
标志的英文单词怎么说_英文字母的车标志标志数1. 拔出硬币或标志数确定客户的操作设备的时间,但是在大少数状况下,最小的硬币数量是必要的启动设备。The number of COINS or tokens inserted determines the amount

标志数   1. 拔出硬币或标志数确定客户的操作设备的时间,但是在大少数状况下,最小的硬币数量是必要的启动设备。The number of COINS or tokens inserted determines the amount of time customers have to operate the equipment, however in most instances, a minimum number of COINS are necessary to start the equipment.   youdao2. 制作一个标志要花上数小时。It takes many hours to craft a single sign.   youdao3. 现时标志通常能实现为计数器(一个序列数)或者时间戳。Typically, the nonce can be implemented as a counter (a sequence number) or as a timestamp.   youdao4. 数小时内,他发布消息说福特公司的律师认为该网站正在出售带有福特标志的假冒商品。Within hours, he reported that Ford’s lawyers believed the site was selling counterfeit goods with Ford’s logo.   youdao5. 你可以在每个矩阵的右侧看到更新的值,标志着矩阵的总数和平均数,如图4所示。You should see updated values at the right of each metric, indicating both the total number of metrics and the average, as Figure 4 shows.   youdao6. PCR是一座反应堆的核中子数会在反应堆能量增加后增加或减少的衡量标志。The power coefficient of reactivity (PCR) is a measure of whether a particular reactor’s nuclear neutron population will tend to increase or decrease after an increase in the reactor’s power.   youdao7. 牌面的数标志着牌的顺序或价值。The figures are placed on each card with the number or value of the card.   youdao8. 互联网最近数周正席卷关于苹果iPhone5的发布日期的传言,甚至还包括了苹果公司是否会在今年全面更新其标志性的智能手机。The Internet has swirled with speculation in recent weeks about a release date for Apple’s iPhone 5, and even whether the company will update its iconic smartphone at all this year.   youdao9. 以字的复杂性探查汉字心理旋转方式与识别的加工方式,字的复杂性是以笔画数和部件可分性标志的。The purpose of the present study was to explore processing modes of mental rotation and recognition for Chinese characters by means of its complexity.   youdao10. 他从第一个字符起数n – 1个字符(空格,标点及其他标志也是字符)而且删除第n个的字符。Starting from the first character he or she counts out N-1 characters (Spaces, punctuation marks etc. are considered to be characters too) and deletes the Nth character.   youdao11. 在英国时,日产与保时捷字样的标志两侧的数辆汽车,宝马和奥迪,有一系列的计数符号旁边的每个。At the UK event, Nissan emblazoned the sides of several vehicles with the logos of Porsche, BMW and Audi, with a series of tally marks next to each.   youdao12. 此公告标志着中国股市在夏季的动荡之后终于趋于稳定,本周的沪深300指数达到了六月以来的最好水准。The announcement comes after signs Chinese stock markets have finally stabilized after a rocky summer; this week the CSI300 index. CSI300 posted its best weekly performance since June.   youdao13. 细说是非标志的概念、平均数及其方差。Explain the conception of the mark of yes or no and average number and its involution difference.   youdao


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