

动名词作主语   动名词作主语(锦集5篇)由网友“stcdd”投稿提供,下面小编为大家整理过的动名词作主语,欢迎阅读与借鉴!   
动名词作主语   篇1:动名词和不定式作主语的比较   在中学英语课本中,动名词和不定式作主语的句子较为常见,但它们的含义有所不同。现在将动名词和不定型式作主语的含义、位置及习惯用法分述如下:   一、动名词和不定式作主语的含义   一般来说,动名词作主语表示一种抽象的和泛指的动作,而不定式作主语则表示一次性的、具体的动作。换句话说,动名词作主语通常不与特定的动作执行者联系在一起,而不定式作主语往往与特定的动作执行者联系在一起。例如:   Lying is wrong.(泛指lying的做法或作风)   To lie is wrong.(对于说谎者是谁,说话人心中是有所指的)   To live in Beijing is the height of Tom’s ambition.(对某个特定的动作执行者而言)   Swimming is good exercise.(指游泳这项运动)   二、动名词和不定式作主语的位置   1.动名词作主语通常有两种位置,一种是把动名词直接置于主语的位置。例如:   Saying is easier than doing.   Seeing is believing.   Crossing the Atlantis(大西洋)by plane takes only a few hours.   第二种是用it作形式主语,把作真正主语的动名词置于句末。这通常用于某些形容词或名词之后。例如:   It’s interesting planning a holiday.   It’s rather tiring walking around in a city.   It’s fun having guests for the weekend.   We don’t think it’s a bore doing the same kind of work every day.   动名词作主语的上述两种位置有时可以互换,但第一种形式比第二种形式的泛指意义更强些。例如:   Lining in Beijing must be wonderful   It must be wonderful living in Beijing   2.不定式作主语通常也有两种位置,与动名词作主语时的位置相同,即第一种是把不定式作直接置于句首担任主语。例如:   To learn English is not an easy thing.   To be here is a great pleasure.   To remember to cut off the electricity is important.   To hesitate is a pity.   不定式作主语的这种形式一般用得不多。现代英语倾向于用it作形式主语,把不定式置于句末。例如:   It’s a pity to hesitate.   It took(us )five hours to get here.   It made me happy to find Mary there.   It needed hard work to finish the job.   注意:   (1)如果主语和表语都是不定式,则只能采用第一种形式。例如:   To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people.   To see is to believe.   (2)如果是疑问句或感叹句,则只能采用第二种形式。例如:   What is it like to be there?   How long did it take you to finish the work?   What a joy it was to read Barbara’s book!   三、动名词和不定式作主语的习惯用法   虽然动名词和不定式都可以作主语,但以下几种情况时,人们习惯用动名词,而不用不定式。   1.主语与表语一致,即当表语是动名词时,主语也要用动名词;当表语是不定式时,主语也要用不定式。   Teaching is learning.(= To teach is to learn)   Seeing is believing   2.在“There BE+no+主语”这种结构中,通常用动名词作主语,而不用不定式。这种结构表示“不可能、无法”,相当于“It is impossible to do sth”。例如:   There is no getting along with him.(=It is impossible to get along with him.)   There is no joking about it.   注意:本句型中的no有时可用not any或never any代替。例如:   The man is a bore,but there is not any getting him away.   There is never any telling what will happen in the future.   3.当use,good,waste,bore,fun,shame,encouragement,misery等名词作表语时,通常用it作形式主语,把作为真正主语的动名词后置。例如:   It’s no use talking to him again.   It’s no good(your)refusing to do it.   It is a waste of time trying to reason with him.   It’s a bore doing the same kind of work every day.   It’s fun having guests for the weekend.   It’s such an encouragement being able to pass all the exams.   注意:“It’s no use /good+动名词”这种结构可改成“There BE+no+use /good+动名词”结构。例如:   It’s no use talking to him again .= There is no use talking to him again.   It’s no good(your)refusing to do it .= There is no good(your)refusing to do it.   4.当,interesting,tiring,terrible,nice,better,foolish,enjoyable,worthwhile,useless,dangerous等形容词作表语时,通常也用it作形式主语,把作为真正主语的动名词后置,例如:   It is dangerous risking climbing a tree.   It’s terrible not being allowed to smoke at all.   It’s interesting planning a holiday.   It’s nice talking with you,John.   