

2009年在职教育硕士英语词汇连载(第一课)   第一次课:P、R开头的核心词汇   学习时间:共八次课   学习内容:联考核心词汇   学习方式:认真听讲,记笔记。在每个词后都要记住其记忆方法,语义和使用语境。完全能拼写出单词是不必要的,但是要做到看到单词能认出其语义。   pace  radical       panic  ratio       partial  rational       participate  raw       particularly  readily       partner  rebel       passion  recall       passive  receipt       peculiar  reception       peer  recession       penalty  reckon       penetrate  recognition       pension  recommend       perceive  recommendation       perception  recovery       performance  recreation       permanent  recruit       permission  reference       persist  refine       personnel  reflect       perspective  reform       pessimistic  refresh       phase  refugee       phenomenon  refusal       philosophy  register       physical  regulate       physician  reinforce       physicist  reject       pill  release       plot  relevant       poisonous  reliable       polish  relief       poll  relieve       pollute  religious       portable  reluctant       portion  remain       portrait  remark       pose  remarkable       positive  remedy       possess  remind       postpone  remote       potential  removal       practical  render       pray  repetition       precaution  represent       preceding  representative       precious  reputation       precise  request       predict  rescue       prejudice  resemble       preliminary  reservation       prescribe  resident       presence  resign       preserve  resist       presumably  resolve       pretend  resort       prevail  respectively       previous  respond       prime  responsibility       primitive  responsible       principal  restless       principle  restore       prior  restrain       priority  restraint       privilege  restrict       procedure  resume       proceed  retail       process  retain       procession  reveal       produce  revenue       profession  revise       profile  reward       profit  ridiculous       progressive  rival       prohibit  roar       prominent  rotate       promote  routine       prompt  rumor       proof  rural       property  publication       proportion  publicity       protest  publish       provided  punch       provision  punctual       provoke  purchase       possession  purpose       psychological  pursue         puzzle     语境词汇题:——P   10. My time is very __, I can only spare you minutes for a interview.       A previous    B scare     C dear     D precious   11. It is believed that a good breakfast is __ a big supper.   A more preferable than    B more preferable to      C preferable to        D preferable for   12. The __estimate of gains IN gross national product suggest a fast recovery from economic recession.       A introductory   B prime     C primary    D preliminary   13. Some people criticize family doctor for ______ too many medicines minor illness.       A prescribing    B ordering    C advising    D delivering   14. He gave his _- for new marketing procedures.      A presentations   B representations   C comments    D memoranda   15. The fundamental __which govern all physical processes are also related to many everyday occurrence.       A rules     B regulation    C principal    D principle   16. He adjusted his hat __.       A prior of leaving   B prior to leaving   C prior to leave   D prior leave   17. The food we eat through the whole __ of digestion, absorption and elimination.       A procedure    B procession    C proceeding    D process   18. Chinese customers regulations ______ taking precious works of art out of China.       A prohibit    B forbid     C avoid     D repel   19. Mr. Bloom is not ______ now, but he used to be an excellent doctor.       A significant    B dominant    C magnificent   D prominent   20. Weight is an inherent __ of matter.       A propriety    B prosperity    C property    D privilege   21. He __that the house be repaired.       A proposed    B imposed    C opposed    D composed   22. The office says there is little __ of rain in the near future.       A perspective    B foresight    C prospect    D outlook   23.In a time of social reform, their state of mind tends to keep __ with the rapid changes of society.       A step     B progress    C pace     D touch   25. The little boy has a __ cut in finger.        A pain     B pains     C painful    D ache   26. The newly built railway runs __ the Expressway 808.       A parallel to    B line with    C according to   D parallel with   27. It is said that the Math teacher seems __ towards bright students.       A partial     B beneficial    C preferable    D liable   29. The summer here is very hot, __ at noon.       