【龙腾网】你知道的最奇怪的冷知识是什么? 正文翻译 What is the weirdest fact you know? 你知道的最奇怪的冷知识是什么? 评论翻译
love_is_an_action Whichever one of us finds him in the winning can gets to tour the Pringles factory. 要是我们之中有哪个在决胜罐里找到他,我们就能去他的品客工厂了。 uunkeror On condition that he’s not eaten 前提是他还没被吃掉。 Epic2112 He’s teriyaki flavor. 他是照烧味的。 RicTicTocs Sour cream and onion by now. 现在是洋葱酸奶油味的了。 MrTumorI I think it’d be Smoky flavor. 我以为是烟熏味的。 Chellamour Because that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and that is frowned upon in most societies. 因为这叫食人,我亲爱的孩子们,绝大多数社会里人们听了是要皱眉头的。 HotHamWaterBath It’s not cannibalism if he’s ashes. It’s seasoning. 假如他烧成灰儿了就不算食人了。顶多算调味品。 idun05 Is he cremated or buried in a giant Pringles can? 他是火化之后再装进去的,还是整个埋进一个巨型品客罐子的? Weekend_Squire Then again, perhaps it’s 7 feet wide and 10 feet long, buried vertically. This way, as his descendants pass, they can be stacked. 那这样的话或许是7英尺宽10英尺长的罐子,垂直埋下去。这样他的子孙后代死了之后就可以摞起来了。 ZLATEN_DAB according to google a portion of his ashes are in a Pringles can. So yeah cremated 根据谷歌的搜索,他把一部分骨灰放进了品客薯片罐子里。所以确实,是火化的。 MustardInspector14 Technically they’re not ashes, FDA states they are ashes made from processed ash 准确地说不是骨灰,按照食药局的规定这是骨灰(由骨灰加工而成)。 FlyingDragoon Some say they sprinkle a portion of him in every Pringle can to give it that extra flavor we all know and love. 有人说他们会往每一罐品客薯片里都洒一点点他,好让薯片带上我们都知道并喜欢的那种特别风味。 net___runner He didn’t die. He just expired. 他没死。他只是过期了。 lkcg25165 WELCOME BACK TO MY YouTube CHANNEL AND TODAY WE ARE GOING TO OPEN THIS GIANT PRINGLES MYSTERY BOX 欢迎回到我的YouTube频道,今天我们要开这个巨大的品客盲盒 WimbleWimble This was to prevent him coming back as a lich, because no-one can reach into the bottom of the can to get ALL of his ashes. 这是为了防止他变成巫妖回来,因为没人能够到品客罐子的最底下,把他的所有骨灰都掏出来。 ctesibius If you ever read the parable of the mustard seed in the Bible, that refers to black mustard, a plant of the same cluster. Apparently it is similar to 8’ high purple broccoli. Good to eat, but it runs wild like brambles if of gets in your garden. 假如你读过圣经里那个芥末籽的预言,那个指的是黑芥末,也是同一个集群的植物。显然它和8英寸高的紫甘蓝很像。吃起来不错,但假如在花园里种的话它会像荆棘一样疯长。 dogeshwar Most of the camels of Saudi Arabia are imported from Australia 沙特阿拉伯的骆驼基本都是澳大利亚进口的 ThainEshKelch The largest wild population of camels is also in Australia. 世界上最大的野生骆驼种群也在澳大利亚。 -clogwog- Camel milk is a booming industry in Australia at the moment… 现在骆驼奶是澳大利亚非常有前途的产业…… About six years ago, it was pretty unheard of. Now, there are three camel dairies in northern Victoria alone. 大概6年前,这个产业还没人听说过。现在光是在维多利亚州北部就有3个骆驼乳制品工厂了。 GoomerBile How does it taste tho 尝起来怎么样呢 …it’s just a pity that it costs so damned much. 但贵是真他娘的贵,有点可惜。 TheTrueSnappyDragon And here I am, am Australian, not even realising that there are any camels here at all 我作为一个澳大利亚人,甚至不知道这里有骆驼。 