注意:important,necessary,possible,impossible,essential等形容词不适用于上述结构。例如,不能说:   It’s important learning foreign languages.   应改为:It’s important to learn foreign languages.   5.在疑问句中,多用动名词的复合结构做主语,而不用不定式的复合结构。例如:   Isn’t our saying so right?   Isn’t his leaving like that strange?   篇2:从高考题谈动名词作主语和宾语   隆回一中 罗玉南   动名词考点讲与练   动名词是一种非谓语动词形式,是近几年的高考热点之一,常设考点如下:   1.动名词作主语   例:1.-What do you think made Mary so upset?   -___ her new bicycle.(上海)   A.鶤s she lost鶥.Lost   C.Losing D.Because of losing   解析:答案C。Losing在此为动名词,与her new bicycle构成动名词短语在句中作主语。该题可以理解为:Losing her new bicycle made Mary so upset.   1.在下面的句型中,it是形式主语,v-ing形式作真正的主语。   1)鶬t’s no use/good+v-ing.如:   It’s no good smoking, you’d better give it up.   It’s no use arguing with him.   2)It’s a waste of time / so nice/ foolish interesting / doing sth.   It’s a waste of time waiting here.   在这里等是浪费时间。   It‘s so nice talking to you.   很高兴和你谈话。   2.v-ing形式作主语,谓语动词用单数。   Learning new words is very useful to me.   Writing headlines in English is not an easy job.   动名词作宾语   1)有些动词后只接动名词作宾语。这类动词常见的有:admit,advise,finish, avoid,escape, delay,consider,dislike, mind, suggest,enjoy,miss , practise,imagine,appreciate(感激),risk(冒险)等等。   2.Our monitor suggested _____a discussion of this subject. (85’) have B.should have   C.have D.Having   Key: D   2)有些动词和动词词组既可接不定式也可接动名词作宾语,但意思不同。这类动词及动词词组常见的有:stop,forget,remember,try,mean,go on,regret, can’t help 等等。   1)go on to do 接着做(另一件事)go on doing 继续做(同一件事)   2)stop to do 停下来去做;stop doing 停止做   3)remember to do 记住要做;remember doing 记得曾做过   4)can’t help to do 不能帮助做;   鷆an’t help doing 情不自禁地做   4)forget to do 忘记要做;forget doing 忘了曾经做过   5)regret to do 很遗憾/抱歉地去做;regret doing 后悔做了   6)try to do 努力做;try doing 试着做   7)mean to do 打算做;mean doing 意味着做   3.-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.   -Well,now I regret ___that.(95’) do be doing have done鶧.having done   解析:答案D。本句意为:我现在后悔在会上提出了反对意见。表示对已经发生的事情“后悔”应用regret doing /having done   3.-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.   -Well,now I regret ___that.(95’) do be doing have done鶧.having done   解析:答案D。本句意为:我现在后悔在会上提出了反对意见。表示对已经发生的事情“后悔”应用regret doing /having done   3)动名词充当介词的宾语,常用在含有某些介词构成的短语动词之后,这类常见的短语动词有:   insist on, think of, feel like (cf. would like to do sth.),set about (cf. set out to do sth.),be fond of,look forward to(cf. look forward to do sth. ), pay attention to,get used to,give up ,,put off ,succeed in, have difficulty in, get down to(开始着手做) 等等。   例:She looks forward every spring to __the flower-lined garden.(1995上海)   A.visit B.paying a visit   C.walk in D.walking in   解析:答案D。look forward to doing sth.是固定用法,故排除A、C项。B项在visit后加to才正确,所以应排除。   Cf. The letter that I was looking forward to ___ at last.   A. coming鶥. came鶦. come D. being come   Key: B   4)动名词在need,want,require,be worth后接宾语,常以主动形式来表示被动意义.   cf. be worthy of being done/ to be done   This book is worthy of being read / to be read.这本书值得一读。   need/ want/ require doing sth / to be done (需要做…)   eg. My bike needs repairing / to be repaired.   5)permit, allow, forbid, require(要求)doing sth sb to do sth.   跟人作宾语后,必须用不定式作补语。例如:   This room won’t allow smoking.在这间屋里不准吸烟。   We do not allow anybody to smoke here.