if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译

if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译spotted是什么意思_spotted用英语怎么说_spotted的翻译_spotted翻译成_spotted的中文意思_spotted怎么读,spotted的读音,spotted的用法,spotted的例句全部有斑点的发现玷污a

spotted是什么意思_spotted用英语怎么说_spotted的翻译_spotted翻译成_spotted的中文意思_spotted怎么读,spotted的读音,spotted的用法,spotted的例句   全部有斑点的发现玷污   a black and white spotted dress
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   黑白点相间的连衣裙   牛津词典   a leopard’s spotted coat
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   豹的花斑皮毛   牛津词典   …hand-painted spotted cups and saucers in green and blue…
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   带有手绘圆点的绿色和蓝色茶杯和茶托   柯林斯高阶英语词典   His cheeks were spotted with blackheads.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   他的双颊上长了一些黑头。   柯林斯高阶英语词典   The night sky is spotted with stars.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   夜晚的天空繁星点点.   《现代英汉综合大词典》   The saws are specially suitable for cutting various concrete of road and airport road.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   适用于各种混凝土切割,如一般公路和机场跑道等.   期刊摘选   Four days after setting out , while the Titantic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   启航四天后, 泰坦尼克号在穿过北大西洋多冰的海域时, 瞭望员突然发现了一个巨大的冰山.   《用法词典》   He spotted his friend in the crowd.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   他从人群中认出了他的朋友.   《用法词典》   The teacher spotted a mistake in his home work.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   老师在他的家庭作业中看出了一个错误.   《用法词典》   The milkman selected the spotted cows, from among a herd of two hundred.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   牛奶商从一群200头牛中选出有斑点的牛.   《简明英汉词典》   He spotted his clothes.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   他弄脏了他的衣服.   《简明英汉词典》   I spotted him in the crowd.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   我在人群中认出了他.   《简明英汉词典》   We spotted them at a distance of two hundred yards.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   我们在相距200码处就看到他们.   《简明英汉词典》   He spotted his reputation by lying repeatedly.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   他不断撒谎,从而使他的名声沾上了污点.   《简明英汉词典》   They spotted armour moving up the valley.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   他们发现装甲车队正沿着山谷行进.   《简明英汉词典》   His performance was spotted at 8’oclock.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   他的演出被排在8点钟.   《现代英汉综合大词典》   a black and white spotted dress
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   黑白点相间的连衣裙   《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》   They were spotted after three hours adrift in a dinghy.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   他们在小舢板上漂浮了3个小时后才被发现。   柯林斯例句   I spotted a shooting star which, to my astonishment, was bright green in colour.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   我看见一颗流星,使我大为惊奇的是,它居然是鲜亮的绿色。   柯林斯例句   If we had been spotted at that point, I don’t know what would have happened to us.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   如果当时我们被发现了,我不知道会有什么后果。   柯林斯例句   If a plant has spotted or crinkled leaves, do not use it for propagation.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   如果植物的叶子有斑点或者萎缩,就不要用来繁殖。   柯林斯例句   I’m sure I’d have spotted him if it had been up to me.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   我相信要是换成我,我一定能找到他。   柯林斯例句   She had spotted a man with a shotgun taking aim.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   她发现一个正持猎枪瞄准的男子。   柯林斯例句   Her drama teacher spotted her ability.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   她的戏剧老师发现了她的才能。   柯林斯例句   Evelyn’s excellent organisational skills were soon spotted by her employers.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   伊夫琳出色的组织能力很快就被老板发现。   柯林斯例句   Finally I spotted it, in a dark corner over by the piano.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   最后我在钢琴旁的阴暗角落里发现了它。   柯林斯例句   I managed to walk around unchallenged for 10 minutes before an alert nurse spotted me.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   我四处走动了10分钟,没有受到查问,之后一位警觉的护士发现了我。   柯林斯例句   An unattended bag was spotted near the platform at Gatwick.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   在盖特威克机场站的站台附近发现了一个无主袋子。   柯林斯例句   Her favourite subjects are shells spotted on beach walks.
if not centuries翻译_as early as we can翻译   她最喜爱的题材是那些在海边散步时发现的贝壳。   柯林斯例句


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