what_the_flat theyre a huge pest out in the middle basically. They shoot them from copters, there was a hubbub in the US on The View I think, when they found out they did that. Of course, they didn’t go into how they’re terrible for the environment here. Some people then said, well at least use the meat for petfood or something. Clearly not realizing that shifting bulk dead camel from the middle of literally nowhere would be insanely expensive and clearly not worth it. 总地来说在澳大利亚中部有很大的一个种群。他们从直升机上对他们开枪,美国的视野脱口秀还为此争论过一阵子。当然,他们没说过这种行为对当地的环境有多大的影响。有人之后说,好吧至少可以把骆驼肉拿去做宠物粮什么的。显然没有意识到把荒郊野外的骆驼尸体运回去会贵的离谱,并且显然毫不值得。 dratthecookies Australia has such weird animals. It’s like Noah had a second ark that ran aground on Australia. 澳大利亚的怪动物真多。就好像诺亚造了两艘方舟,第二艘在澳大利亚搁浅了。 dark_harness uh, yes but people seem to be getting confused between wild animals and native animals. Camels arent native to australia, they brought over by the british from india and middle east. 呃,没错但是人们有时会把野生动物和当地原产动物搞混。骆驼并不是澳大利亚当地的动物,他们是被美国人从印度和中东带过来的。 PLASMA-SQUIRREL `Little-known fact: they swam there after escaping Saudi Arabia. 没人知道的事实:他们是从沙特逃出来之后游到澳大利亚的。 freeLightbulbs We also sell them sand. Seriously. 我们也往沙特卖沙子。真的。 ssigusoftlut The sand they need must be rough, desert sand is too round to be used in construction or terraforming. 他们需要的沙子得很结实,沙漠里的沙子太圆润,不适合用在建筑工程或填海造陆上。 onemoreclick Beach sand is better than desert sand for concrete 混凝土用的话,沙滩的沙子比沙漠要好很多 3atm And if I remember correctly we sell sand to Hawaii 假如我没记错的话,我们也往夏威夷卖傻子 KTown-2006 Yes, Waikiki is naturally volcanic, so they cover it with sand from Stockton. 没错,威基基岛是火山岛,所以他们铺一层斯托克顿的沙子。 newtoon actually, there is a very interesting article about the fact that we go to “sand depletion”, because all sand is not equal for our uses (concrete first of all) https://www.cdeglobal.com/news/2020/october/sand-depletion-global-crisis 事实上,有一篇非常有趣的文章,说的是我们要面临“沙砾枯竭”,因为世界上所有的沙子也不够我们用(最多的就是混凝土) and regarding camels, I read that it is NOT an animal for HOT climates, but for DRY climates, which is not the same thing at all 说到骆驼,骆驼并不是一种适应炎热气候的,而是适应干燥气候的生物,这两个根本不是一回事。 godaniel11 Similar, Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest importer of sand 类似的,沙特阿拉伯是世界上最大的沙子进口国。 Lisa: The records only go back to the ’70s when the hall of records was mysteriously blown away. 丽莎:记录只能追溯到70年代,此前的记录库房被一股大风神秘地吹走了。 kashaan_lucifer ironic 有够讽刺 Sucks to be him 这个人太难了 FrietjePindaMayoUi Imagine being the proud inventor of a machine that saves many lives and not have the plans to your invention be made public, for all to use. 想象一下你是一个骄傲地发明了能拯救很多生命的发明家,但你却不打算把你的发明公布于众,让所有人都能使用。 If you ask me, the patent system should be shut down as it is. It should only serve to honor the name(s) of the original inventor of something. Otherwise it’s just obstructing progress/development for economic gains. 要我说,专利这种东西就应当被废掉。专利只应该为某个东西的发明者提供荣誉,要不然它就会成为阻碍进步和经济增长的东西。 Lexicon_2325 Thats a terrible idea, then you’ll have small inventors making an innovative new product or idea, only to have a massive conglomerate like Amazon or Google steal it from under you. Or let’s say you make a medication to help…. in bed. So a simple life improvement medication. You spend millions of dollars on research, laboratories, testing, clinical trials, failed formulas and so on. And years later you finish…. only to have your formula stolen by a competitor who sells it under their brand name. 