spotted 翻译_英汉互译翻译软件免费

spotted 翻译_英汉互译翻译软件免费spottedspotted的意思、解释 现在分词:spotting;   复数形式:spots;spotted 基本解释spotted形容词有斑点的; 有污点的; 弄脏的; 〈口〉受注意的动词发现; 玷污spotted 网络解释1. spotted在线翻译1

spotted   spotted的意思、解释       现在分词:spotting;   复数形式:spots;   spotted 基本解释   spotted   形容词有斑点的; 有污点的; 弄脏的; 〈口〉受注意的   动词发现; 玷污   spotted 网络解释   1. spotted在线翻译   1. 有斑点的:spotted fever 斑疹热 | spotted 有斑点的 | spotter 私人侦探   2.   2. (有斑点的;有点子的):strong (强壮的;强大的) | spotted (有斑点的;有点子的) | underwater (在水下的;在水中的)   3. 斑点化的:Several 几个,若干 | Spotted 斑点化的 | Substantially 基本上,本质上   4. 此刻的情景是:Im actually hoping she will. 我倒希望她还会 | spotted… 此刻的情景是… | Serena making heroic exit from b.S party. Serena在B的派对上 英雄式的离场spotted 双语例句   1. It was spotted only two weeks ahead of its closest approach.   科学家有二个星期发现它正在接近近地点。   2. Can ah, there is no need for us to get nervous, I pregnancy when they are asked a doctor, the doctor said that a pregnant person on the tension in this, the tension that, in fact, there is no need to, if not on the skin must maintain care and summer must pay attention to the sun, because of pregnancy when a long easily spotted, so the skin care is still very necessary, if a pregnant do not have anything, it is also afraid that is afraid to make their own side of蓬头meet unexpectedly, feelings can be good, so why not be a good mother does, as long as not to use poor-quality cosmetics, there is no problem.   可以啊,没有必要这么紧张的,我怀孕的时候都问过医生了,医生说现在的人一怀孕就紧张这,紧张那的,其实没有必要,如果皮肤不好就一定要保持护理,而且夏天一定要注意防晒,因为怀孕的时候很容易长斑的,所以护理皮肤还是很必要的,如果一怀孕就什么也不用,这也怕那也怕的,把自己搞得蓬头逅面的,心情能好吗,为什么不能做个漂亮的准妈妈呢,只要不要用劣质化妆品,是不会有问题的。   3. And it wasn`t long before she spotted the stars – reflected in the water of a little pond.   小女孩照做了,她在小池塘里来回游著,但她连一个星星都找不到。   4. This pyramid was spotted by U. S. pilots in China in WWll flying over the hump in Burma.   这个金字塔被在中国的二战中飞越缅甸驼峰的美国飞行员发现。   5. They are extremely visible because of their red color and can be spotted in the late spring.   他们是非常明显的,因为他们红颜色,可在春季后期发现。   6. This lungless salamander, which breathes through its skin, is one of three similar species RAEI scientists spotted in Ecuadorian forests.   这种无肺火蜥蜴靠皮肤呼吸,是RAEI小组在厄瓜多尔森林发现的三种类似种群的一种。   7. The highlight at those times, is the chance of seeing rare birds such as the Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Spotted Greenshank, Asiatic Dowitcher and Grey-tailed Tattler.   在候鸟到港的高峰期,更可一睹难得一见的勺咀鹬、小青脚鹬、半蹼鹬及灰尾鹬等雀鸟。   8. They drag’d him on shore, and found that it was a most curious leopard, spotted and fine to an   他们把那死了的家伙拖到岸上,发现竟是一只很奇特的豹。   9.   9. Four days after setting out while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.   出海四天后,当泰坦尼克号驶越大西洋多冰水域时,一个了望员突然发现了一座巨大的冰山。   10. It is time we protected spotted deer from becoming extinct.   该是我们保护梅花鹿以免其绝种的时候了。   11. It is the first time that spotted deer have produced young with entirely white fur!   这是第一次梅花鹿产生了年轻的具有完全白色皮草!   12. Our spotted deer are all in good taste!   我们梅花鹿都很大方的吧?   13. spotted的反义词   13. Spotted deer, monkeys alarm will respond quickly and to their unique way to alert nearby animals.   