
spit英语怎么读音发音_prtsc翻译成中文spit用作动词 (v.) spit at (v.+prep.)

spit   用作动词 (v.) spit at (v.+prep.) 向…吐唾沫 send liquid from the mouth, usually rudely, towards (sb)   spit at sb   It’s very rude to spit at someone.   向人吐唾沫是非常粗野的行为。 spit in (v.+prep.) 把唾沫等吐入… send liquid from the mouth into (sth)   spit in sth   If you spit in a London bus you may be fined £5.   如果你在伦敦的公共汽车内吐痰可能被罚款五英镑。   If you must spit at all, please spit in the bucket provided.   如果你非吐痰不可,就请吐到备好的痰桶里。 spit in eye〔face〕 (v.+prep.+n.) 蔑视某人 show a complete lack of respect for sb   spit in the eye〔face〕 of sb   That boy is so badly behaved that he cares nothing for manners, and spits in the eye of all the teachers.   那孩子的行为恶劣,举止粗野,对所有的老师都不尊重。 spit on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.) 把唾沫吐在…上 send liquid from the mouth onto (sth or sb)   spit on〔upon〕 sth   Don’t spit on the sidewalk.   别在人行道上吐痰。 spit out (v.+adv.) 愤怒地说 utter angrily or sharplyHe spat out angry words at his tormentors.他厉声地咒骂着折磨他的人。   spit up (v.+adv.) 咯出… bring (sth) up from the mouth or throat with effort   spit sth ⇔ up   You’d better call the doctor, the child had been spitting up blood all morning.   你最好请医生来,这孩子整整一上午都在咯血。


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