这个主意真的太糟了,这样的话你就会看见小的发明家想出一个创造性的新产品或是新主义,然后被亚马逊或者谷歌这种巨型企业偷走。或者你发明一种给别人带来帮助的药物。普通的能改善生活质量的东西。你在研发,实验室,测试,临床测试,失败的配方上花了上百万美,过了好几年终于完成了……却被你的竞争对手偷走,被他们贴自己的商标出售。 Copyright and patents are vital for economic prosperity 版权和专利对于经济发展是至关重要的。 QueefOnMyQuock You spend millions of dollars on research, laboratories, testing, clinical trials, failed formulas and so on 引用:“你在研发,实验室,测试,临床测试,失败的配方上花了上百万美” Medicine R&D is government subsidised. So the next time you’re paying $600 per pill for a medicine that you will die without (that costs about $5 to manufacture), remember that you Fucking paid for those vile greedy cunts to invent the drug in the first place. 药物研发是有政府补贴的。所以下次你花600块钱买一片没有它就活不成的药(生产成本只有5美)的时候,请记住是你他妈先给那帮发明了这个药的恶毒、贪婪的婊子们打钱的。 drug patents are inherently morally wrong. 药物专利是内生地,道德上错误的。 I’m not saying that greed and making money aren’t also an issue (it is a business after all). I’m just saying there are valid reasons for why drugs can be expensive and you have to balance a lot of factors if you want to change that. 我并非在说贪婪和赚钱就不是问题了(毕竟这也是一门生意)。我只是想说药物贵有贵的理由,假如你想要改变这个现状,你得在诸多因素之间做好平衡。 mariobryt Yup, they produce more sausages than cars, if i remember correctly 没错,他们生产的香肠比车还多,假如我没记错的话。 drumanddrummer This is True, Richard Hammond does a documentary called Big where he goes to massive factories, Oil rigs etc. and see’s how they work, The episode on the Volkswagen factory was amazing, They make more Sausages than cars in it, The whole plant is so large and the operation so big they have no room to keep parts onsite, So they have a system where parts arrive just in time to be used, When stock arrives on site it’s used between 1 and 6 hours later. Sorcery 是这样的,理查德·哈蒙德拍过一个叫《理查德·哈蒙德的超级工程》的纪录片,他拜访各种巨大的工厂,油井之类的地方,看看这些东西的工作原理。拍大众工厂的那一集很棒,他们在工厂里制造的香肠比车都多,整个工厂特别大,并且生产工作规模也特别大,以至于它们没有在厂内储存零部件的地方,他们有个系统,零件运达之后刚好就会被用上,存货到达工厂之后只要1到6个小时也会被用上。简直是魔法。 angryvitsch It’s not sorcery it’s logistics 这不是魔法,这是后勤 drumanddrummer Sorcery level logistics tho. 魔法级别的后勤吧 Netsuko As someone who works there: Yeah. The logistics is mi d of crazy. Not all areas work like this, but wherever this is applicable it’s done JIS (Just in time) indeed. It’s also a little scary as I as a forklift driver or machine operator could easily bring at least one entire production line to a complete halt as everything here is connected and interlixed. Once the buffer of parts after your department runs out and you haven’t fixed the problem, the production could grind to a halt very quickly. 作为一个在那里工作的人:没错。后勤真的非常疯狂。并不是所有区域都像这样工作,但只要能做到,就要正好及时地做到。其实也挺可怕的,因为我作为叉车司机或者机械操作员就可以很轻松地把至少一整条生产线拖到完全停产,因为这里的每一样东西都是互相连接的。一旦你所述的部门的备用零件也用没了,而你还没把问题处理好,那么整条生产线会非常快地陷入停滞。 cleave2k And they taste quite good ;) 那个香肠尝起来还很不错 eeveeyeee It’s actually easy to make yourself. Fry some bratwurst then add onions, passata sauce and curry powder. Pour it on top of fries. 