
special和specific的区别?简单的答_specific搭配special 和 specific 的区别这两个词通常可以互换使用,但它们之间的含义有一些微妙的差别。这两个词都可以用来描述独特的人或事,但 “special “通常指的是积极的或可取的东

special 和 specific 的区别   这两个词通常可以互换使用,但它们之间的含义有一些微妙的差别。这两个词都可以用来描述独特的人或事,但 “special “通常指的是积极的或可取的东西,而 “specific “可以是积极的或消极的。   比如:The new restaurant is getting good reviews because it offers a special menu for vegetarians.The local news is reporting on a specific case of child abuse.   在第一个例子中,”special”被用来描述积极的东西(餐厅的素食菜单)。在第二个例子中,”specific”这个词被用来描述负面的东西(虐待儿童的案件)。   The words “special” and “specific” are often used interchangeably, but there are some subtle differences in meaning between them. Both words can be used to describe people or things that are unique, but “special” usually refers to something that is positive or desirable, while “specific” can be either positive or negative.   Here are some examples:   The new restaurant is getting good reviews because it offers a special menu for vegetarians.   The local news is reporting on a specific case of child abuse.   In the first example, the word “special” is used to describe something that is positive (the restaurant’s vegetarian menu). In the second example, the word “specific” is used to describe something that is negative (a case of child abuse).   So, while both words can refer to things that are unique, “special” is usually used to describe something that is positive, while “specific” can be used to describe either positive or negative things.


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