play with a team_谷歌playservice

play with a team_谷歌playservice7.19、7.21全科预测 | 雅思从6提分到7,我是这样复习的!预测的正确使用方法:听力:熟悉预测中涉及的话题,百分百掌握答案的拼写,陌生的题干词懂意思、会拼写。口语:重点准备涉及的话题。阅读:预测均为真题,考前可当

7.19、7.21全科预测 | 雅思从6提分到7,我是这样复习的!   
play with a team_谷歌playservice   预测的正确使用方法:听力:熟悉预测中涉及的话题,百分百掌握答案的拼写,陌生的题干词懂意思、会拼写。口语:重点准备涉及的话题。阅读:预测均为真题,考前可当做素材进行模拟练习,陌生的题干词必须弄懂意思。有时间的同学,熟悉文章大意。写作:练习大作文,准备相关思路、例子、词汇。重点复习提及的小作文类型。   强调一点,不要背答案!不要背答案!不要背答案!(重要的事情说三遍)   预测出自历年真题,但雅思考试不会出一模一样的具体题目,背答案浪费时间和精力!只需按以上【使用方法】正确利用预测即可。   还有要跟大家说的就是预测只是参考!提升实力才是最重要的!   
play with a team_谷歌playservice   Listening   SECTION 1   【一、】   Passage Backgrounds :Customercomplaints:vacuum cleaner   Questions 1-10   Completion   1.Street address :34 Garden Avenue   2.Name: Diane Ruddick   3.Telephone: 720-7950 her home phone   4.Model and make: volsa belta   Price: $104   5.Date of purchase: on July 31st   6.Problem with: the handle   7.First solution: free repair   8.Special features needed: a reusable bag   9.Price quoted:$190   10.Preferred colour: silver   【二、】   Passage Backgrounds:Drama club   Questions1-3   Completion   1. Theplace: The college   2. Limitsof membership: No children accepted   3. Nextmembership start date: 26th-28th October.   Questions 4-7   Matching   What time will the activity be held thisyear ?   A No meeting B Drama training workshop   C Outdoor party D Theater trip   E Planning meeting   4. June — D   5. July — B   6. August — C   7. September — E   Questions 8-10   Multiple choices   8. Theman thinks “Then and Now” suits who__________   A. Lovemusic B. Teens and 20s C. Remember their 1960s   9. “Thenand Now” was written for B.cinema C.Radio   10.Whichtype of play is “Then and Now” ?   A. A detective story B. A comedy C. A science fiction   SECTION 2   【一、】   Passage Backgrounds :International week   Questions 11-20   Multiple choices   11.How does the oversea team attend theperformance?   A. submits a good proposal   B. Paysthe application fee.   12.Why did they change from one day to awhole week?   A. Because local newspaper suggested and published it .   B. Becausethe organization wants to raise money.   C. Morepeople want to show their countries.   13.The businessmen in the town decided tohold the international week in   A. FebruaryB.August C.September   14.If there is bad weather ,where shouldthey move?   A. schoolgym B.local school stadium hall   15.How does the company support the fair?   A. donatemoney B. offerequipment center   16.Outdoor activities will be held at   A .college ground B local stadium center   Questions 17-20   Matching   A.Costumes. B.Dance C.Music D.Cooking   17.South Africa –B   18.Mexico–B   19.Indonesia –D   20.Canada–E   【二、】   Passage Backgrounds:Triathlon   Completion   11.Expected participants:340   11. Startedfrom: castle in college   12. Cycling:25 kilometers   13. Inold airport   14. throughfarmland field   Questions:16-18   Matching   A. Downhill B. through the farmland   C.Across the forests D.uphill   Section one: 16. D   Section two: 17. B   Section three: 18.C   completion   19. Thefirst place reward is a cup.   20. Thechairman of the local government will presentthe prize.   由于篇幅有限   所以   完整版【北京学为贵】   在对话框sigusoft“7.21”即可领取


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