at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置

at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置at first是什么意思_at first用英语怎么说_at first的翻译_at first翻译成_at first的中文意思_at first怎么读,at first的读音,at first的用法,at first的例句全部He walked towards the summerhouse

at first是什么意思_at first用英语怎么说_at first的翻译_at first翻译成_at first的中文意思_at first怎么读,at first的读音,at first的用法,at first的例句   全部   He walked towards the summerhouse, at first furtively, then with more confidence.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   他朝凉亭走去,开始还偷偷摸摸地,后来就壮大了胆子。   柯林斯例句   Dart, who had at first been very tense, at last relaxed.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   起初,达特非常紧张,最后终于放松了下来。   柯林斯例句   At first I really didn’tcare whether he came or not.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   起先我真的不在乎他是否会来。   柯林斯例句   At first, he was blissfully unaware of the conspiracy against him.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   起初,他幸好不知道那些针对他的阴谋。   柯林斯例句   At first I felt very resentful and angry about losing my job.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   起初我对丢掉工作感到非常怨恨和恼怒。   柯林斯例句   At first it looked like I was going to win by acclamation.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   起初看起来我会以口头表决的方式获胜。   柯林斯例句   At first I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   起初,我姑且相信了他。   柯林斯例句   At first we chatted agree-ably about his trips to London and Paris.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   一开始,我们愉快地聊起他的伦敦和巴黎之行。   柯林斯例句   It’sa bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   刚开始有点儿难,掌握窍门后就好了。   柯林斯例句   You will find it hard at first, but stick at it.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   你会发现刚开始时有点难,但要坚持下去。   柯林斯例句   I had some difficulty at first recalling why we were there.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   刚开始回想我们为什么会在那儿时我有些费劲。   柯林斯例句   I thought at first that Jay had been stirring things up.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   我起初认为杰伊一直在挑起事端。   柯林斯例句   She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   她起初平静地接受了,但内心却气呼呼的。   柯林斯例句   At first glance, organic farming looks much more expensive for the farmer.
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   乍一看,有机耕作对农民而言似乎花费大多了。   柯林斯例句   Being a mother isn’t as bad as I thought at first!
at first怎么读音发音_at first用在什么位置   做母亲并不像我一开始想的那样糟!   柯林斯例句


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