这里不许吸烟。   例:   -What do you think of the book?   -Oh,excellent.It’s worth ___a second time. read be read   C.reading鶧.being read   Key: C   6)有些动词后可跟不定式和v-ing形式作宾语,意义差别不大。   1)在like, love, hate, prefer等动词后,v-ing形式表示经常性、概括性的动作,不定式表示具体的、特定的某一次动作。如:   She likes singing, but she doesn’t like to sing today.   7)在begin, start, continue后跟v-ing形式和不定式作宾语没有区别,但start,begin本身为进行式或后接realize, wonder, understand等心理活动的词时,常用不定式作宾语。如:   I began to realize that I was wrong.   3.动名词的时态和语态   动名词有一般式和完成式。它的一般式所表示的动作或是与句中谓语动词的动作同时发生,或是在句中谓语动词动作之后发生;而它的完成式所表示的动作则一般发生在句中谓语动词动作之前。   例1:While shopping,people sometimes can’t help ____ into buying something they don’t really need.(上海)鶤.to persuade B.persuading C.being persuaded persuaded   解析:答案C。根据句意,can’t help是“抑制不砖薄ⅰ扒椴蛔越”的意思。其后应接动名词作宾语。在此句中, people与persuade之间是动宾关系,所以应用动名词的被动式。   例2:Tony was very unhappy for ____ to the party.(上海)   A.having not been invited B.not having invited鶦.having not invited D.not having been invited   解析:答案D。动名词的否定式作介词的宾语。由于 Tony未被邀请在先,不高兴在后,所以采用了完成式的形式。   4.动名词的复合结构   动名词的复合结构在句中作宾语时,名词可用普通格代替所有格,代词可用宾格形式代替形容词性物主代词。eg.   I don’t like you/ your/ Tom / Tom’s being late.但是动名词作主语时,只能用your / Tom’s being late形式。   例:What worried the child most was ____ to visit his mother in the hospital.(上海)   A.his not allowing   B.his not being allowed   C.his being not allowed   D.having not been allowed   解析:答案B。动名词复合结构的否定式应把否定词not放在物主代词之后、动名词之前。child和allow之间为动宾关系,所以就用其被动式。   几个重要的句型:   1.There is no use / good doing sth.   2.There is no + 动名词   There is no joking about such matter.这事开不得玩笑。   三. 用to do而不用v-ing作定语的情形   一)所修饰的词为desire, effort, failure, promise等   She made a promise to come and help us.   二)所修饰的名词前有the first/last/next, the only和the best,the most等序数词或形容词最高级修饰语.   Who was the last one to leave the room last night﹖   She is always the first to get to work.   三)所修饰的名词与定语间有动宾关系   I have some clothes to wash tonight.   She gave him a piece of paper to write on.   四)所修饰的名词与定语有主谓关系   I need someone to type the letters for me.   You must find a person to look after your house for you while you are away.   五)所修饰的名词与定语有同位关系   At that time women had no right to vote.   They got the order to leave the city yesterday.   六)定语表示的是尚未发生的将来动作   The building to be built is a laboratory.   Some goods to be carried to Shanghai, he intends to hire a truck.   七)在一些固定句型中,习惯上使用不定式。例如:   It’s your turn to speak now.   It’s time to go to school.   选择最佳选项:   1.____is a good form of exercise for young and old.   A.The walk B.Walking C.To walk D.Walk   2.-You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.   -Well, now I regret ____ that. do be doing C.have done D.having done   3.I don’t regret _____ even if it might have upset her. tell her what I thought鶥.to have told her that I thought   C.telling what I thought鶧.telling her what I thought   4.The library needs __, but it will have to wait until Sunday. clean C.clean D.being cleaned   5.I can hardly imagine Peter _across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.   A.sail sail C.sailing have sailed   6.-I must apologize for _____ ahead of time.   -That’s all right.   A.letting you not know B.not letting you know   C.letting you know not D.letting not you know   7.