sprinkler [‘spriŋklə] sprinkler [‘spriŋklə] 英汉解释 n. 洒水车;洒水器 参考例句 1. to sprinkler the office building
给办公楼安装喷水灭火装置 2. Are the pipes of the sprinkler system in the basement or on the mezzanine floor?
能告诉我喷水系统的管子是在地下室还是在夹层楼面吗? 3. The dynamic sprinkler developed by Masteel tech-center can satisfy the requirement of homogeneous insufflation sintering.
马钢技术中心自主研制的动力喷洒头能满足烧结均匀喷洒的要求; 英英解释 n. 1. mechanical device that attaches to a garden hose for watering lawn or garden 网络释义 sprinkler 洒水车; 喷水器,人工降雨器; 喷洒器; 洒水装置; stationary sprinkler 固定喷灌器; lawn sprinkler 草地喷灌器; 草坪撒水器; 东方洒水; 草坪撒水器 –; sprinkler wagon 洒水车; 喷头车; tank sprinkler 洒水车;
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