
spread的英语翻译是什么意思_complicated的翻译spread用作动词 (v.) spread about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)

spread   用作动词 (v.) spread about〔around〕 (v.+adv.) 广泛散布scatter; spread widely   spread sth ⇔ about〔around〕   Would you spread the news about that he is coming?   请你宣布一下他要来的消息好吗?   The papers were spread about on the desks and even on the floor.   文件散布在桌上,甚至在地板上。 spread abroad (v.+adv.) 传布,公开publicize   spread sth abroad   Spread it abroad!   把它公开!   He has spread the news abroad that you are leaving.   他散布一个消息,说你要离开了。 spread for (v.+prep.) 绵延; 伸展 stretch out   spread for sth   The deposits spread for 100 kilometres across four counties.   这些矿藏绵延一百公里,跨越四个县。   The top branches of that oak tree spread for forty feet.   那棵橡树的顶部树枝向四周伸展40英尺。 spread in (v.+prep.) 在…中传开 extend in sth   spread in sth   The pests spread quickly in these regions.   虫害在这些地区迅速蔓延。   The news of this accident soon spread in London.   这个事故的消息很快就在伦敦传开。 spread on (v.+prep.) 在…上铺上 unfold sth on sth   spread sth on sth   An old worker spread his padded coat on the floor and insisted that I lie down for a while.   一位老工人把大衣铺在地上,一定要我在上面躺一会儿。 spread oneself (平直地)舒展 extend; be extravagant   spread out (v.+adv.) 付清 pay out   spread out   The wood spread out in all directions.   树木向四面八方延伸。   A scene of prosperity spreads out before us.   一种欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们面前。 spread sth ⇔ out   Spread the cloth out fully.   把布完全地展开。   The resources are spread out too thin.   资源分布得极为贫乏。 spread out   Spread out more. Don’t bunch up on the centre.   再散开一点,不要都挤在中间。 spread sth ⇔ out over sth   They spread the payments out over three years.   他们分三年把款付清。   They will spread their payment of the loan out over a long period of time.   他们将用很长时间分期偿还这笔贷款。 spread over (v.+prep.) 分散; 传开 extend over   spread over sth   The disease spread over the whole country.   这种疾病在全国传播开了。 spread sth over sth   She spread her toys all over her room.   她在她屋里到处放玩具。 spread throughout (v.+prep.) 传遍 propagate; pass on   spread throughout sth   News of their victory spread throughout the country.   他们胜利的消息传遍了全国。 spread to (v.+prep.) 蔓延 extend   spread to sth   The flames soon spread to the other buildings.   大火很快蔓延到其他建筑物。   The strike soon spread to other parts of this island country.   罢工不久就蔓延到了这个岛国的所有其他地方。 spread with (v.+prep.) 用…涂满 extend sth with sth   spread sth with sth   Did you spread the bread with butter?   你在面包上抹黄油了吗?


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