斑点鹿会对猴子的报警迅速的作出反应,并以它们独特的方式向邻近的动物报警。   14. Just then he saw in the place of the spotted deer a beautiful young maiden.   就在这时,梅花鹿变成一位美丽端庄的姑娘,姑娘爱上了这位善良的猎人,结成夫妇。   15. The main products from spotted deer are antler, the precious animal medicine, has a good market potential.   梅花鹿的主要产品鹿茸是贵重的动物药材,具有较广阔的市场前晨。   16. The tradition continues to this day, and Dalmatians can even be spotted at some Fire Stations!   这个传统一直延续到了今天,而且甚至仍然能在一些火场见到斑点狗!   17. An 85-day-old horse foetus which photographer Tim Flach spotted on a visit to a vets surgery, where the tiny foals body had been preserved in a jar of formalin   摄影师Tim Flach在观看一场兽医外科手术时所拍摄的一个85天大的马胚胎,这个幼仔被保存在福尔马林的溶液瓶中。   18. spotted的翻译   18. The huge wave was 2initially spotted during big southwesterly swells by a lighthouse keeper in the late 1970s.   最早的巨浪是20世纪70年代末的一位灯塔看守人发现的,他是在海浪往西南方推进的时候去冲浪的。   19.   19. The gene, DNAJA1, was spotted in lab experiments on entrecote meat taken from 14 young Charolais bulls, the National Institute for Agricultural Research said.   这种被称为DNAJA1的基因是取自14头年轻夏洛莱公牛的上腰部肉片,并在实验室中被测定的——国家农业研究院声称。   20. spotted的意思   20. In 1998 scientists discovered this orange-spotted snakehead, which is native to the streams, swamps, and ponds of the Indian state of Assam, according to an August 2009 WWF report.   在1998年,科学家发现了这种带橙色斑的蛇头鱼,它原产于印度阿萨姆邦的溪流,沼泽和池塘中,原引WWF于2009年8月发布的报告。spotted 词典解释   1. 带圆点的;有斑点的   Something that is spotted has a pattern of spots on it.   e.g. …hand-painted spotted cups and saucers in green and blue…   带有手绘圆点的绿色和蓝色茶杯和茶托   e.g. His cheeks were spotted with blackheads.   他的双颊上长了一些黑头。   2. see also: spotspotted 单语例句   1. The signage was also prominent enough to be spotted for those traveling by car.   2. They perturb particles in the rings by creating ” density waves ” of gravity spotted by Voyager 2 in 1981 and in other new observations by Cassini.   3. He said the security forces spotted the two bodies of the gunmen and tried to recover them but were met by heavy volume of gunfire.   4. Officers got a call shortly after midnight that numerous shots had been fired and a red pickup truck had been spotted leaving the scene.   5. Passersby who spotted the man sleeping on the tree were forced to call firefighters after their calls to him went unheard.   6. Another canoe was also spotted about 13 kilometers downstream from the site.   7. Smoke was at first spotted at the stern of the cargo ship on Saturday night.   8. We spotted iguanas that looked like small alligators and learned about cashew trees.   9. Holmes was briefly spotted standing at a castle window, but drew back immediately as soon as people began to notice.   10. The American has also spotted the great pyramids of Egypt, and photographed them as evidence of his visual acuity.spotted 英英释义   adj   1. having spots or patches (small areas of contrasting color or texture)   e.g. a field patched with ice and snow   the wall had a spotty speckled effect   a black-and-white spotted cow   Synonym: patchedspotty


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