play in the playground翻译_pack翻译

play in the playground翻译_pack翻译playgrounds是什么意思_ playgrounds用英语怎么说_ playgrounds的翻译_ playgrounds翻译成_ playgrounds的中文意思_ playgrounds怎么读, playgroun

playgrounds是什么意思_ playgrounds用英语怎么说_ playgrounds的翻译_ playgrounds翻译成_ playgrounds的中文意思_ playgrounds怎么读, playgrounds的读音, playgrounds的用法, playgrounds的例句   全部   The asphalt playgrounds have been grassed over or sown with flowers.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   原来的柏油操场已经覆上了草皮或种满了鲜花。   柯林斯例句   The creation of new playgrounds will benefit the local children.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   新游戏场的建立将有益于当地的儿童.   《简明英汉词典》   The city has several playgrounds for children.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   这座城市有好几个儿童游乐场.   《简明英汉词典》   Frozen ponds and ice rinks become playgrounds for skating and hockey.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   结了冰的池塘和溜冰场成了溜冰和冰上曲棍球的场地.   互联网   Bullying is a traditionally linked with school playgrounds and children.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   一贯以来欺负和学校操场及儿童联系起来.   互联网   He says families are attracted by Happy Meals, playgrounds and free toys.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   他说成千上万的家庭被快餐店里的快乐餐 、 娱乐场及免费玩偶所吸印.   互联网   I’ll miss the playgrounds and the animals and digging up worms.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   我想念小时候的操场,我所养过的动物,还有挖虫子的美好时光.   互联网   From playgrounds to parties, the mantra resonates among tots and teens with each choice they make.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   无论是在操场上,还是在聚会上,小家伙们每当要作出选择时, 这句咒语般的话就会在耳边回响.   互联网   In 1997, more than plants were planted in parks, playgrounds and roadside amenities.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   年内, 该局在各公园 、 游乐场及路旁市容地带所栽种的植物逾40万株.   互联网   Some schools don’t use the rubberized playgrounds as they are expensive to build and maintain.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   由于高昂的造价和维护费用,一些学校并未使用塑胶场地.   互联网   Their main playgrounds are the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema , names that easily rolltongue.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   他们主要的娱乐地点是人们随口就能说出名字的科帕卡巴纳海滩和伊帕内马海滩.   互联网   It is a pity that many teenagers have turned their computers into electronic playgrounds.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   很遗憾许多青少年已经把计算机变成了电子游乐场.   互联网   Temporary market stalls would be erected in school playgrounds, football grounds and basketball courts.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   在学校操场 、 足球场和篮球场会搭起临时的市场摊位.   互联网   Even playgrounds should collect tolls – when it is billionaires in the sandpit.
play in the playground翻译_pack翻译   当亿万富翁们在沙坑里玩耍时,即使是游戏场也应该收费.   互联网


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