其实你自己做挺简单的。煎几根煎香肠,然后加上洋葱,帕萨塔调味酱和咖喱粉。最后浇到炸薯条上。 eeveeyeee It’s street food so if it doesn’t taste unhealthy then you’re doing it wrong 那是种街头小吃,所以假如你做的尝起来没那么不干不净的话,你就做错咯。 gimmebananachips yess, they have an in house factory and its really cool. I saw it on Richard Hammonds series BIG on Discovery+, where he goes on a tour of their (main) biggest factory in Germany. interesting watch! 没错,他们有个室内工厂,真的很酷。我在探索频道+里的《理查德·哈蒙德的超级工程》里看过,他在德国最主要的几个大工厂里游览。很值得看! FlapjackRT I have a friend in Wolfsburg, which is a town centered around one of the largest car production factories in the world. He has confirmed that the currywurst is, in fact, quite good. 我在沃尔夫斯堡有个朋友,那座城市是围绕着世界上产能最大的汽车工厂之一修建的。他证实过咖喱香肠真的挺好吃的。 spicyfood333 mmmmm…. turbocharged sausages 嗯……涡轮增压香肠 vonwilhelmsllama If I show at my local VW dealer can I order them from the parts desk? Please say yes 假如我去我们这儿的大众经销商那里,我能不能从零部件柜台那订这种香肠啊?请告诉我可以 Sheriff___Bart I tried last year. My friend works for VW. I sent him the part number, it said he couldn’t order it. 我去年试过。我朋友在大众工作。我把零件号码发给他,他说订不了。 vonwilhelmsllama Thank you for confirming and crushing my dreams 感谢你证实并且摧毁了我的梦想。 Sheriff___Bart I am sorry for your loss sir. But you can by their curry ketchup on Ebay. 我对您的损失感到抱歉,先生。但你可以从Ebay上买到他们的咖喱酱。 poncicle And you can actually order it at any licensed VW dealership inside the EU 并且你其实可以在欧盟内的任何一家大众特许经销商那里订他们的香肠。 johnboy2978 Woodpeckers tongues wrap around their brain to cushion them from a concussion when they peck against tree trunks. 啄木鸟的舌头会把它们的大脑包裹起来,在它们啄木头的时候保护大脑受到的震荡 tea-and-chill Wow, that was gruesome. But informative. 哇,这有点恶心,但真长知识。 I imagined that the woodpecker would use the front of it’s tongue to somehow wrap it’s brain, but I learnt that it retracts the tongue and the back of the tongue goes around the head. 我以为啄木鸟是把舌头的尖端伸进去裹起自己的脑子,但我发现其实是它们会把舌头收缩起来,用舌头的根部包住脑袋。 Fascinating. And gruesome. 令人惊叹,但也够恶心。 mexicanpenguin-II Shock absorber that spreads the impact over a large area I’d imagine 我猜是一种吸收撞击的方法,用来将冲击分散到更大的一片区域。 I’ve had one going hard on a metal lamp post for hours a day, it must work bc I’d be dead 我曾经遇见过一只啄木鸟每天啄好几个小时的路灯杆,肯定有用,不然换我早死了。 KittyLitter-Smoothie Also they have nictitating membranes (extra layer of eyelids, like on a cat) that automatically slam closed as the beak hits the wood, holding their eyeballs like little seatbelts, otherwise they’d fling their damn eyes out from the sudden stop. 它们的眼睛上还有瞬膜(眼皮的额外层,像猫的那种),在喙啄到木头的时候会立刻合上,像小安全带一样护住眼球,要不然它们的眼球就要因为突然停下而飞出去了。 hazelsbaby123 The g-forces generated by a woodpecker would kill a human instantly. 啄木鸟的加速度会立刻杀死人类。 otterscotch I’ve read that woodpeckers will find particularly loud things to peck to announce their presence/territory. Like howling in a way. 我看过的书里说啄木鸟会找那些啄起来非常响的东西去啄,来宣布他们的存在和领土,某种程度上挺像嗥叫的。 Mercygrace22 Also, woodpeckers eat baby bird brains. 啄木鸟还会吃幼鸟的大脑。 