
parseint()函数_math.round函数保留两位小数NO:01是什么意思?ChromeDriver v2.46 (2019-02-01)Supports Chrome v71-73Resolved issue 2728: Is Element Displayed command does no

NO:01是什么意思?   ———-ChromeDriver v2.46 (2019-02-01)———-   Supports Chrome v71-73   Resolved issue 2728: Is Element Displayed command does not work correctly with v0 shadow DOM inserts [[Pri-1]]   Resolved issue 755: /session/:sessionId/doubleclick only generates one set of mousedown/mouseup/click events [[Pri-2]]   Resolved issue 2744: Execute Script returns wrong error code when JavaScript returns a cyclic data structure [[Pri-2]]   Resolved issue 1529: OnResponse behavior can lead to port exhaustion [[Pri-2]]   Resolved issue 2736: Close Window command should handle user prompts based on session capabilities [[Pri-2]]   Resolved issue 1963: Sending keys to disabled element should throw Element Not interactable error [[Pri-2]]   Resolved issue 2679: Timeout value handling is not spec compliant [[Pri-2]]   Resolved issue 2002: Add Cookie is not spec compliant [[Pri-2]]   Resolved issue 2749: Update Switch To Frame error checks to match latest W3C spec [[Pri-3]]   Resolved issue 2716: Clearing Text Boxes [[Pri-3]]   Resolved issue 2714: ConnectException: Failed to connect to localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:15756. Could not start driver. [[Pri-3]]   Resolved issue 2722: Execute Script does not correctly convert document.all into JSON format [[Pri-3]]   Resolved issue 2681: ChromeDriver doesn’t differentiate “no such element” and “stale element reference” [[Pri-3]]


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