
excep是什么意思strivinglystrivingly1. “Zi qiang bu xi” means to constantly strive to improve, right?“自强不息”就是说自己努力向上?2. Strive for op

strivingly   strivingly   1. “Zi qiang bu xi” means to constantly strive to improve, right?   “自强不息”就是说自己努力向上?   2. Strive for optimum, not maximum, performance.   不求最多、最花哨,只求最适宜。   3. Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.   不要为成功而拼搏,而要为具有价值而拼搏。   4. Strive not to be a success,but rather to be of value.   不要为成功而拼搏,而要为具有价值而拼搏。   5. World in our hands, as long as we strive to.   世界在我们手中,只要我们努力.   6. Two dogs strive for a bone, the third runs away with it.   两狗相争一骨头,第三只狗衔起走。   7. China is indeed a country to strive for civilization and courtesy.   中国人不愧是讲文明讲礼貌的国家。   8. The Chinese girls strive to excel, good is attractive!   中国姑娘好强,好漂亮!   9. For love,strive!come on!and succeed!   为了爱情,努力,加油,必胜!!!   10. To the ideal would be to strive for.   为了理想,会努力奋斗地去争取.   11. Why both good and laggard students strive to study abroad?   为何“良”“莠”学生竞相出国?   12. Strive to build a modern powerful socialist country!   为建设一个现代化的社会主义强国而努力奋斗。   13. Let all of us strive for our great nation!   为我们伟大的祖国,努力起来吧!   14. Strive to build China into a powerful socialist country!   为把中国建成社会主义强国而奋斗!   15. Strive for the successful fulfilment of the First Five-Year Plan !   为胜利地完成第一个五年计划而斗争!   16. You should strive to write secure code.   也应尽量编写安全的代码。   17. To strive in controversy or debate; dispute.   争论在争论或辩论中据理力争;辩论   18. People have been enquqed for cash strive forever.   人一生都在为做¥的奴隶而奋斗!   19. Most people strive for wealth.   人们大都追求财富。   20. My spirit shall not always strive with man, for he is flesh.   人既然随从肉体行事,我的灵不会和他们一直相争下去。   21. Prepare for the worst; strive for the best.   从坏处着想,往好处努力。   22. He had not been brought up to strive with men, but with words.   他从小受到的教育是和文字打交道,不是和人打交道。   23. All of them strive for success.   他们全部都力争取得成功。   24. And they strive to achieve consensus out of conflict.   他们力图在矛盾冲突中求得意见协调。   25. They strive hard to make greater progress.   他们努力争取更大的进步。   26. He is in training as to strive for the next Games.   他在为下一届奥运会而进行着训练,准备再搏一次。   27. He had to strive against fears.   他必须同恐惧进行斗争。   28. He has to strive for good grades.   他必须竭力争取好成绩。   29. Strive for further development with untiring efforts.   以不懈的努力追求更广阔的发展。   30. Pln e the people first, strive to create a harmonious society.   以民为上,建设和谐的社会。   31. Any sage politician would strive with might and main to avoid it.   任何贤明的政治家都会全力避免它。   32. Yet strive I to embrace mine infamy.   但我仍奋力以赴,去承接我的恶名。”   33. Strive for the best, prepare for the worst.   作最坏的打算, 争取最好的结果。   34. You can not strive to be above nature, and still be yourself.   你不能力争在自然之上,而同时依然是你自己。   35. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.   你们可以为培养他们倾尽全力,却无法让他们效仿你。   36. You should continue to strive for unity, because unity is strength.   你们应该继续要求统一,因为统一才有力量。   37. You are good when you strive to give of yourself.   你全心的奉献自己时,那你就是善。   38. You must also strive to lead by example.   你同时也必须争取做出表率。   39. You did not work hard enough. You must strive to work harder.   你学习不够努力。你必须更努力些。   40. Strive to be what you wish to appear.   你希望自己如何表现,就努力做去.   41. You must strive to create a meaningful and persuasive answers.   你必须努力打造一个有意义的并且有说服力的答案。   42. You must strive for better marks.   你必须努力,争取更好成绩。   43. You must understand that and strive for balance in your life. How?   你必须懂得这一点,并努力寻求生活中的平衡。那么,该怎么做呢?   44. You must understand that and strive for balance in you life.   你必须明白这一点,并在生活中竭力取得平衡。   45. Let’s strive forward hand in hand!   你我携手向前!   46. You continuously strive for self-improvement.   你继续为自我提高而奋斗.   47. Do you strive to be number one?   你至今还在为其努力的是你玩的第一个号吗?   48. You are a professional ? you strive for excellence.   你训练有素,努力优秀。   49. Strive for a clean font style for maximum readability.   使用辨识性好的字体。   50. Perfectionists always strive for perfection.   做事绝不苟且,力求尽善尽美。   51. Do not strive to better learning!   做的不好!努力学习中!   52. Mr.Roh has kindled expectations that he must strive to live up to.   先生激起了人们期望,所以现在必须努力不辜负这种期望。   53. This is what the youth of the whole country must strive for.   全国青年应当为此而努力。   54. Strive to be listed in Nasdaq or London Stock Exchange.   力争在美国纳斯达克或英国伦敦交易所上市。   55. Strive for progress, not perfection.   力争进步,勿求完美。   56. Strive to know our higher self.   力图了解我们的更高自我。   57. To seek to win or attain something; strive.   力求企图得到或赢得某物;力求   58. Strive for breakthrough in system and technological innovation.   力求在体制创新、技术创新方面有所突破。   59. Strive to understand the causes behind every figure.   努力了解每个数字背后的意义。   60. Strive hard to make greater progress.   努力争取更大的进步。   61. Strive to have 3-5 members per interface.   努力使每个接口拥有3-5个成员。   62. We should strive for the peaceful reunification of the motherland.   努力实现和平统一。   63. Strive to achieve leapfrog technological progress.   努力实现技术发展的跨越。   64. Strive to get the maximum NPS (note per second).   努力将曲子吹到最快的速度。   65. Strive to improve the service level of development.   努力提高服务业发展水平。   66. Strive to improve one’s performance.   努力提高演技。   67. Dare to strive for success, dare to challenge limit.   勇于拼搏,挑战极限;   68. Historian should strive after objectivity.   历史学家应当力求做到客观。   69. To strive, to seek, to find, and not yield.   去努力,去追求,永不退却,永不屈服!   70. To strive, to seak, and to find, not to yield.   去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但不要放弃。   71. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.   去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但不言放弃。   72. To strive, to seek, to find, but never to yield…   去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但永远不要放弃!   73. It is not enough merely to wish for peace; we must strive for it.   只希望和平是不够的,我们一定要去争取它。   74. It is not enough merely to wish for peace;we must strive for it.   只希望和平是不够的,我们一定要去争取它。   75. You must strive for success.   只有奋斗才能成功!   76. It’s better to strive for the future than to regret the past.   后悔过去不如为将来而奋斗。   77. The advanced strive to catch with the more advanced.   后进赶先进。   78. Breathe fresh air,strive to be a new I!   呼吸新鲜的空气,努力做一个全新的自己.!   79. How Will the State Owned Enterprises Strive for Talents?   国企如何应对人才争夺战?   80. We strive to do our best at every possible segment.   在每一个可能的环节,我们都力求做到最好。


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