-What do you think of the novel﹖ -Oh, it’s really _____.   A.well worth reading鶥.very good to read   C.worthy reading D.worth to be read   8.What’s troubling them is _____ enough experienced workers.   A.that they having no B.they not have   C.their not having鶧.not their having   9.She likes ____ but she doesn’t like ____ this afternoon.She’d like _____some other day.   A.swimming;swimming;to swim swim;swimming;to swim   C.swim;to swim;swimming D.swimming;to swim;to swim   10.She didn’t remember ____ him before.   A.having met鶥.have met鶦.to meet having met   11.I would appreciate ____ back this afternoon. to call鶥.you call C.your calling’re calling   12.How about the two of us ____ a walk down the garden﹖ take B.take鶦.taking be taking   13.-Let me tell you something about the journalists.   -Don’t you remember _me the story yesterday﹖   A.told鶥.telling鶦.to tell鶧.to have told   14.The pupil asked the teacher how much time he spent ____ violin every day. practise to play the鶥.practising playing the practise to play鶧.practising鷗o play   15.It’s no use _____ forward to ____ from her soon. look; to hear B.looking; hearing鶦.looking; hear鶧.look; hear   16.Missing the bus means ____ home. walk鶥.walking鶦.walked鶧.walk   17.She was lucky enough _____ by the car.   A.missing being hit miss hitting   C.missing to be hit miss being hit   18.My car has broken.I must _____.   A.get down to repair it B.have it repair   C.get down to repairing it鶧.have it to be repaired   19.Have you got used to __in this factory﹖ B.working C.worked鶧.having worked   20.We were lucky that we just escaped _____ the rain.   A.being caught in be caught in鶦.catching鶧.to catch煩   21.It took the workmen only two hours to finish ________ my car.   A.repairing repair D.repaired   22.It’s no good ________ over split milk. cry鶥.crying鶦.cried D.cry   23.Have you forgotten ___________$1000 from me鷏ast鷐onth?   Will you please remember _________ it tomorrow?   A.borrowing; to bring鶥.to borrow; bring C.borrowed; bringing D.borrowing; bringing   24.The classroom wants __________.   A.clean B.cleaned clean   25.Jack said that he wouldn’t mind ___________ for us. wait B.wait鶦.waiting D.waited   26.My brother keeps _________ me with my work. help B.help鶦.helping鶧.helped   27.We should often practise _________ English with each other. speak B.spoke C.speak D.speaking   28.Keep on _________ and you will succeed. A.a try B.try鶦.triing鶧.trying   29.His parents insist on _______to college. A.he should go鶥.he go鶦.his going鶧.him to go   30.The story was so funny that we ___________.   A.couldn’t help laugh鶥.can’t but laugh鶦.couldn’t help laughing鶧.couldn’t help but to laugh31.How much time did you spend __________ the text?   A.copying鶥.to copy copy鶧.on copying   32.I ________see you without ________ your mother.   A.never; thinking of鶥.never;; thinking about鶦. not; think of D.don’t; think about   33.Though it sounds a bit too dear(昂贵),it is worth _________.   A.being bought鶥.buying鶦.to buy鶧.buying it   34.The novel is well _________.   