纺织英语 | 突破!我家面料可好了 纺织 | 商务 | 英语 菜鸟逆袭 Hello, How are you? Fine, Thanks. And you? … Could you please tell me more about your company?
当客户向你提出需求 简单做个公司背景介绍 此时此刻你会有freestyle吗? (⊙o⊙) Texitle? Fabric? Business? 专营咋讲? 主打产品咋讲? 经验丰富咋讲? 单词狂妄飞舞,却始终挤不出 一个合适的短语或连接词表达正确意思 一脸懵逼到何年何月? 赶紧备好下列句式 随时应战! We are a textile company, specializing in embroidered fabric. 我们是一家专营各类绣花面料纺织公司。 textile [‘tɛkstaɪl] 纺织 embroidered [ɪm’brɔɪdəd] 绣花的,刺绣的 specialize in [‘spɛʃəlaɪz] 专营 从事纺织行业人员对textile这个词并不陌生 textile mill/factory 纺织厂 cotton textile 棉纺织品 home textile 家纺 specialize in 指专门从事,专营 We specialize in printing and dyeing business.我们专做印花和印染生意。
Our factory is located in XXX Industrial zone with a convenient traffic. 我们厂坐落于XXX工业区,地理位置优越。
Cotton is our main item, and we also deal in blended fabric. 棉是我们主打产品,兼营混纺。 main item 主打产品 deal in 经营;经销 首次跟客户洽谈,肯定得介绍公司 主打产品 main item featured product flagship product flagship [ˈflæɡˌʃɪp]旗舰,比喻最重要的一个
Our company has been in business for 10 years with a lot of experiences and sets up a shop in China Textile Market. 本公司经营十年,经验丰富,并在轻纺市场设有门市部 说到我们公司经验可丰富了,得要用experience 这词 a lot of experiences = rich in experiences 另如果要表达实力雄厚,可用have powerful background
From 90’s our company expanded,and till now we have our branches in many major cities of China. 90年代我公司开始扩大,现在全国几大城市都有分公司 expand [ɪk’spænd] 扩展;扩大 企业做大做强,得靠自身实力 现阶段,行业竞争相当大,怎样突破创新是纺织企业面临的重要难题 80-90年代开始扩充的企业,现在也有一定根基 传统行业未来将往哪个方向发展? 企业自身应该有答案
此次讲的“扩充,扩展”生意可以是expand/enlarge one’s business We used to do business in the domestic market now we expand into international markets. 以前我们做国内市场,现在扩展到国际市场了
Starting from a fabric workshop, through branching out into related business, the industrial group finally comes into being. 从面料作坊做起,发展相关产业,终于形成目前的产业集团 branch out into 也为扩充之意 With a rapid growth, the industrial group branched out into related fields. be in business / the line 入行 We have been in business for 6 years.我们已经入行6年了
纺织面料 | 干货专栏
一轮介绍下来,发觉也不是很难对吧?! 抓重点,讲效率,freestyle走起 加油哇,童鞋们!
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