
pieces什么意思英语翻译_difficult可数吗[美剧] 生活点滴/Life in Pieces 全集[美剧] 生活点滴/Life in Pieces 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版剧本 台词 字幕 笔记 中英文对照 纯英文 学英语 文本 PDF 文档 电子版 纸质版该剧题材与《当代家

[美剧] 生活点滴/Life in Pieces 全集   [美剧] 生活点滴/Life in Pieces 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版   剧本 台词 字幕 笔记 中英文对照 纯英文 学英语 文本 PDF 文档 电子版 纸质版   该剧题材与《当代家庭》(Modern Family)类似,剧情将通过不同家庭成员的视角来解读一个大家庭的生活,每个家庭成员的故事在某种程度上都是独立的。该剧由来自《好男当自强》 (Better Off Ted)的Justin Adler和多产制片人Aaron Kaplan共同开发。   这是一个幸福但又有些尴尬的大家庭,好像随时都会发生搞笑的事情,每个家庭成员都有永远铭记于心的美好时刻。就拿家中[展开全文]   该剧题材与《当代家庭》(Modern Family)类似,剧情将通过不同家庭成员的视角来解读一个大家庭的生活,每个家庭成员的故事在某种程度上都是独立的。该剧由来自《好男当自强》 (Better Off Ted)的Justin Adler和多产制片人Aaron Kaplan共同开发。   这是一个幸福但又有些尴尬的大家庭,好像随时都会发生搞笑的事情,每个家庭成员都有永远铭记于心的美好时刻。就拿家中的三个孩子来说——排行中间的 Matt Short(Thomas Sadoski)一天到晚忙得要命。他最近创业失败,只能回到家中和父母住在一起。他可能刚刚找到了他的真爱……他的女同事 Colleen(Angelique Cabral)……但Colleen和前未婚夫的关系仍然十分混乱(尽管两人早已分手)。Matt的弟弟Greg(Colin Hanks)从小娇生惯养,孩子的出生让他彻底乱了阵脚。Greg的妻子Jen(Zoe Lister Jones)过去喜欢对人指手画脚,但在孩子出生之后,她第一次发现自己丧失了「绝对统治」地位。大姐Heather(Betsy Brandt)和她的丈夫Tim(Dan Bakkedahl)看着自己的孩子们一天天快速长大,竟有了强烈的危机感。他们害怕很快到来的「空巢期」,于是考虑再生一个孩子。Tim小心翼翼地应对 妻子家中的「家庭政治」,生怕哪天会踩到地雷。他的原则是「多做少说」。三姐弟的母亲Joan(Dianne Wiest)性格可爱,热爱家庭,愿意为家人做任何事……当然,前提条件是她自己同意的事情。父亲John(James Brolin)威严但不合群,正在经历「七十岁危机」。他感觉自己就快要爆炸了,他必须找点什么事做才行。   该剧每集将安排四个小故事来描述这家人的生活——全都是生活中的琐事,但所有这些琐事加在一起,就是一幅完整而生动的生活画卷。   【剧本】:   I can’t believe we finally went out.   =>我不敢相信我们终于出去了。   I mean, work is gonna be so weird now.   => 我的意思是,工作现在会变得很奇怪。   Yeah.   => 是啊。   I don’t care.   => 我不在乎。   You want to come up? – Oh, yeah.   => 你想上来? – 哦耶。   - Yeah.   => – 是的。   - Yeah, I do.   => – 是的。   - Let’s go.   => – 我们走吧。   - Yes.   => – 是的。   - Right this way.   => – 这边请。   - Thank you.   => – 谢谢。   - Yes.   => – 是的。   Come on in.   => 进来。   Okay.   => 好的。   Who’s he? Oh.   => 他是谁?哦。   Chad.   => 乍得。   This is Matt.   => 这是马特。   Matt, this is my ex-fiancé Chad.   => 马特,这是我的前夫人乍得。   Oh.   => 哦。   Hey.   => 嘿。   - Cool.   => – 很酷。   - Yeah, cool.   => – 是的,很酷。   All right, well.   => 好,好吧。   Yeah, so Um, I can leave? I can – Oh, no.   => 是啊,我可以走了吗?我可以 – 哦,不。   No, no, don’t worry.   => 不,不要担心。   - No? Don’t.   => – 没有?别。   No, no.   => 不,不。   I, um I told him this was happening.   => 我呢,我告诉他这是在发生。   - Okay.   => – 好的。   - Just, I should have told you, too, but then you wouldn’t have come up, and I really wanted you to.   => – 只是,我也应该告诉你,但是那样你就不会上来了,我真的很想你。   - I’m gonna get us some drinks, okay? – Yeah.   => – 我要给我们一些饮料,好吗? – 是的。   Would you mind giving us some privacy, please, Chad? Okay, looks like I’ve got wine or wine.   => 乍得,请介意给我们一些隐私吗?好吧,看起来我有酒或葡萄酒。   - And I also have wine.   => – 我也有酒。   - Yeah.   => – 是的。   - Beer sounds good.   => – 啤酒听起来不错。   - Wine it is.   => – 它是酒。   