
player用英文怎么读_officer用英语怎么说“三缺一”用英语怎么说?01、“三缺一”用英语怎么说?用到这两个单词short,player,short作形容词表示短缺,player作名词表示运动员或者玩游戏的人。所以“三缺一”的英文表达:We’re short a player.例句:Would you like

“三缺一”用英语怎么说?   01、“三缺一”用英语怎么说?   用到这两个单词short,player,short作形容词表示短缺,player作名词表示运动员或者玩游戏的人。   所以“三缺一”的英文表达:We’re short a player.   例句:   Would you like to join us in playing mahjong, we’re short a player.   你要和我们一起打麻将吗,三缺一。   以此类推如果你是打麻将“二缺二”,可以说:We’re short two players.   02、麻将八级核心英语词汇   1)麻将牌:(136张)   麻将:mahjong [ma:’dʒɔŋ]   麻将的一张牌:a tile [tail]   饼子:the circle/dots tiles(36张)
player用英文怎么读_officer用英语怎么说   条子:the bamboo tiles(36张)
player用英文怎么读_officer用英语怎么说   万子:the character tiles(36张)
player用英文怎么读_officer用英语怎么说   番子:the honor tiles (dragon tiles+wind tiles)(28张)
player用英文怎么读_officer用英语怎么说   2)基本术语:(60个)   吃:Chow, claiming a tile to match a sequence   碰:Pung, claiming a tile to match a triplet   杠:Kong, claiming a tile for a quadruplet   和:claiming a tile to win   抽头:the kitty   筹码:counter; chip; dib   边张:side tiles   吃张:drawing   出张:discarding a tile   庄家:dealer   上家:opponent on the left   下家:opponent on the right   对门:opponent sitting opposite to one   三缺一:three players looking for one more player   跳牌:skipping   洗牌:shuffling the tiles   连庄:remaining the dealer   砌牌:forming the wall of stacks   一对:one pair   一番:one time (in scoring)   一圈:a round   跟牌:following suit   进张:drawing a useful tile   对碰:waiting for two tiles to win; making two pairs   扣牌:holding up a tile   听牌:waiting for the one necessary tile to win   暗杠:drawing a tile by oneself, making four similar tiles of a kind and putting them face down   暗坎:concealing 3-tiles in order of a kind   八圈:eight rounds of play   缺一门:lacking a suit   抢杠:robbing a gong   单钓:waiting for one of the pair to win   单听:awaiting the only one necessary tile to win   地和:going out or winning a hand after drawing only one tile   吊牌:fishing; awaiting one’s winning tile   对对胡:winning with all paired tiles;all triplets   自摸:winning by one’s own draw;self-drawn   拦和:be won by one’s left or opposing opponent with the same tile one needs   平和:a win without points   鸡和:chicken hand   平和:common hand   大满贯:grand slam   杠上开花:drawing a tile, after a gang, from the end of the wall to win the game;added glory to agong   七对:seven pairs
player用英文怎么读_officer用英语怎么说   清一色:all of one suit; flush; having all tiles in one suit   全字:pure characters   门(前)清:all concealed hand   十三幺:the thirteen orphans(1,9,and one of each character);13 terminal tiles   天和:a natural win; a heavenly hand   地和:earthly hand   一条龙:a complete sequence from 1 to 9   混一色:mixed one suit   小三:junior 3 chiefs   大三:grand 3 chiefs   海底捞月:catching the moon from the bottom of the sea   小四喜:junior 4 happiness   大四喜:grand 4 happiness   清一色:pure one suit   字一色:all honor tiles   诈和:declaring a false win;falsely declaring a win   大/小相公:long or short hand   —-分割线—-我花了大半个月时间整理了新概念英语1-4册全套电子版(含音频和视频)适合朗读背诵、每日跟读↓↓↓《新概念英语》全套电子版+音频-下载链接​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


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