
pat的英文发音pat用作动词 (v.) pat down (v.+adv.)

pat   用作动词 (v.) pat down (v.+adv.) 轻轻地拍平 make (sth) lie flat by hitting it gently   pat sth ⇔ down   She patted down unruly wisps of hair.   她用手把翘起的头发轻轻拍平。   The cook patted down some lumps in the pastry.   厨师在馅饼上轻轻地拍进几块糖。 pat on (v.+prep.) 轻拍 touch (usually sb or an animal) lightly and quickly on (usually a part of the body)   pat sb/sth on sth   He patted the boy on his head.   他轻轻地拍了拍这个男孩的头。   It’s safe to pat the dog on its back but not on its nose.   拍狗的脊背可以,但可别拍它的鼻子。   Most children dislike being patted on the head.   大部分儿童不喜欢别人拍自己的头。 pat on the back (v.+prep.+n.) 鼓励或赞扬… show pride in the ability or action of; encourage or praise sb or oneself   pat sb/oneself on the back   When he won the first place in the high jump, everyone patted him on the back and congratulated him.   他获得跳高第一名时,大家向他表示赞扬和祝贺。   All the members of the team gathered round him, patting him on the back.   所有队员都围在他的四周对他表示称赞。   Her performance wasn’t so wonderful— I don’t know why she has to pat herself on the back.   她的演出并不十分完美——我不懂她为何沾沾自喜。 用作名词 (n.) a pat on the back 鼓励,赞扬show pride in the ability or action of


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