
kinds英语什么意思_curious是什么意思中文kindling是什么意思,kindling怎么读,kindling的意思是:引火柴Crumple a few sheets into balls and place them in with piles of kin

kindling是什么意思,kindling怎么读,kindling的意思是:引火柴   Crumple a few sheets into balls and place them in with piles of kindling .将报纸弄皱攒成球状,把它们和劈柴放在一起。Coal and kindling all in the shed in the backyard .煤,劈柴,都在后院小屋里。Not one cent for the store and not one cent for that kindling factory of yours .一分钱也不能花在你那个商店上,一分钱也不能花你那劈柴厂上。Sappy maple trees ; sappy kindling wood .多树液的枫树;多汁的燃木。Sometimes I use newspapers as kindling .我有时用报纸点火。A genius is a power for kindling oneself .天才就是点燃自身的力量。Money cannot buy the fuel of love , but is excellent kindling .金钱无法买到爱情燃料,但它却是绝好的引火物。Other mummies , mainly those of animals , became kindling in homes and steam engines .其它的木乃伊,主要是动物木乃伊,则成为家用及蒸汽机的燃料。As charcoal to embers and as wood to fire , so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife .好争竞的人煽惑争端,就如余火加炭,火上加柴一样。I will need something for kindling , shethoughttoherself.


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