A.worth to read B.worth being read C.worthy to read D.worthy鷒f being read   35.The farmers were busy __________ cotton. pick鶥.picking鶦.with picking鶧.pluck   36.He devoted his life to __________ the atomic theory.   A.study鶥.be studied C.studying鶧.have studied   37.We are both looking forward to __________ next week.   A.going on vocation(休假) B.go on vocation鶦.be going on vocation D.have gone on vocation38.You must pay attention to _________ the works of Lu Xun. B.reading C.reader read   39.He was praised for _________ thirty years of touching.   A.complete鶥.he completed C.having completed鶧.to have been completed   40.You should work tonight instead of __________ TV. watch鶥.you watching鶦.you watch鶧.watching   41.Besides __________, she is kind and tender.   A.beautiful鶥.being beautiful C.she beautiful鶧.is beautiful   42.What about _________ to the concert with us ?   A.we go鶥.we going鶦.going go   43.__________ clean is a safeguard against disease.   A.To be keeping B.Kept鶦.Keep鶧.Keeping   44.Seeing is _________.鶤.to believe鶥.believing鶦.believed鶧.being believed   45.The heart keeps __________ all the time. beat鶥.beating鶦.beaten鶧.to have been beating   46.The microscope is used for _______minute(微小的) objects.   A.examining鶥.being examed鶦.examined D.examine   47.It is no use ________ without thorough _____________. read; understood B.reading; understanding鶦.to read; understand鶧.read; to understand48.Many people enjoy ____________ majiang(麻将).   A.playing B.playing the鶦.to play鶧.to play the   49.I am sorry for _______you so much trouble. A.giving鶥.given鶦.having given given   50.Some foods are eaten without ____________.   A.well absorbing B.being well absorbed C.absorbing D.well absorbed   51.Articles(物品) used by patients must be disinfected(消毒) before ___________ others. A.using B.being used by C.used by D.being using   52.Mike has got used _________ up late at night. (stay up) sit鶥.X sitting D.sitting   53.Once the heart stops __________,death follows at once.   A.beating beat鶦.being beaten鶧.to be beating   54.Mr Taylor went on _________ in spite of illness. work B.worked鶦.working鶧.to be working   55.We are now busy _________ for the examination. prepare鶥.preparing C.prepared鶧.being prepared   56.I am looking forward __________ from you soon. hear鶥.of hearing C.hearing鶧.to hearing   57.I remembered ________ this person somewhere before.   A.seeing鶥.having been seen鶦.seen鶧.to see   58.I regret __________ that to her.鶤.having said鶥.to have said鶦.to say D.X   59.The patient must be separated to avoid(避免) _______ others.   A.being infected(感染)鶥.infecting鶦.to infect D.infected   60.After operation the patient’s condition,鷉ar鷉rom________, became worse than before. A.improving鶥.being improved鶦.having been improved鶧.improved   61.The child thanked the passer-by for _________ his life.   A.saving鶥.being saved鶦.having saved D.having been saved   62.Mme Curie was well-known for ______________.   A.winning B.being won鶦.being winning鶧.having won   63.This X-ray machine needs ______________. A   .repairing鶥.to repair鶦.repaired鶧.being repaired   64.Your clothes need ______________.   A.washed be washed wash D.being washed   65.This bike is not worthy ___________. be repaired鶥.of repairing鶦.to repair D.repairing   66.