Wow! You guys already got a banter.   => 哇!你们已经有了一个笑话   I like that.   => 我喜欢。   It’s real cute.   => 真的很可爱   You guys clearly get each other.   => 你们显然是相互对待的。   I’m sorry, man.   => 对不起,伙计。   I didn’t know that you were gonna be here.   => 我不知道你会在这里。   Um, what are you doing here? What am I doing here? I live here.   => 嗯,你在这里做什么?我在这是要干嘛?我住在这里。   This is my place, brah.   => 这是我的地方,brah。   What are you doing here? Well, you know, Colleen invited me.   => 你在这里做什么?那么,你知道,科琳邀请我。   You know that’s my fiancée, right? Think the wedding is off.   => 你知道这是我的未婚夫吧?认为婚礼是关闭的。   Mm not to us, it’s not.   => 对我们来说不是这样   Not to Princess and I.   => 不要公主和我   Maybe to her.   => 也许对她。   Not to us, okay? So it’s half on.   => 不对我们,好吗?所以这是一半。   - Hi.   => – 嗨。   Found a beer.   => 找到一杯啤酒   - Oh.   => – 哦。   Is that my beer? What are you still doing here, Chad? Get in your room.   => 那是我的啤酒吗?乍得,你还在这里干什么?进入你的房间。   - Get in your room.   => – 进入你的房间。   - That’s my beer, though.   => – 那是我的啤酒。   Yeah, just go take Princess for a walk, please.   => 是的,请带上公主散步。   Yeah, she’s not in the mood.   => 是的,她没有心情。   - She’s too upset by the situation.   => – 她对这种情况太不安。   - Oh, my God.   => – 哦,我的上帝。   You drink that, I’m gonna kill you! What are you doing? Why are you talking like that? That’s how I talk now.   => 你喝了,我要杀了你!你在做什么?你为什么这样说?我就是这么说的   I’m sorry.   => 对不起。   He’s harmless really.   => 他真的没有危害   He went to Vassar.   => 他去了瓦萨。   Oh.   => 哦。   So, um, why is he still here? – Um we bought this place together.   => 那么为什么他还在这里? – 我们一起买了这个地方。   - Right.   => – 对。   And because of his IRS troubles, he can’t afford to leave.   => 而由于他的IRS麻烦,他不能离开。   And I can’t afford to buy him out, so You know, just a few kinks we’re working out.   => 我买不起他,所以你知道,我们正在努力解决一些问题。   Yeah.   => 是啊。   Weren’t we doing something sexy? – Yeah.   => 我们不是在做一些性感的事吗? – 是的。   - Mmm.   => – 嗯。   - Are you sure that it’s okay to be doing this here? – You mean Chad? – Yeah.   => – 你确定可以这样做吗?你是说乍得? – 是的。   - Yeah, he can’t hear anything in here.   => – 是的,他在这里听不到任何东西。   Okay, but, you know, he’s looking at us, and and he’s crying.   => 好吧,但是,你知道,他在看着我们,而他在哭。   - Want to go to your place? – I’ll drive.   => – 想去你的地方? – 我开车   Okay.   => 好的。   This is, like, so fancy.   => 这就像是很喜欢。   You really buried the lead on this one.   => 你真的埋头于这一个。   Are you, like, a trust fund baby? Ah, no, it’s not like that.   => 你是否像一个信托基金的婴儿?啊,不,不是这样的。   Hey, can I get you something to drink? I think we have wine and wine.   => 嘿,我可以帮你喝点什么吗?我想我们有葡萄酒和葡萄酒。   - We’re in here, Matt.   => – 我们在这里,马特。   - Hey, Matt, come here.   => – 嘿,马特,来这里。   You got to see this.   => 你必须看到这一点。   It’s that Steven Seagal movie I love.   => 这就是我喜欢的史蒂文·西格尔的电影。   