PaniqueAttaque Radiotrophic fungus was first discovered at the Chernobyl site in 1991, just after the collapse of the Soviet unx and the start of internationally-aided cleanup/containment efforts. Not so sure about right next to the Elephant’s Foot, but it was definitely found growing in large, flourishing colonies all throughout the site’s cooling water supply. 辐射营养真菌是1991年在切尔诺贝利核事故地点第一次被发现的,在苏联解体后,国际援助清理/收容行动开始时。不太确定是不是在大象脚旁边,不过显然是在事故地点冷却水循环系统中到处大量生长。 This fungus appears to use melanin – the same dark-brown pigment that gives humans all their various normal skin tones, except in much, much higher concentrations – to power sugar-producing reactions by deriving energy from nuclear decay the same way plants and cyanobacteria use the green pigment chlorophyll to synthesize sugars by deriving energy from (sun)light. 这种真菌似乎是使用黑色素——与赋予人类各种肤色的黑色素完全相同的色素,唯一区别在于浓度更高,高得多——来为从核衰变中获得能量进行制糖反应功能,原理与植物和蓝细菌使用叶绿素这种绿色色素来吸收(阳)光中的能量合成糖类一样。 Basically, this stuff is a mold colony that has the most extreme tan ever, and uses it to eat radiation. 基本上这玩意就是个史上颜色最深的霉菌菌落,并且它们用这种颜色来吃辐射。 Similar fungi have been found accumulated on the exterior hulls of low-orbit spacecraft, and experiments were recently (2018-2019) conducted to begin investigating if the stuff could be used as shielding to protect astronauts from solar/cosmic radiation. Apparently, results were promising! 类似的真菌在低轨航天器的外壳上也被发现过,最近(2018-2019年)进行的试验研究了这种东西能不能用来给宇航员抵抗太阳/宇宙辐射。显然,结果很乐观! Seve7h Imagine going into space in a mushroom suit 想象一下穿着一套蘑菇去太空 sir_blxs_alot I already have been to space with mushrooms. 我已经用蘑菇上过太空了 L1P0D I was just thinking, is this why nuclear bombs produce mushroom clouds? 我在想,这是核弹爆炸之后会产生蘑菇云的原因 Polenball Fucking fluid mechanics, how does it work? 他妈的流体力学,怎么起作用的? Sethanatos ”It’s-a one small step for-a man; one-a giant leap for Mario!” “这是人类的一小步,但却是马力欧的一大步!” Tebbybare Thats some crazy fungii 这真菌真牛逼啊 Clewin Fungi are absolutely amazing; a combination of E-Coli and fungi can even produce gasoline. Fungi mostly produce ethanol as a waste, which is still a fuel. 真菌绝对牛逼;大肠杆菌和真菌的结合甚至能够生产汽油。真菌大多数都将乙醇作为代谢废物排放,但乙醇还能做燃料。 Billy_Reuben Wait what??? Doctor here, C. neoformans is the one that can also eat gamma rays in the same way they can eat grandma in the ICU????? The same species??? 等等,什么???我是个医生,在ICU里吃老奶奶的新生链球菌也能吃伽马射线???同一种物种??? knc4m Yep! Here’s a short nature write up on it, which has the reference for the original PLoS paper that was published on it: https://www.nature.com/news/2007/070521/full/news070521-5.html 没错!这里是《自然》的一篇短文,里面有发表在美国科学公共图书馆上的论文原文。 Billy_Reuben Holy shit, dude. C. neoformans can do that??? 我草,天哪。新生隐球菌还能做到这种事??? My GF apparently loves C. neoformans. Because she’s a Fucking weird pathologist. Her exact quote was “It’s so preeety in CSF.” 我女朋友特别喜欢新生隐球菌。因为她是个脑子不太正常的病理学家。她的原话是“这玩意儿在脑脊液里也太——好看了。” adi60 If it can prepare its own food, why is it still called fungi? 假如它能给自己生成食物,为什么它还叫真菌呢? Billy-and-Leona Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can. 树懒闭气的时间可以比海豚更久。 IFKETOFATTY They can also die of starvation with a full stomach 它们也可以在胃里装满食物的情况下饿死。 