________ provides us with essential nutrients(营养),while ________provides us with oxygen.   A.To eat; breathing鶥.Eating; to breathe C.Eating; breathing D.Eaten; breathed   67.He attended the party without _______________.   A.invited鶥.inviting鶦.having invited鶧.being invited   68.Bebecca was unhappy for _____ the first chance to go abroad.   A.not having been given鶥.not having given C.not giving鶧.having been given   69.By _____, water can be changed into gas. (参考: If ___, water can be changed into gas.)   A.heating B.being heated鶦.having heated D.heated   70.On land many objects prevent sound _______ very far. travel鶥.travel C.from travelling鶧.to travelling   key: Key: 1-5 BDDAC 6-10 BACDA11- 15 CCBBB16-20 BDCBA   21–30 ABADC CDDCC31–40 AABDB CABCD41–45 BCDBB   46–50鶤BACB51–60 BCACB鶧AABA 61–70 CDABA CDABC   篇3:英语动名词语法讲解:动名词作主语、表语、宾语   动名词兼有名词、动词、形容词、副词的性质,能广泛充当主语、表语、宾语、宾补、状语、定语。   1.有30多个常用动词(-ing)后面必须用动名词作宾语,不能用不定式,因为动名词(-ing)的时间含义(同时,任何时)能与这些动词的时间相一致,而不定式(表将来)在时间上与这些动词相矛盾。   2.有些动词后面接动名词(-ing)和不定式均可以,意思也没有什么差别。   start doing/ to do sth.   开始做某事   begin doing/ to do sth.   开始做某事   continue doing/ to do.   继续做某事   3.有些动词后面可以接动名词或者不定式作宾语,但意思有些差异。   常见的动词:like, love, hate, prefer, learn…   We like swimming, but we don’t like to swimthisafternoon.   我们喜欢游泳,但今天下午不想游。(like swimming指“经常性的喜欢”,like to swim指“一次性喜欢”)   She loves dancing.   她喜欢跳舞。   She loves to dance tonight.   她今晚喜欢跳舞。   I learned swimming.   我学过游泳。   I learned to swim.   我学了下游泳。   4.有些动词后接动名词或者不定式在意思上相差很大。常见的这类动词有:remember, forget, regret…   I remember posting the two parcels.   我记得已寄走两个包裹。(动名词表示过去)   I remember to post the two parcels.   我记得要寄两个包裹。(不定式表示将来)   He regrets offending three classmates.   他后悔得罪了3个同学。(已得罪)   He regrets to offend three classmates.   他很遗憾要得罪3个同学。(还未得罪)   5.stop后面接动名词或者不定式的区别。   Stop playing games   停止玩游戏。(playing games是宾语)   Stop to play games   停下(别的事)来玩游戏。(to play games是目的状态)   =stop play games   停掉某事来玩游戏   6.used to do sth.和be used to sth.的区别。   used to后面加原形动词,是used加不定式,表示“曾经、一度”做以。   be used后面的to不是不定式符号,而是介词,后面必须接动名词,表示“习惯于”做什么。   He used to go hunting very often.   他曾经常常去打猎。   She is used to speaking fast now.   她现在已习惯讲得快了。   7以介词结尾的短语动词后面一般不接不定式,必须接动名词。   cry outagainst…大声反对   look forward to…盼望   look down upon…瞧不起   look up at…尊敬   think about…考虑   dream of…梦到   depend on…依靠   laugh at…嘲笑   insist on…坚持   talk about…谈论   We are thinking about changing the first part.   我们考虑改变第一部分。   She even dreamed of visiting Paris twice.   她甚至两次梦到参观巴黎。   Don’t laugh at others’ making mistakes.   别笑别人犯错误。   篇4:动名词的逻辑主语探微   赵 国 强   动名词是指主语、宾语及部分表语、定语中的的动词-ing形式。该短   语之前可添上自身的逻辑主语,其逻辑主语可用名词所有格(物主代词)   或名词普通格(代词宾格)等形式。一般而言,如果只涉及明确动作执行   者时多用宾格,或是口语与书面语相互比较,二者区别甚微。略举几例:   Can you imagine my mother(‘s) approving?   你能想象我母亲会赞成吗?   You should offer to help without my/me having to ask.   你应该不用我请求就提供帮助。   What worried him most was their not going there.   最使他担心的是,他们没有上那儿去。   但在某些特定的场合,所有格和宾格不宜互换。分别叙述如下:   1、(名词)普通格或(代词)宾格作动名词的逻辑主语   1)无生命的东西作逻辑主语,多只用普通格或宾格。如:   Usually at the beginning of school, the noise of desks being opened and closed could be heard out in the street.   平常开始上课时,在街上就可听得见书桌开关的声音。   