A Specially    B particularly   C particular    D peculiar   30. They will be married next month and promised to be each other life __       A bosom friend   B colleague    C partner    D secretary   31. He is a little hot-tempered and will get into a __ if you contradict him.      A angry     B love     C feeling    D passion   32. In India they mounted a campaign of __ resistance with no arms against the British colonists.       A passive    B positive    C active    D constructive   33. He is a man with a strong will and can be patient __ all kinds of sufferings.       A with     B of      C to     D in   34. He dressed up and had a false beard on, but soon we __ his disguise.       A saw     B penetrated    C observed    D concentrated   35. __ are a special kind of money, which are often paid because of long service, special merit, or injures received.       A pensions     B penetrations   C cash money   D reward   36. What __ of the students pass the Band-4 English Test in your college?       A per cent    B percent    C speed     D percentage   37. He hated wandering about and expected to find a __ position in the Civil Service of government.       A permissive    B perceptive    C permanent    D perpetual   38. If you __ causing troubles, the company has to dismiss you.       A persevere    B persist in    C insist with    D insist with   39.  We must learn to see things in their right __ avoid making mistakes.       A prospective   B prosperity    C perspective    D permissive   40. There must be a __ explanation for this strange happenings which have made us restless all these days.       A physical    B mental    C practical    D natural   41. Coal is a __ source of energy compared with other forms of energy such as oil.       A plenty     B enough    C sufficient    D plentiful   43. The servants __ the silver tableware before the guests arrived.       A polished up   B polished out   C pointed out    D polished with   44. If you decrease the __ of alcohol in this solution, it would be less dangerous.       A part     B portion    C section    D share   45. Are you __ that the boy you saw is Peter?       A right     B positive    C doubtful    D wrong   46. The English language __ a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation.       A owns     B contains    C holds     D possesses   47. According to the facts __, he can not be possibly guilty.       A in my possession  B in my profession  C in the procession  D in the provision   48. Since the situation has changed, we have to __ making a decision.       A defer     B postpone    C delaying    D announce   49. I am a __ person. I have never been interested in theory.       A practice    B practice    C practical    D practicable   50. You must practice __ ,you will never only learn it in books.       A swimming    B swim     C to swim    D of swimming   51. The answer is 8.625, a __ of calculation.       A correct    B right     C precious    D precise   52. We prefer to discuss the fully __ it in practice hurriedly.       A than put    B to put   C rather than put   D to putting   53. Mother is __ us dinner. We may wash our hands and __ the meal.     A preparing prepare      B preparing prepare for   C preparing for prepare     D preparing for prepare for   55. Let us leave the things as they are __;We can always make changes later on if necessary.     A for the moment   B at present  C to the present   D up to the present   56. It is the duty of the police to __ the public order.       A prevent    B present    C preserve    D prepare   57. When we meet in the street we pretended __ each other.       A not to know  B to not know   C knowing not   D not knowing   58. Some of the traditional customs still __ among members of the older generation.       A prevent    B prevail    C existence    D widespread   59. There were no women committee __ 1976, but now women are in a majority.       A prior to    B previous    C before to    D ago   60. The __ problem is to unite all the members and go on with our cause.       A principal    B principle    C primarily    D chiefly   61. Mr. Green can be very sad __, though in public he is extremely cheerful.       A by himself    B in person    C in private    D as individual   62. Only guests in the hotel enjoy the __ of bowing on the 9th floor.       A favor     B possibility    C privilege    D advantage   63. Do you know the __ for obtaining a new passport?       