
player是什么意思英文翻译_gamer和player的区别players是什么意思,players怎么读,players的意思是:演员( playerEuropean banks are major players in trade finance .欧洲银行是国际贸易融资的主要参与者。But for smaller and foreign players

players是什么意思,players怎么读,players的意思是:演员( player   European banks are major players in trade finance .欧洲银行是国际贸易融资的主要参与者。But for smaller and foreign players , the prospects are much less clear .但对于规模较小和外国的参与者,前景则不那么明朗。His technique is to describe history through its players , with all their foibles .他的技巧就是保留历史参与者的所有瑕疵,通过他们描述历史。Both see themselves as global players , ready and willing to project expeditionary force .两国都认为自己是全球事务参与者,具有远距投送军事力量的能力与意愿。Instead , the players provoking particular behind-the-scenes unease are those sitting in asia .相反,引发异常幕后恐慌的,是那些来自亚洲的参与者。During every round , players are given the opportunity to donate points to their neighbours .在接下来每一轮游戏中,参与者都有机会赠送分数给他的邻居。A general softening of stance has been detected among many players in the complex global deal .在这桩复杂的全球性交易中,许多参与者已显示出立场软化的迹象。Most of the players in this street food revolution are young and not industry veterans .这场街头食品革命的多数参与者都是年轻人,并非从业经验丰富的老人。In other words , its appeal is proportionate to how many other market players use it .换句话说,它的吸引力是与有多少其他市场的参与者使用它成正比的。Not many people think of shantytowns illegal street vendors and unlicensed roadside hawkers as major economic players .几乎没有人认为棚户区居民、不法摊贩和无照路边小贩会是主要的经济参与者。


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