If I bring my suits for dry-cleaning, is there any chance of it being ready this afternoon?   如果我将衣服拿来干洗,今天下午能成吗?   2)较长的名词词组或一个以上的人名作逻辑主语,多只用普通格或宾格。如:   I’ve never heard of a person of humour refusing to go to such a wonderful party.   我还从未听说过富有幽默感的人会拒绝参加这样棒的晚会。   Do you remember Jim and his uncle coming to see us last month?   你记得吉姆和他的叔叔上月来看过我们吗?   3)不定代词、指示代词或表时间的it作逻辑主语,多只用普通格或宾格。如:   I was astonished by someone knocking at the door.   (听见)有人敲门,我惊讶了。   She is looking forward to that being said at the meeting.   她正盼望这事儿在会上说说。   I’m surprised at it being so late.   我真想不到就这么晚了。   即使有互换的场合,也应注意更稳妥的表达。譬如:   She hates anyone smoking here in the room.   她讨厌任何人在这房间里抽烟。(较少用anyone’s)   2、名词所有格或物主代词作动名词的逻辑主语   1)句首的逻辑主语,只用所有格或物主代词。如:   The soldier’s being killed in the war is her one regret.   那位战士的阵亡是她的一件憾事。   只有在极其随便的谈话中才偶尔也用宾格,以避免重复。如:   Him recognizing his faults is a good thing.   他认错,这是好事嘛。   2)形式主语后的动名词,逻辑主语较多使用所有格或物主代词。如:   It’s no use your pretending not to know the rules.   你装着不知道规章,这没用。   但如果逻辑主语以-s结尾的名词复数,则用名词普通格。如:   It’s a catastrophe the bosses shutting all those factories.   老板们关闭了那所有的工厂,这是一大灾难。   3)少数动词(如 deny, delay, postpone, defer等), 其后动名词的逻辑主语(包括无生命的东西),大都采用所有格或物主代词。如:   He denied their having ever been there.   他矢口否认他们曾到过那儿。   The dense fog delayed the plane’s taking off.   大雾耽误了飞机起飞。   But you kept postponing your coming.   可你一直在推迟你的来访。   The boss deferred Mr Jackson’s going home until next month.   老板将杰克逊探家的事推迟到下个月。   4)有些动词如advise, allow, permit, forbid等,要么用不定式作宾语补足语,否则动名词短语前的逻辑主语须用代词所有格。如:   I advised him to start at once.或I advised his starting at once.   我劝他立即出发。   We shouldn’t allow them to park in the street. 或 We shouldn’t allow their parking in the street.   我们不应该让他们把车停在街上。   The heavy rain forbade us to go out.或The heavy rain forbade our going   大雨使我们没法出去。   I have too much to do to permit my coming yet.   我有太多的事要做,这不允许我来。   顺便提到的是,当分词与句子的主语不一致时,大都也采用自己独立的逻辑主语,但均不涉及所有格,而动名词的逻辑主语很多场合只用所有格。因此,把主语、宾语中的动名词与状语、宾语补足语中的分词等进行比较,对于帮助使用逻辑主语是大有裨益的。试比较:   1) Many people’s being absent made the chairman upset.   许多人缺席,这使主席伤脑筋。(动名词)   Many people being absent, the chairman felt quite upset.   由于许多人缺席,主席感到很是心烦。(分词)   2) I was ready to leave when she insisted on me/my staying for dinner.   我正准备离开的时候,她硬是留我吃饭。 (动名词)   I was wandering down the street when I caught him stealing.   逛街时,我突然碰上他正在行窃。(分词)   3) We’re considering the child(‘s) going on a trip. 我们正在   考虑孩子旅游的事。 (动名词)   He smiled at the child running away.   他笑着看见那孩子跑开。 (分词)   本文登于《英语知识》第10期   篇5:不定式和动名词做主语的区别   动名词作主语通常表示抽象动作;而不定式作主语表示具体动作。   Smoking is prohibited here.这里禁止抽烟。(抽象)   It is not very good for you to smoke so much.你抽这么多烟对你身体很不好。(具体)   动名词作主语时,通常用以表示一件已知的事或经验。不定式短语通常用来表示一件未完成的`事或目的。   Climbing mountains is interesting.爬山很有趣。(经验)   Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring.在高峰时刻开车令人厌烦。(经验)   To finish the task will take a long time. 要完成这项任务将要花费很长时间。(具体)   不定式做主语,一般用it当形式主语,把作主语的不定式短语后置。   It took me only five minutes to finish the job.   ★ 动名词   ★ 英语中哪些词类可以作主语   ★ 动名词作宾补和状语的知识讲解   ★ 英语一日一句:主语+反身代词   ★ 动名词ing的变化规则   ★ to do 和doing的区别做主语   ★ 后跟不定式与动名词的动词荟萃   ★ 浅谈作后指导   ★ 初中作文本   ★ 初中英语作文本   
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