A process  B procedure    C proceeding    D proceedings   64. After looking through the students homework, he __ to give the history class.       A preceded   B proceeded    C procedure    D proceeded   65. Can you __ any proof of your education?       A produce    B product    C make     D play   66. Mary made steady __ in English after she put her heart in it.       A advance    B improvement   C progress    D program   67. We should follow the __ law of teaching and bring up the children healthy.      A progress    B progressive   C advance    D model   68. The __ of establishing a new national park seemed to be very attractive.       A plan     B project    C item     D progress   69. The government is trying to do something to __ better understanding between the two countries.       A raise     B promote    C heighten    D increase   70. I do not know why he has not come yet, but usually he is __.       A prompt    B soon     C promote    D early   71. Have you got any __ that you own the luxury car?       A prove     B proof     C fact     D details   72. The company belongs to Mrs. Green , so it is private __.       A proper    B properly    C property    D possess   73. The __ of men to women in the city has changed a lot since 1950.       A portion    B proportion    C rate     D ratio   74. John has insured all his properties to protect them _- losses from damage      A at     B against    C with     D on   75. The machine __ satisfactory after being tested.       A has proved  B has been proved   C has been proven   D is prove   76. They had no sense of saving things, spent all their money and made no ____ for future.      A provide   B provision    C proportion    D profession   77. Let us talk in other places, it is too __ here.      A private   B public     C publicity    D publish   78. I came here for nothing else but to see you __.       A purpose    B propose    C to the purpose   D on purpose   79. Without guidance, we could not __ with the chapter , so we had to pause for the teacher.       A pursue    B pursuit    C persist    D push   80. Facing the __ situation the sales manager looked __.   A puzzling puzzled  B puzzling puzzling  C puzzled puzzled      Dpuzzled puzzling   答案:       10 D  11 C 12 D 13 A 14 A 15 D       16 B 17 D 18 A 19 D 20 C      21 A 22 C 23 C   25 C      26 A 27 A   29 B 30 C      31 D 32 A 33 B 34 B 35 A      36 D 37 C 38 B 39 C 40 A      41 D   43 A 44 B 45 B      46 D 47 A 48 B 49 C 50 A      51 D 52 C 53 B 54 A 55 B      56 C 57 A 58 B 59 A  60 B      61 C 62 C 63 B 64 B 65 A      66 C 67 B 68 B 69 B 70 A      71 B 72 C 73 B 74 B 75 A      76 B 77 B 78 D 79 A 80 A    语境词汇题目――R   10. Man is a ___ being.       A. raw        B. ration        C. rational    D. ratio   11. The price of commodity should be determined by the ____ of supply and demand.       A. principle      B. rule        C. law     D. regulation   12. How did he ____to the news?      A. function   B. perform        C. operate    D. react   13. We thought they had come to repair the phone, but in ____they were robbers.       A. reality     B. addition     C. future    D. vain   14. You are not very ____if you expect a child to behave like a grown-up.       A .reasonable     B. true   C. reality    D. rational   15.I haven’t heard from her____       A. recently    B. lately    C. presently    D. nowadays   16. Leave your key at ____       A. receive     B. receiver   C. receipt    D. reception   17. The movement of moon conveniently provided the unit of moon, which was ____from one new moon to the next.       A. measured    B. reckoned     C. judged    D. assessed   18. The place has changed beyond _____.       A. recommendation   B. recognition    C. reception   D. realization   19. Your plan has very little to ____.       A. recognize   B. reckon    C. record     D. recommend   20. The old man should listen to the doctor’s recommendation that he____ in bed.       A. stay    B. stays   C. stayed   D. staying   21. As soon as Charles had ____a little from his surprise, his one thought was to get away.       A. recovered     B. discovered   C. dissolved   D. absorbed   22. During the war, the government _____many soldiers from workers and farms.   A. adopted      B. collected     C. recruited   D. integrated   23. As long as you own the VIP card, you could buy these books at a ____ of 10 percent.       A. reduction      B. recreation   C. reflection    D. relation   24.I didn’t know the word, I had to _____refer to the dictionary.       A. look out     B. make out     C. refer to     D. go over   25. A man’s actions ___ his thoughts.       