billianwillian Interesting! How so? 真有趣?怎么回事? marble-pig How have this creature survived for so long?! 这种生物怎么活这么久的?! snoogenfloop Temperatures generally change a lot slower on a climatological scale. 在气候学的尺度上,气温通常来说会变得比现在慢很多。 TheAndroidWolf Flash Flash Hundred Yard Dash 闪电神力,十万马力! Fun_Tonight_6923 When the food is in the loading screen. 它们胃里的食物还在读条。 Better_Celebration83 Humans can too with diseases that kill your intestines 人类也会这样,某些疾病会在你的肠子里大杀特杀。 PM_me_your_fantasyz There is also a condition called “rabbit starvation” where a person eats nothing but lean protein, and eventually dies because they are not getting enough soluble fat to actually absorb the nutrients they need to survive. 有一种叫做“兔子饥荒”的疾病,某人除了精蛋白之外什么都不吃,最后死了,因为他们没有足够的水溶性脂肪来吸收他们需要的养分。 It’s called rabbit starvation because it was first noticed among trappers in the Canadian wilderness. Rabbits are really easy to trap, and are available all winter long, so fur trappers would sometimes eat nothing but rabbit for months on end. The problem is that rabbits have very little fat in their muscles, and instead have fat in their skin and organs — which the trappers were not eating. 这种疾病叫做“兔子饥荒”,首次发现是在加拿大荒野中的猎人那里。兔子很容易落入陷阱中,并且一冬天都能抓到,所以毛皮猎人们有时会一个月里除了兔子什么也不吃。问题在于兔子的肌肉中脂肪含量非常少,但是在皮和器官中有很多脂肪——而这些东西猎人们不吃。 There were several cases of trappers found dead from malnutrition with their stomachs full of rabbit meat. In one case one of the trappers had been eating as many as twenty rabbits a day before he died. 有几例猎人的死亡案例中,他们的胃里塞满了兔子肉,但还是死于营养不良。在其中一个病例里,一个猎人在死亡之前的一天吃了20只兔子。 TizzleDirt That is weird. 这太怪了。 Rubyshooz Actually makes sense though. They move so dang slow, they would probably drown before reaching the surface of the water, if they couldn’t hold their breath for a long time. 虽然事实上是讲得通的。树懒移动得这么慢,要是憋气时间不够长的话或许在够到水面之前他们就憋死了。 9ToTheMoon Sloths travel three times faster in water than they do on land. Saw that on a National Geographic documentary. 树懒在水中的速度是陆地上的3倍。我在国家地理的纪录片里看到过 Icantbethereforyou Three feet per minute instead of one? Slow down sloths 从每分钟1英尺加速到每分钟3英尺?慢点吧树懒 Eldudeareno217 Leave some speed for the turtles. 给乌龟留点速度 Humuluslupulusss Turtles can breathe through their butts. 乌龟能用屁股呼吸。 Prossdog I mean, I can breathe OUT through my butt. 其实我也会从屁股里呼气。 ShadNuke I cause people to stop breathing with my butt… 我可以用我的屁股让别人停止呼吸…… Iirkola ”You’re breathtaking” “你令人窒息” martril Turtles also coincidentally have terrible breath 巧的是,乌龟的口臭也很严重 ouakil001 Door knobs that are made out of brass can disinfect itself in about 8 hours. 黄铜做的门把手可以在8小时之内自我清除上面的病原体。 8547anonymous I’ve never thought about the weight of paint before 我之前从来没考虑过颜料的重量 MiguelKoch One of the reasons the new starship by space X is unpainted. It’s made of stainless steel so it’s already super heavy. SpaceX的新星舰没涂漆的原因之一就是会重。它的外壳是不锈钢的,所以已经够重了。 Also happens a lot in F1 and other racing sports, they use special lightweight paint 在F1和其他竞速运动中也会发生,他们会用特殊的超轻颜料。
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