin on the story”


revolve quickly and repeatedly around one’s own axis;

  ”The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy”

  stream in jets, of liquids;

  ”The creek spun its course through the woods”

  cause to spin;

  ”spin a coin”

  make up a story;

  ”spin a yarn”

  form a web by making a thread;

  ”spiders spin a fine web”

  work natural fibers into a thread;

  ”spin silk”

  twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation;

  ”The President’s spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrassing”

  prolong or extend;

  ”spin out a visit”


  Crispin n. 鞋匠;

  backspin n. (指球)回旋,倒旋,下旋;

  clothespin n. 晒衣绳上夹衣服之夹子;

  downspin n. (经济形势等)突然下降,急降,(房价、生产率等的)急剧下跌(或下滑、下挫),急转直下,日趋恶化; 滑坡;

  isospin n. 同位旋;

  sidespin n. 侧旋;边自旋;

  spinach n. 菠菜;<俚>胡说八道;

  spinal adj. 脊柱的,与脊柱有关的;针的,刺的;棘状突起的; adv. 在脊骨方面,压着脊骨; n. [医]脊髓麻醉;

  spindle n. 纺锤,纱锭;轴;细长的人或物;[生]纺锤体; adj. 像锭子的,绽子似的;细长的; vt. 装锭子于;长成细长茎;用纺锤形锉打眼; vi. 长得细长;

  spindling n. 细长的人或物; v. 纺锤,纱锭( spindle的现在分词 );轴;

  spindly adj. (尤指腿)细长的,纤弱的;

  spindrift n. 海浪的飞沫;灰尘;浪花;

  spine n. 脊柱;脊椎;(动植物的)刺;书脊;

  spinel n. 尖晶石;

  spineless adj. <贬>没有骨气的,懦弱的;(动物)无脊椎的;

  spinelle n. 尖晶石;

  spinescent adj. 有刺的;

  spinet n. 小型拨弦古钢琴;竖琴,古竖琴;小钢琴;

  spiniferous adj. 多刺的,具刺的;

  spinifex n. 三齿稃;

  spinnaker n. 大三角帆;

  spinner n. 纺纱机;纺纱工;(钓鱼用)旋式诱饵;

  spinneret n. 喷丝头;

  spinney n. 矮林,灌木林;

  spinning n. 纺纱; v. 使…旋转( spin的现在分词 );纺(线);杜撰;(使)急转身;

  spinocerebellar [医] 脊髓小脑的;

  spinoff n. 将子公司股票分配给母公司股东,续集;

  spinose adj. 有刺的;

  spinous adj. 多刺的,刺状的,难弄的;

  spinout n. (汽车的)回形滑行;

  spinster n. 未婚女人,老处女;

  spinthariscope n. 闪烁镜;

  spinto adj. (尤指女高音或男高音)抒情兼戏剧性的;

  spinule n. 微刺;小刺;

  spinulose adj. 有小刺的,长满小刺的,小刺状的;

  spiny adj. 长满刺的,多刺的,带刺的; n. 多刺的东西;

  tailspin n. 旋尾降落;混乱,慌乱; vi. (飞机)打着尾旋坠落;

  topspin n. <网球>上旋;

  underspin n. (球的)下旋;


  antiparallel spin 反平行自旋;

  pivot spin 掩护者的转身动作;

  spin alignment 自旋排列;

  Haines spin [体]单脚蹲转;

  precision spin 精确螺旋;

  spin isomer 自旋异构体;

  clockwise spin 顺旋;

  spin of π-meson π介子的自旋;

  spin acceleration 旋转加速度;

  spin label 自旋标记物;

  vehicle spin 飞行器螺旋;

  spin-spin [医]自旋-自旋的,自旋间的;

  spin spin interaction [医]自旋间相互作用(核磁共振术语);

  spin-spin splitting 自旋裂分;

  spin-spin coupling 自旋自旋耦合;

  spin-spin energy 自旋自旋能;

  spin-spin decoupling [医]自旋去偶;

  spin-spin coupling constant [化] 自旋-自旋偶合常数;

  spin-spin relaxation time [医]自旋-自旋弛豫时间;

  spin-spin interaction 自旋间相互作用;

  spin-spin relaxation 自旋自旋弛豫;


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