A. refine     B. reform   C. reflect     D. refresh   26. He knows nothing ____ the case .       A. regard     B. regarding     C. regardless     D. regain   27. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to ,____the color of his skin.       A. with the exception of    B. in the light of    C. by virtue of      D. regardless of   28. There are strict rules ____the use of chemical in food .       A. reforming     B. relating    C. regulating    D. registering   29 The same factors push wages and price up together, the one ____ the other .       A. emphasizing   B. reinforcing    C. multiplying    D. increasing   30. The government ____the diplomatic note from Japan for its unclear attitude to the trade between two countries .       A. denied    B. refused    C. rejected    D. objected   31 The energy _____ by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.       A. transferred    B. released     C. delivered    D. conveyed   32. To our ____, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared       A. anxiety        B. relief       C. view     D. judgment   33. We were ____to hear the news.       A. relief       B. religion     C. relieved       D. reliable   34. She is ____ to leave that job, but another company has offered her a high salary.       A. willing    B. reluctant    C. hesitant   D. determined   35. He ____upon the prosperous look of the countryside.       A. make     B. say     C. remark     D. speak   36. No effective____ has been found for this fatal disease which claims thousands of lives each year .       A. settlement    B. method.   C. remedy   D. prescription   37. He is ____and cold in his manner.        A. remove    B. remote     C. render      D. renew   38. We would never have secured our independence without the aid you ____.       A. render    B. requested     C. presented     D. pursued   39. Can anything ____a mother’s love and care ?       A. render    B. remark    C. replace     D. remote   40 .The picture ____the batter of Waterloo.       A. draws   B. reads       C. represents    D. reveals   41. She attained a world-wide ____with her pioneer research in chemistry and physics.        A. repetition    B. resignation    c name   D. reputation   42. He will agree to do what you require__ him.       A. of    B. from     C. to      D. for   43. The boys ____each other in that they both have ginger hair and round faces.       A. rescue    B. resemble    C. alike    D. similar   44. When I asked her whether she could help me , she agreed with no____.       A. reservoir   B. reserve    C. reservation    D. residence   45. After a number of disagreement with the committee, the chairman decided to ____       A. retire     B. retreat     C. withdraw     D. resign   46. The goods were displayed so well that she couldn’t ____the temptation to buy it .       A. pull    B. miss       C. deny       D. resist   47. Although a teenage, Fred could resist ______what to do and what not to do.       A. being told    B. telling    C. to be told     D. to tell   48. The transplanted seedling are ____to cold weather.       A. resistance    B. resist     C. resistant    D. resident   49. The lawyer’s advice led to the ____ all our difficulties.       A. resolving     B. solving    C. resolution    D. reputation   50. I would never have ____to a court of a law if I hadn’t been so desperate.       A. sought for    B. accounted of      C. turned up   D. resorted to   51. Please accept this gift with our ____.        A. respects   B. expects    C. minds    D. greets   52. He announced immediate action .The ____was instantaneous.       A. resort    B. response     C. respect    D. resistance   53. It does not after the factor that he was the man ____for the death of the little girl.       A. accounting    B. guilty    C. responsible     D. obliged   54.A notice in the library reads: ____the book to its place on the shelf.       A. return     B. restore    C. rescue     D. resign   55. When the young man was in formed of his father’s death he _____his tears with difficulty .       A. held     B. reserved    C. restricted    D. restrained   56. The wise man exercises ____in his behavior and enjoyments.       A. limitation   B. interested   C. restriction    D. restraint   57. The supply of electric power to Madrid and neighboring districts has to be____.        A. weakened    B. omitted     C. restricted    D. lowered   58 .Supermarket can afford to ____ cigarettes at a couple pence below the price charged by most tobacconists   A. export    B. bargain    C. trade     D. retail   59. I guess the whole paper has to be re written; only the first paragraphs may be ____.       