
decision怎么读音发音英语怎么说_improve英语怎么读decision用作名词 (n.) accept the/sb’s decision

decision   用作名词 (n.) accept the/sb’s decision 接受…决定〔判定〕 agreed to the decision   affect one’s decision 影响某人的决定 influence one’s decision   against the decision 反对(某一)决定 against an action   applaud one’s decision 赞许…的决定 agree to one’s decision   approve of one’s decision 赞成某人的决定 agree to one’s decision   arrive at a decision 达成一项决议 reach a decision   come to the decision 作出决定 make the decision   delay one’s decision 推迟决定(实施) postpone one’s decision   give one’s decision 作出决定 reach a decision   hand down one’s decision 作出判决 judge the decision   hang on sb’s decision 取决于…决定 be decided by   hit out at sb’s decisions 猛烈抨击其决定 critic the decision   hold off one’s decision 迟迟不做决定 postpone the decision   hold to one’s decision 坚持决定 resist one’s decision   influence sb’s decision 影响决定 affect one’s decision   make a decision 作出决定 give a decision   proceed the decisions 导致…结果 come to the decision   reach a decision 作出决定 give a decision   recall one’s decision 撤销决定 cancel one’s decision   reconsider the/one’s decision 重新考虑其决定 think the decision again   the result of one’s decision 作出决定的理由 the reason of one’s decision


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