
grudging翻译_grue翻译grudginggrudging的意思、解释过去式:grudged;   过去分词:grudged;   复数形式:grudges;grudging 基本解释形容词不情愿的,勉强的g

grudging   grudging的意思、解释   过去式:grudged;   过去分词:grudged;   复数形式:grudges;   grudging 基本解释   形容词不情愿的,勉强的   grudging什么意思grudging 相关例句   形容词   1. She was very grudging in her thanks.   她勉强说了点感谢话。grudging 网络解释   1. grudging的反义词   1. 不愿的:grudge 不给予 | grudging 不愿的 | grue 发抖   2. 不愿的/勉强的:grudge /吝给/吝啬/不愿给/嫉妒/遗恨/怨恨/恶意/罅/ | grudging /不愿的/勉强的/ | grudgingly /不愿意地/不情愿地/   3. grudging的解释   3. 吝惜的:grateful 感谢的,令人愉快的 | grudge 不愿给,妒忌 | grudging 吝惜的   4. 勉强的:circumstantiality 细节 | grudging 勉强的 | contention 争论grudging 双语例句   1. Only a fool upbraids before giving; a grudging gift wears out the expectant eyes.   愚人只会无礼责斥人,悭吝人的恩惠,使人目光消沉。   2. She was very grudging in her thanks.   她的感谢非常勉强。   3. But this time I feel somewhat grudging.   这回我可有点舍不得??   4. My loneliness and I are a pair of partners, like grudging.   我,和我的孤独,是一对善嫉的拍档。   5. grudging的反义词   5. So there is the basis for a bit of grudging respect.   所以在这点上,即使不情愿,他也不能不对我有所敬重。   6. But they should also avoid arriving at the Olympics in a spirit of grudging rivalry.   然而,他们也应该避免带着耿耿于怀的对立情绪看奥运。   7. grudging的翻译   7. Although she was a thrifty housewife, she`s never been grudging with money spent for us.   虽然她是一个节俭的家庭主妇,但从未吝啬把钱用于我们身上。   8.   8. For as long as the world economy was growing fast, financial markets commanded grudging allegiance.   在世界经济发展迅速的时候,金融市场得到了勉强的忠诚。   9. I`d given one man and thought it too much, while he gave four without grudging them.   我只不过献出了一个男人而已,还那么念念不舍,而他非但献出了四个,却还鼓励他们有加。   10. grudging   10. Will the adjective this time be grudging or admiring, cynical or affirmative, upwardly mythopoeic or downwardly Mammonite?   这回这个形容词是在表达勉强还是崇敬?是讽刺还是肯定?是高尚的神话还是低俗的贪婪?   11. True to type, the boss started to treat him with grudging respect.   本色的彰显使老板对他勉勉强强表现出了尊重。   12.   12. URUMQI, China – Residents of China’s far western city of Urumqi, in turmoil over a spate of needle attacks, expressed grudging satisfaction that two high officials were fired as the city recovered from angry protests.   乌鲁木齐,中国—中国西部城市乌鲁木齐当地民众,在经历了一系列动荡不安后,随着经济的复苏以及两名政府高层领导的被罢免民众的愤怒渐趋平消。   13. Every mouthful of food was an acute positive pleasure, now that it was truly their own food, produced by themselves and for themselves, not doled out to them by a grudging master.   每一口食物都是一种无与伦比的享受,因为这是真正属于他们自己的食物,是自己为自己生产的,而不是吝啬的主人发给他们的。   14. There’s always something slightly grudging about the English, which is curious.   英国人总有那么点儿忌意,这很奇怪。   15.   15. She enjoys for the first time the sensation of being able to put in another penny without grudging it.   她有生以来第一回感到了一种痛快的情绪,觉得再放进一枚便土也用不着吝惜了。   16. Geithner’s trip to Beijing, saying’every Treasury secretary… says’Let me talk to them, I can get them to change, ‘and the change almost never occurs and when it does, it’s small, grudging and temporary.   他淡化盖特纳访华的意义说,每一位财政部长都说,让我跟他们谈谈,我能让他们做出改变,而改变基本上从未发生,即使有,也是小规模、不情愿、暂时性的。   17.   17. He played down Mr. Geithner’s trip to Beijing, saying’every Treasury secretary… says’Let me talk to them, I can get them to change, ‘and the change almost never occurs and when it does, it’s small, grudging and temporary.   他淡化盖特纳访华的意义说,每一位财政部长都说,让我跟他们谈谈,我能让他们做出改变,而改变基本上从未发生,即使有,也是小规模、不情愿、暂时性的。   18.   18. If Israel falters, many of its people think, the iron wall of military power that has enabled it to win grudging acceptance in the Middle East will have been seriously breached.   许多以色列人认为如果以色列不能达到目标,那么用这堵用军事力量构筑起来的,迫使中东地区勉强容忍以色列存在的钢铁城墙将会被重创。   19. If Israel falters, many of its people think, the iron wall of military power that has enabled it to win grudging acceptance in theMiddle East will have been seriously breached.   如果以色列输掉这场战争,它的许多国民认为,这个军事强权–正是凭借其军事实力,以色列才得以在中东勉强赢得认同–的铜强铁壁会被严重地摧毁。   20. Israel’s grudging change of heart was also imposed by a court ruling. In a 6-1 decision on November 21st, its Supreme Court ordered that same-sex marriages performed abroad must be recognised by the state, just as heterosexual unions, sealed abroad, are already.   以色列勉强的回心转意也是迫于法庭裁决。11月21日,以色列最高法院以6票赞成、1票反对的结果裁定,政府应该象已承认国外登记的异性婚姻一样,承认在国外登记的同性婚姻。grudging 词典解释   1. 勉强的;不情愿的   A grudging feeling or action is felt or done very unwillingly.   e.g. He even earned his opponents’ grudging respect…   他甚至令对手也不得不尊重他。   e.g. There seems to be a grudging acceptance of the situation.   这一局面看来已经被勉强接受。grudgingly   The film studio grudgingly agreed to allow him to continue working.   这家电影公司勉强同意让他继续工作。grudging 单语例句   1. Even my normally demanding grandfather would relax and give her grudging praise, a departure from his usual fastidiousness.   2. Instead, there was grudging admiration for the way Argentina won it.   3. And after returning to the small rented room in a Beijing suburb, they couldn’t help grudging the money they had lost to pay the bus fares.   4. It criticized existing textbooks because of their limited and grudging references to some of the atrocities committed by Japanese troops.   5. Others see a slower, more grudging recovery defined by deep unemployment and persistent credit issues.   6. And Bill Clinton in particular has at times seemed grudging in his praise of the man who stopped his wife’s able ascent.grudging 英英释义   adj   1. petty or reluctant in giving or spending   e.g. a niggardly tip   Synonym: niggardlyscrimy   2. of especially an attitude   e.g. gave grudging consent   grudging acceptance of his opponent’s victory


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