A. sustained     B. contained     C. retained     D. maintained   60. The ministers ____to make the decision.       A. retired     B. resumed    C. retold    D. retorted   61 The defeated army had to ____ from their fortress to seaside.       A. retreat    B. retire     C. advanced     D. draw   62 .I hate people who ____the end of the film that you haven’t seen before.       A. reveal   B. rewrite    C. revise    D. reverse   63.______ their work will give us a much better feel for the wide differences between the two schools of thought.       A. To have reviewed   B. Having reviewed    C. reviewing    D. being reviewed   64.I have to ____my doctorial as there are some parts that I am not satisfied.       A. rehearse      B. revise  C. renew    D. retell   66. None of us can ____him in strength.       A. compete   B. rival    C. beat     D. win   67. The crowd ____ itself hoarse in protest against the government’s decision to send troops in Vietnam.       A. made    B. got   C. fought   D. roared   68. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ____in broad daylight yesterday.       A. being robbed    B. having been robbed   C. to have been robbed    D. robbed   70.I had to shake him several times to ____him from his sleep.       A. stimulate   B. rouse    C. motivate   D. prompt   71. Please do it according to ____       A. row     B. route     C. routine    D. rouse   Keys:   10 c              11-20 Ddaaa    dbbda   21-30 acacc    bdcbc         31-40  bbcbc     cbacc     41-50 dabcd    daccd         51-60  abcbd     dcdca   61-70 aabbd    bdcbb           第一次课复习:P、R开头的核心词汇   学习时间:2天   学习内容:P、R开头的核心词汇   学习方式:把老师上课讲的单词重新记忆一遍。(重点是记忆方法和中文释义)            完成课上没有做过的词汇题,熟悉语境。            重新复习下面的词根、词缀和口诀            完成两篇阅读,重点标注P、R开头的词汇   一、词根记忆   1、Fine—-(界限)  final   finish    confine(监禁)     define     finite    infinite    2、fer— “带来”,带来一起(con)作商议(confer),带来之福(of)去供给(offer)。分开(di)带来(fer)生不同(differ),下边(suf)带来遭难(suffer)泣。带回()原处(re)      指参考(refer),带到前面(pre)因更喜(prefer),心里(in)带来作推断(infer),    转移(trans)带来能转移(transfer)   3、form— format     formal     formation    former    formula   inform   perform    platform    transform   reform    uniform   4、quire—- (探索,探求) acquire     require     enquire(调查)     inquire(询问)   serve—–conserve      deserve     preserve (保护、保存)   observe     reserve (储备)   5、sist—–表示“站”(站一站在那一边,  引申“帮助”,“支持”):去(as—-to)“站”一去援助(assist);相反(re)地“站”一抵抗(resist);完全(per-)“站”在那一边一坚持、固执(perslst);“站”在里面(in)一坚持、强调(insist):  由…“站”在一起(con)一由…组成(consist)。   6、solution—-脱离(ab-)解,事已绝(absolute绝对的),强调(re—)解,是坚决(resolve坚定,决心),分(dis)而解,使溶解(dissolve)   7、 vis—–“看”,vision视力,visual视力的(—a1),visible能(—ible)见的,invisible看不(1n-)见的;  访问(visit)一去看;电视(television)一远距离(tele—)收看:劝告(advise)一加(ad)看法:设计(devise)一强调(de—)看一看出(…道道来);修订(revise)一再(re)看。   8、Rur——“乡村”rural   9、Scribe—–“写”describe, prescribe, script   10、port    portable       portion       import      export       support     opportunity     passport   11、part     partner    participate      12、 pend    pension,   depend    suspend     expenditure       13、 pur     purify,   purity,     14、 par      partner,    participate   15、 plur     plural    surplus    plus   16、 vail  (价值)    avail,    invalid,   prevail   17、 sume (拿取)    推测(presume)要继续(resume)承担(assume)假定(assume)的   消费(consume)   18、press  (压)    depress   express   impress    oppress   compress (压缩)    pressure   19、pose (摆放)  compose,   deposit,    dispose,   expose   impose   oppose     preposition,    purpose,     suppose   20、spect (看)   perspective,    aspect,    dimension    prospect   spectator     二、后缀记忆   1、–rack  破裂(crack)的跑道(track)有挂物架(rack)   2、–ack   麻袋(sack)缺乏(lack)挂物架(rack),背后(back)的包裹(pack)要捆扎(pack)   3、–raid   袭击(raid)需要帮助(aid),面对(af)袭击是害怕(afraid)   4、–rally  所有(all)同盟者(ally)要真正(really)集合(rally)在一起   5、–ank   堤岸(bank)坦克(tank)排(rank),坦白(frank)谢(thank)空白(blank)   6、–react  行为(act)事实(fact)精确(exact)反应(react)相互作用(interact)   7、–alm   棕榈(palm)王国(realm)行,风平浪又平(calm)   8、–uit    饼干(biscuit)西服(suit)正合适(suit),招收(recruit)水果(fruit)要辞职   (quit)   三、前缀记忆   1、per (表示通过,引申为彻底、完全、不断) permission, persist, perceive   2、pre (先前,预知)  preface,    previous,   prevail,   pretend,   preserve,   prescribe, preparation   3、pr (向前,在前,预知)  produce   progress   project,    proceed    promote       prospect   prominent      prohibit      4、post:postpone      postgraduate    postwar      5、para:(旁边类似,准,错误) parallel   paralyze    paradox    paragraph      6、ior: prior    inferior     superior   junior    senior    exterior    interior   7、lect:(收集、选择、讲)返回(re)去收集—-回忆(recollect),选择出来(e)—–选举   (elect),分选(se)—–挑选(select),不选(neg)—–忽视(neglect),能从中间选出来(inter)—–聪明的(intellect),对选(dia)——-方言(dialect)   四、常考单词总结   reliable 寓言(fable)钢索(cable)成电报(cable),责任(liable)重复(re)才可靠(reliable),书桌(table)钉死(s)把稳(stable)保   relief 简洁(brief)达到(achieve)让贼(thief)信(belief),首领(chief)伤心(grief)会减轻(relief)   request 再次(re)要求(request)一起(con)征服(conquest)这个问题(question)   restrain 下雨(rain)踢(t谐音)一锻炼(train),死(s拼音首)劲锻炼(train)一紧张(strain),紧张(strain)的相反(re—)一抑制(restrain)。