temps是什么意思,temps怎么读,temps的意思是:临时雇员,(尤指)临 There is more outsourcing abroad , more automation , more conversion of full-time jobs to temps and contracts , and a stagnant median wage .海外代工增多、自动化更加普及、有更多的全职岗位变成了临时与合同工岗位,工资中值停止增长。As business came back forcefully this year , the group rapidly re-hired temps and switched back to full production and in some areas even special extra shifts .今年,随着业务强劲复苏,该集团很快又开始聘用临时工、并重新全力投产,有些地区甚至还专门增设了班次。And then you started sampling the local flavor in bon temps .然后你就去良辰镇品尝当地风味了。This will dramatically increase your tyre temps and mean you have to run less aggressive camber and pressures to make them last the race .这会使胎温剧增,你必须调小轮胎倾角和压力,使它们能够完成比赛。Because they can hire temps almost instantly , there is little need to hire in anticipation of a pickup in business .因为他们几乎可以随时招到临时工,所以也就不必为预期业务好转而提前招聘。He spoke with le temps from dharamsala .他采访了乐从达兰萨拉临时工。Management , unions and temps all hate the law , for different reasons .管理层、工会、工人都恨这项法案,基于不同的原因。Tropical biodiversity can thank steady temps热带生物多样性应该感谢衡稳高温Pilots at klm could take on more menial tasks over the summer , normally left to temps working as ground staff .荷兰航空(klm)的飞行员今年夏季可承担更多非技术性工作,这些工作通常由临时聘用的地勤人员负责。Except in antarctic temps , there ‘s rarely a reason to wear a t-shirt , hoodie and blazer all at once , like tom prefers .除非在南极,否则没有什么理由像汤姆所喜欢的那样,同时穿一件t恤,连帽衫和休闲西装。
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