Not the one where he kills everybody to save the trees, but the one where he dislocates all their shoulders.   => 不是他杀死所有人去拯救树木的那个,而是他把他们所有的肩膀都脱掉的那个。   Ooh! Hello.   => 哦!你好。   Hi.   => 你好。   Honey, Matt has a friend here.   => 亲爱的,马特在这里有个朋友。   Pause the TV.   => 暂停电视。   Okay.   => 好的。   Honey, just pause it.   => 亲爱的,暂停一下   - I’m trying.   => – 我尝试着。   - Yeah, just pause it, sweetheart.   => – 是的,只是暂停,甜心。   - How many remotes do we need? – Can you just pause it? Whatever happened to knobs? – Yeah, pause it.   => – 我们需要多少遥控器? – 你可以暂停吗?无论旋钮发生了什么? – 是的,暂停一下   - I can’t find the Oh, pause it! Oh.   => – 我找不到了哦,暂停一下!哦。   Thought you guys were gonna be at the Kaufmann bar mitzvah.   => 以为你们会在Kaufmann酒吧mitzvah。   Oh, they had to shut the party down early because little Joshy got overwhelmed by the hypnotist and spent the whole time in the corner crying.   => 哦,他们不得不提早关闭派对,因为小乔舒被催眠师淹没了,整个时间都在角落里哭泣。   - Oh, no.   => – 不好了。   - Oh.   => – 哦。   You’re adorable.   => 你很迷人。   - Oh.   => – 哦。   - Would you like a scoop of vanilla ice cream? I have a scoop every night.   => – 你想要一勺香草冰淇淋吗?我每晚都有一勺。   Drive you home? Oh, this is so hot.   => 开车回家吗?哦,这太热了。   All we needed was our own space.   => 我们所需要的只是我们自己的空间。   Hmm? You hookers never learn.   => 嗯?你妓女从不学习。   Get out the car.   => 下车。   Remember to breathe, Jen.   => 记得要呼吸,珍。   You can do this.   => 你可以这样做。   Bear down now.   => 现在承受。   There you go.   => 你走了   There you go.   => 你走了   Good job.   => 做得好。   Good job.   => 做得好。   - And now give me a really good push.   => – 现在给我一个很好的推动。   - I can’t! – A really good push.   => – 我不能! – 一个非常好的推动。   - You can.   => – 您可以。   You can do it.   => 你能行的。   - You can do it, sweetie.   => – 你可以做,亲爱的。   You can.   =>您可以。   - Okay.   => – 好的。   You got it.   => 你说对了。   You can do it.   => 你能行的。   There you go.   => 你走了   Oh.   => 哦。   Oh, I see the baby’s head.   => 哦,我看到了宝宝的头。   - You can see it? – Oh, no.   => – 你可以看到? – 不好了。   Ah.   => 啊。   Did I poop on the table? Um Oh, my God, – I did, didn’t I? – Ah Was it a lot? – Uh, well, uh Um – Say something! Don’t worry, hon.   => 我趴在桌子上吗?嗯,天啊,我有,不是吗? – 啊这是很多? – 呃,呃嗯 – 说点什么!别担心,   I seen a whole lot worse than that.   => 我看到了比这更糟的一大堆。   Hello.   =>你好。   All right, Daddy crushed this swaddle.   => 好吧,爸爸把这个sw cr打碎了。   She’s not getting out of this thing till high school.   => 直到高中时她才离开这个东西。   Oh.   => 哦。   Hello.   => 你好。   Oh, our little baby burrito.   => 哦,我们的小宝贝卷饼。   Knock, knock.   => 敲,敲。   How are you feeling this morning? Ah Ah, that couch did a number on my neck.   => 你今天早上感觉如何?啊,那沙发在我的脖子上做了一些。   Ah, well, I’ve written a prescription for the pain, and I’m gonna give you a bunch of these latex gloves.   => 啊,我已经写了一个痛苦的处方,我会给你一堆这些乳胶手套。   Your job is to fill them with water and keep them in the freezer.   => 你的工作是给他们灌满水,并放在冰箱里。   Take a frozen glove and insert a finger for relief.   => 拿一个冰冻的手套,并插入一个手指救济。   Oh.   => 哦。   - Let the fun begin.   => – 让乐趣开始。   - I’ll see you guys in six weeks, and of course, no sex until then.   => – 我会在六个星期之内见到你们的,当然,在那之前还没有性别。   I’m sorry.   => 对不起。   Did we know that? Oh, slow down.   => 我们知道吗?哦,放慢速度   That tunnel is under construction.   => 该隧道正在建设中。   Which reminds me until I see you, do not, no matter what, under any circumstances, for any reason ever look down there.   => 这让我想起,直到我看到你,不管在任何情况下,无论如何,无论出于什么原因,永远都不会往下看。   - Okay.   => – 好的。   - You’re gonna want to.   => – 你会想要的。   - No, I’m not.   => – 不,我不是。   Not anymore.   => 不再。   - Promise me? Okay, I promise.   => – 答应我?好吧,我保证。   I swear to God.   => 我向上帝发誓。   This is supposed to be a happy time.   => 这应该是一个快乐的时光。   It is.   => 它是。   Oh! Congratulations! I’m so happy.   => 哦!恭喜!我很开心。   It’s incredible.   => 真不可思议   How is the hospital letting us leave? I don’t know.   => 医院怎么让我们离开?我不知道。   I mean, they should lose their license.   => 我的意思是,他们应该失去执照。   Like, I never even held a baby until yesterday.   => 就像我昨天从没抱过孩子   Slow down! Slower! Piece 36.   => 慢一点!比较慢!一块36。   Where the hell is piece 36? Why is there a piece 36? What?! Ow! What is it? What? She’s fine.   => 地狱是36块?为什么有一块36?什么?!噢!它是什么?什么?她很好。   She’s totally fine.   => 她很好。   What’s the problem? I don’t Oh, God.   => 有什么问题?我不哦,天啊。   No.   => 没有。   No, you looked.   => 不,你看了。   Yeah, I looked.   => 是的,我看了。   I looked down there.   => 我往下看。   Why would you do that? Why didn’t you wait the six weeks? I couldn’t do it.   => 为什么要这么做?你为什么不等六周?我做不到。   I mean, if someone hands you a box and says there’s something super crazy inside, but you’re not allowed to look in it, of course you’re going to look in it! I looked in my box.   => 我的意思是,如果有人给你一个箱子,说里面有些超级疯狂的东西,但是你不允许看它,当然你会去看它的!我看着我的箱子。   Oh, sweetie, come here.   => 哦,亲爱的,过来。   Come here, come here.   => 过来,来这里   It’s okay.   => 没关系。   Oh, God.   => 天啊。   Was that bad, huh? Oh.   => 那样不好,是吧?哦。   Do you remember, uh, when the Predator took off his mask? I mean, I don’t know if we can ever have sex again.   => 你还记得呃,当掠夺者脱下他的面具吗?我的意思是,我不知道我们能否再次发生性行为。   Like ever! Okay.   => 像以前一样!好的。   It’s okay.   => 没关系。   So, uh so we won’t.   => 所以,呃所以我们不会。   Okay.   => 好的。   She’s worth it, right? I mean, look at her.   => 她是值得的,对吧?我的意思是,看着她。   Ever? Oh, God, I’m in so much pain.   => 自从?哦,上帝,我太痛苦了。   You know what? Hey, let’s get the glove.   => 你知道吗?嘿,让我们拿到手套。   What? – The glove.   => 什么? – 手套。   The glove.   => 手套。   - Go get the glove.   => – 去拿手套   Yes, yes.   => 是的是的。   Go get the glove.   => 去拿手套   We can do this! We can save your vagina! Hurry before it’s too late! Okay! It’s taken me a little longer than I anticipated.   => 我们做得到!我们可以拯救你的阴道!赶在来不及之前!好的!这比我预料的要长一点。   - Here you go, sweetie.   => – 亲爱的,亲爱的   - What?! Don’t give it to me.   => – 什么?!不要把它给我。   I can’t go back down there.   => 我不能回到那里。   You do it.   => 你做吧。   Oh, no.   => 不好了。   No, no, no, no.   => 不不不不。   Honey, please.   => 请亲爱的   I feel like I’ve done a lot for us recently.   => 我觉得我最近为我们做了很多。   I need you to do this for me.   => 我需要你为我做这个。   Okay, fine.   => 好的。   For you.   => 为你。   Oh, God.   => 天啊。   This is really weird.   => 这真的很奇怪。   Oh! Fine.   => 哦!精细。   Just cut me off at the waist and put me on one of those skateboards.   => 只要把我从腰上剪下来,放到滑板上就可以了。   Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine.   => 很好,很好,很好,很好。   - I’ll do it, I’ll do it.   => – 我会做的,我会做的。   - Okay.   => – 好的。   Whoa.   => 哇。   Where are you going with that thing?! Well, I don’t know! I can’t see where I’m going! You’re not looking?! No, I’m not looking! I don’t want to look if the Predator’s down there.   => 你要去哪里?那么,我不知道!我看不到我要去的地方!你不是在看?不,我不看!我不想看“捕食者”是否在那里。   - Oh! Okay, north! – Okay, okay.   => – 哦!好,北! – 好吧好吧。   Yeah? Uh.   => 是吗?呃。   Yeah.   => 是啊。   - Yeah? – Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.   => – 是吗? – 是啊,是啊,是啊,是啊,是啊,是啊。   Mommy likes that.   => 妈妈喜欢   Ahoy, captain.   => 嗨,船长。   Mmm.   => 嗯。   What has happened to our relationship? Called a police and a fireman – I’m too hot – Hot damn Make a dragon wanna retire, man – I’m too hot – Hot damn Say my name, you know who I am – I’m too hot – Hot damn Your first college visit! Isn’t this exciting? Uh-huh.   => 我们的关系发生了什么?叫一个警察和一个消防员 – 我太热了 – 该死的太热使龙想退休,男人 – 我太热 – 该死的说你的名字,你知道我是谁 – 我太热了 – 该死的你该死的第一次大学访问!这不是很刺激吗?嗯。   Yeah.   => 是啊。   - College, buddy.   => – 大学,哥们。   - Where you going?! This is where it all happens.   => – 你去哪?!这是一切发生的地方。   Anything you want to ask me? No.   => 你想问我什么?没有。   I think I’m good, Dad.   => 爸爸,我觉得我很好。   You sure? ‘Cause your sister tells me you’re a virgin.   => 你确定?因为你姐姐告诉我你是处女。   What? She doesn’t know.   => 什么?她不知道。   It’s okay.   => 没关系。   I didn’t lose my virginity until college.   => 大学之前我没有失去我的童贞。   I thought I lost it in high school, but that was disqualified.   => 我以为我在高中时就输了,但是那个不合格。   How does it get disqualified? We were on this couch at Uncle Dave’s beach house Oh, I don’t think I want to hear this story.   => 如何取消资格?我们在戴夫叔叔的沙滩屋的沙发上哦,我想我不想听这个故事。   No.   => 没有。   It’s time I told someone, and I want that someone to be you.   => 现在是我告诉某人的时候了,我希望那个人是你。   - So – No, it doesn’t have to be me.   => – 所以 – 不,不一定是我。   We’re on this couch, right, and it starts, and it is amazing.   => 我们在这个沙发上,对了,它开始了,真是太棒了。   She says “Okay, let’s do it.   =>她说:“好吧,我们来做吧。   ” And I’m, like, “What? What are you talking about? We just did it” And then I realized I was never with her.   =>“而我就是,”什么?你在说什么?我们只是做了“然后我意识到我从来没有和她在一起。   I was with the You were with the what? You know that space between the two cushions of a couch? You lost your virginity to a couch? It only occurred to me when I looked down and saw a lint ball and a nickel stuck to the end of my penis.   => 我和你在一起是什么?你知道沙发的两个靠垫之间的空间吗?你失去了贞操到沙发上?只有当我低头看到一个皮球和一个镍粘在我的阴茎末端时,才想起来。   I can’t believe you’re a doctor.   => 我不相信你是一名医生。   Yes, well, speaking of which, you make sure you wrap that rascal.   => 是的,说到这一点,你要确保你包装那个流氓。   The clap is back.   => 拍手回来了。   Don’t worry.   => 别担心   I’ll take good care of Tyler.   => 我会好好照顾泰勒的。   We’re gonna spend some time in the library, grab a healthy meal followed by a prayer meeting.   => 我们会花一些时间在图书馆里,吃一顿健康的饭,接着是祈祷会。   Then straight to sleepsville.   => 然后直奔睡觉。   All right, honey, just promise me you’re gonna make good choices.   => 好的,亲爱的,只要答应我,你会做出好的选择。   - I will.   => – 我会。   Yeah.   => 是啊。   - Okay.   => – 好的。   Oh, you know what, you have a little – Mom.   => 哦,你知道吗,你有一点 – 妈妈。   Mom.   => 妈妈。   - Right here.   => – 就在这儿。   It’s okay.   => 没关系。   I got it.   => 我知道了。   It’s gone now.   => 它现在消失了。   Gone.   => 不见了。   - Okay.   => – 好的。   Made you a sandwich, so you have – Mom, are you kidding? – No, it’s for you.   => 让你三明治,所以你有 – 妈妈,你在开玩笑吗? – 不,这是给你的。   Just stick it in your pocket – so you have it for later.   => 只要把它放在你的口袋里 – 所以你以后可以用它。   I don’t care if you eat it.   => 我不在乎你是否吃了它。   - I don’t want it.   => – 我不需要它。   - I just want you to take it with you.   => – 我只是想让你把它带走   - I’m not going to.   => – 我不打算。   - Because – Just take the sandwich so we can – all get on with our lives.   => – 因为 – 只要吃三明治就可以了 – 我们的生活都会继续下去。   - Mom There are cranberries in it, and I want you to have it in case you need a snack.   => – 妈妈里面有蔓越莓,我要你吃,以防你需要点心。   Okay.   => 好的。   I love you! I wish your mom would shove her sandwich in my pants.   => 我爱你!我希望你妈妈能把我的三明治放在我的裤子里。   Let’s talk party options for the night.   => 我们来聊聊晚会的派对选择。   So he didn’t want the sandwich.   => 所以他不想吃三明治。   - I would’ve eaten it.   => – 我会吃的   - No, it’s not the sandwich.   => 不,不是三明治   It’s just Tyler is applying to colleges.   => 泰勒正在向大学申请。   I feel like it was just yesterday he was in diapers.   => 我感觉就像昨天他在尿布里一样。   God, he was so cute.   => 上帝,他太可爱了。   Do you You remember how he used to call berries “babies”? Like, “straw-babies” and “rasp-babies” And “black-babies”.   => 你是否记得他以前是怎样叫浆果的“宝贝”?就像“稻草宝宝”和“ra bab婴儿”和“黑婴”。   - Screaming for ’em at the restaurant.   => – 在餐厅尖叫着。   - Oh, my God.   => – 哦,我的上帝。   ”Eat black-babies! Eat black-babies! Eat black.   => “吃黑色的宝宝,吃黑色的宝宝,吃黑色的。   .   =>。


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