紧张(strain)少了(r)生污点(stain),污点(stain)我们(us)忍和撑(sustain)。   resume 推测(Presume)要恢复(resume)承担(assume)假定(assume)的消费(consume)。   revenue 材荫道上“爱妃遛’’(avenue谐音),如果返回(re—)交税收(revenue)。   reverse 宇宙(universe)反转(reverse), 就象多种多样的(diverse)诗词(verse*)有害(adverse*)。   Resolve —volve和—volt—表示“转动”一“卷”:向外(e—)转动一前进一进化、发展(evolve);向里(in)转动一卷入(involve);反(re—)转一反抗(revolt);反(re—)转一革命、旋转(revolve);volume—-古代的书是“卷”起来收藏的,“册’’又称“卷”。   panic: pan 内心像盘子一样浅的人,容易惊慌失措   particle: 例子里面见文章   passion: 一届会议(session)大家定,激情(passion)过时领使命(mission),代表团里小姐 (miss)俊,为了使命(mission)拼死命。   Passive: 人生大量(massive)的时候都是被动的(passive)   Paste: 浆糊(paste)膏药(plaster)佩,赶快(haste)品尝(taste)莫浪费(waste)   Patent: 专利(patent)是没有爱心(i)的病人(patient)   Pay: 日期(day)对,快乐(gay)给,射线(ray)锐,放要(lay)垒,付要(pay)赔,海湾在(bay)北,问路喊(way)喂   Penetrate 一个便士吹得—太薄了——穿透,渗透   Permit 全体委员(committee)承认(admit)屈从(submit)传播(transmit)媒体,犯了(commit)忽略(omit)界限(limit),允许(permit)发射(emit)这一错误   Pill 作坊(mill)像小山(hill),账单(bill)来充满(fill),直到(till)问遗愿(will),杀死(kill)用药丸(pill)。技能(skill)静静溅(spill),激动(thrill)往寒冷(chill)里钻(drill)。   Polish 废除(abolish)愚蠢的(foolish)抛光(polish)法   Pray 喷雾(spray)祈祷(spay)欢,背叛(betray)是(be)托盘(tray),灰色(gray)X光(x-ray)排成串(array)   Procession 职业(profession)好,财产(possession)多,排队伍(procession)找   Property 财产(property)穷(poverty)中产,自由(liberty)没人管   Provoke 笑话(joke)把烟吸(smoke),一击(stroke)惹(provoke)窒息(choke)   Punch 捆、束(bunch)要“绑起”,午饭(lunch)“烂吃”。发射下水(launch)“难弃”,冲压钻孔(punch)会“胖起”   Pursue 组织(tissue)踢死(tis)是织物(tissue),发行(issue)流出成刊物(issue),从事(pursue)追赶(pursue)遭起诉(sue)   Narrow 借来(borrow)狭窄(narrow)一把剑(arrow),麻雀(sparrow)悲伤(sorrow)在明天(tomorrow).   五、练习写出下面加粗单词的中文释义       Diana was still doing some preparation for her presentation, which was about prejudice against women. She was invited to make a preliminary statement at the next conference, where a lot of important people would be in presence. Although Diana had made countless speeches with presence of mind, she was still a bit nervous, knowing she had to speak in the presence of the first lady. Diana used to work as a doctor but presently she devoted all her time to improving working conditions for women. “After prescribing medicines for my patients for years, I realized that there are  problems that medicine can’t cure.”  Diana decided her speech should start like this: “A lot of women suffer from pressures, and they are pressured both at work and at home. Presumably, men figure it’s because women are very emotional, and this belief prevails. But it’s totally wrong, and it will prejudice the understanding of the real problem.  Few people have realized that this issue is as important as preserving world peace, or rather, it’s the necessary preliminary to world peace.” She thought she’d make a pause at the preposition “to”,  so she could grab the attention of the audience. She planned to conclude her speech by pointing out that men and women were able to co-exist without prejudice to either side.   Sylvia, together with 30 other volunteers, works in a refugee camp, located in the region of the border.  In order to regulate the camp, there are a lot of regulations. The residents are all registered, regarding their sex, age, and health status. However, as more and more people arrive in the region, some reforms are taking place. The authorities now constantly reform the register and refine the process, so they won’t reject anyone who needs help. They also ask international organizations to reinforce the supply of food and medicine, but one thing concerning them is that sometimes they get rejects from suppliers, who try to make more profits regardless of the possible harm it could do. Sylvia wrote to the headquarters and reflected on the problem. Her reflection received prompt feedback. In future, for supplies that do not meet their requirements, refusal will be the only response. Sylvia works long hours in the camp, and doesn’t have enough rest to refresh herself. There are other difficulties, too, but she is determined to carry on regardless.


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