
spiciness什么意思_spend的意思spines1. An adult hedgehog can boast 7,500 spines.一只成年刺猬能有多达7500根刺。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. The animal is covered in long piercing spines.这种动物浑身长满

spines   1. An adult hedgehog can boast 7,500 spines.一只成年刺猬能有多达7500根刺。   《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》2. The animal is covered in long piercing spines.这种动物浑身长满了锋利的长刺。   《牛津词典》3. Porcupines use their spines to protect themselves.豪猪用身上的刺毛来自卫。   《牛津词典》4. Sea urchins are perhaps best known for their armor of spines.海胆也许最出名的是它们的刺甲。   youdao5. Sea urchins are perhaps best known for their armor of spines.海胆也许最出名的是它们的刺甲。   youdao6. Spines are common on eggs of worms, as are spots, helices, and stripes.虫卵上通常会有突刺、斑点、螺纹和条纹。   youdao7. The spines of a fire urchin form a multicolored flower off Komodo Island, Indonesia.火海胆的刺在印度尼西亚科莫多岛附近形成了五颜六色的花朵。   youdao8. A friendlier Indian at the third village warned me that people in the next settlement along had prepared “a pile of spines”.在第三个村落的一个较友好的印第安人告诫我,接下来的一个定居点的人准备了“一堆骨刺”。   youdao9. The bright red color of a fire urchin warns predators that its spines are poisonous. Sea otters are the major predators of sea urchins.火海胆鲜红的颜色警告捕食者它的刺有毒。海獭是海胆的主要捕食者。   youdao10. The consequences of interacting with the array of sharp spines on a sea urchin or porcupine are pretty obvious to any creature passing by.与海胆或豪猪身上的尖刺相互作用的结果对任何经过的生物来说都是相当明显的。   youdao11. The crown of thorns starfish is large, twenty-five to thirty-five centimeters in diameter, and has seven to twenty-one arms that are covered in spines.棘冠海星很大,直径长达25到35厘米,有7到21条手臂,上面布满了刺。   youdao12. These spines have been specifically evolved from the defensive urticating hairs of the slothien.这些尖刺是由树獭兽的防御性刺状毛发特别演化而来。   youdao13. Spines are common, as are spots, helices, and stripes.虫卵上通常会有突刺、斑点、螺纹和条纹。   youdao14. Boats have long had spines and ribs like an animal’s ribcage.船一直保持很长的船脊和船肋,好像鱼类的胸腔。   youdao15. They have two spines and two esophaguses and share other organs.她们有两个脊椎和食道,其他的器官则共用。   youdao16. In fact, speculation abounds about what purpose the spines serve.事实上,关于脊椎存在的目的有很多的猜测。   youdao17. Sea urchins brandish their spines on the seafloor near the Channel Islands.海胆在海峡群岛附近的海底挥舞着它们的棘突。   youdao18. The bright red color of a fire urchin warns predators that its spines are poisonous.火海胆鲜红的颜色警告捕食者它的刺有毒。   youdao19. Also, male chimpanzees have smaller penises than humans, and their penises have spines.同时公黑猩猩比人类有更小的“根”,他们的“根”有刺状突起。   youdao20. A sea urchin’s long, moveable spines protect it from predators in the waters off Hawaii.海胆长长的可以活动的棘突可以保护他们在夏威夷海岸不受捕食者捕食。   youdao21. [size=10.5pt]THE word [size=10.5pt]“subprime” may now send shudders down bankers’ spines.[size=10.5pt]当下,“次级”这个词也许让银行家们感到不寒而栗。   youdao22. The raised bumps on the white grain represent the sites of insertion for the sea urchin’s spines.白色颗粒上突起的肿块就是海胆脊柱的着生部位。   youdao23. Scientists recently discovered that the eyeless invertebrates “see” by detecting light with their spines.科学家最近发现这些没有眼睛的无脊椎动物可以用它们的刺上的探测光来看东西。   youdao24. The sand around him was strewn with fossil shark teeth, sea urchin spines, and the bones of giant catfish.四周的沙粒,散落着鲨鱼牙齿、海胆脊椎、巨型鲶鱼的化石。   youdao25. Some claim that it eases back pain by keeping their spines supple and strengthening the muscles that support it.一些人说做瑜伽能通过让他们的脊柱变得柔软并拉伸背部肌肉以达到缓解背部的疼痛的目的。   youdao26. This voracious critter is covered with sharp spines that can cause considerable pain when touched (so, don’t touch ’em!)这种贪婪的怪物满身都是尖刺,如被刺到会产生巨烈的疼痛(所以千万不要碰它们!)   youdao27. The hippocampi from the dim-light group had significantly fewer dendritic spines than those from the dark night group.在昏暗光条件下的海马比起黑暗环境下的海马减少了重要的树突棘。   youdao28. The hippocampi from the dim-light group had significantly fewer dendritic spines than those from the dark night group.在昏暗光条件下的海马比起黑暗环境下的海马减少了重要的树突棘。   youdao


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