the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译

the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译nightingale是什么意思_nightingale用英语怎么说_nightingale的翻译_nightingale翻译成_nightingale的中文意思_nightingale怎么读,nightingale的读音,nightingale的用法,nightingale的例句全部夜莺

nightingale是什么意思_nightingale用英语怎么说_nightingale的翻译_nightingale翻译成_nightingale的中文意思_nightingale怎么读,nightingale的读音,nightingale的用法,nightingale的例句   全部夜莺   The nursing of the sick , said Florence Nightingale, is a vocation as well as a profession.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   [误译]丁格尔说, 看护患者不仅是一种职业,更是假期.   期刊摘选   In the dead of night I heard the singing of a nightingale.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   深夜我听到了夜莺的歌唱.   期刊摘选   Than the poet himself a nightingale, their admiration for the love hailed as the Nightingale roses.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   诗人把自己比作为夜莺, 自己的爱情喻为仰慕着夜莺的玫瑰.   期刊摘选   Nightingale pressed on , and in 1853 she became superintendent of a small London hospital.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   南丁格尔却坚持不渝, 并在1853年成为伦敦一家小医院的院长.   期刊摘选   After the Crimean War, Nightingale was almost as famous as the Queen of England.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   克里米亚战争结束后, 南丁格尔的名气几乎和英女王并驾齐驱.   期刊摘选   I shall not hear the nightingale Sing on as if in pain.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   听不见那夜莺如泣如诉的哀曲.   期刊摘选   The little nightingale sang and sang.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   小夜莺唱了又唱.   期刊摘选   If you know about Nightingale, what else can I possibly tell you?
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   如果你知道夜莺我还能告诉你什么?   电影对白   On her return to England people greeted Florence Nightingale as a heroine.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   当她返回英国时,人们把弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔作为女英雄来欢迎.   期刊摘选   Except I be Silvia in the night, there is no music in the nightingale.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   如果夜晚不能依偎在思维亚身旁, 夜莺的歌唱也不悦耳.   期刊摘选   The nightingale? I know nothing about it.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   夜莺? 我对它一无所知.   期刊摘选   The nightingale sings sweetly at night.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   这只夜莺夜里唱得很好听.   期刊摘选   And, dying, it above its own agony to outcarol the lark and the nightingale.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   在奄奄一息的时刻, 它超脱了自身的痛苦,而那歌声使云雀和夜莺都黯然失色.   期刊摘选   This is a magpie and that’s a nightingale.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   这是只喜鹊,那是一只夜莺.   期刊摘选   Florence Nightingale was basically arguing for prevention rather than cure.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔的基本主张是防患于未然.   期刊摘选   At the moment, the English bear the name, Nightingale in mind.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   这时候, 英国人民都在呼唤着南丁格尔的名字.   期刊摘选   Florence Nightingale ws the soul of the movement to reform nursing.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   南丁格尔是改革护理运动的灵魂人物.   期刊摘选   Florence Nightingale dreamed of being a nurse.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   弗罗伦斯?南丁格尔梦想着成为一名护士.   期刊摘选   In recognition, Queen Victoria awarded Miss Nightingale the Royal Red Cross in 1883.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   一八八三年, 维多利亚女王颁授皇家红十字勋章给南丁格尔小姐,以示褒扬.   期刊摘选   Shall the nightingale offend the stillness of the night, or the firefly the stars?
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   夜驾会冒犯静夜, 萤火虫会冒犯星空么?   期刊摘选   Next, I will tell you a story about Florence Nightingale.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   下面, 我将为大家讲一个关于弗罗伦斯?南丁格尔的故事.   期刊摘选   The music of the nightingale sounds very sweet.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   夜莺的啭鸣听起来非常悦耳.   期刊摘选   I had promised Nightingale to attend the lecture.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   我已答应南丁格尔参加演讲.   《简明英汉词典》   Except I Sylvia in the night, there is no music in the nightingale.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   除非夜晚依偎在希尔薇亚身旁, 否则夜莺的歌唱也不会悦耳.   期刊摘选   The girl has as sweet a voice as the nightingale.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   这个姑娘的歌喉像夜莺一样委婉.   期刊摘选   Thou alone, as the nightingale sings!
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   你形单影只的站在夜莺啼唱时分!   期刊摘选   Last night the nightingale woke me.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   昨晚夜莺将我唤醒.   期刊摘选   Let me introduce you to my friend Nightingale.
the nightingale 翻译_night after night翻译   让我把你介绍给我的朋友南丁格尔.   《简明英汉词典》


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