dpr是什么意思_dpr用英语怎么说_dpr的翻译_dpr翻译成_dpr的中文意思_dpr怎么读,dpr的读音,dpr的用法,dpr的例句 全部 And DPR altered little when the concentration of methanol increased. 当甲醇浓度增大时,DPR则变化很小. 互联网 The characteristics of construction safety, economy and irradiation utilization of DPR – 3 heating reactor ( Deep Pool Reactor ) are introduced.
简介深水池3型 ( DPR – 3 ) 供热堆的结构特点、安全性 、 经济性及辐照应用. 互联网 The core of DPR – 1 is cooled by natural circulation and DPR – 3 is cooled by forced circulation.
其中DPR -1 堆芯是自然循环冷却,而DPR -3 是强迫循环冷却. 互联网 Objective To explore the effect of DP receptor ( DPR ) deficiency on brain histamine contents in mice.
目的 探讨前列腺素DP受体 ( DPR ) 缺乏对小鼠脑内组胺含量的影响. 互联网 Manifesting the significance of DPR system for direct commerce enterprise.
分销辅助系统对直销企业有着重要的意义. 互联网 Local elites induce their local DPR member to sponsor a new district.
地方精英促使地方人民协商会议委员赞助成立新区. 互联网 This paper introduces the control system of a novel double – pump resuscitation ( DPR ) instrument.
本文介绍一种新型双泵复苏装置的控制系统. 互联网 The DPR could be used in commercial.
因此,这种深水池供热堆具有商用价值. 互联网 These data altogether suggest that Dpr 2 functions to inhibit mesoderm induction mediated by Nodal signaling.
这些结果表明,Dpr2在胚胎发育中的正常功能是抑制Nodal信号的中胚层诱导作用. 互联网 In contrast, overexpression of dpr 2 causes developmental defects in midline mesodermal tissues a phenotype resembling oep.
与此相反, 在胚胎中过量表达dpr2,可以导致胚胎中线中胚层组织发育缺陷,引起类似oep的表型. 互联网 Composite latex particles of disproportionated – rosin ( DPR ) and polyacrylates were synthesized by miniemulsion polymerization.
摘要通过细乳液聚合方法成功制备了 歧 化松香-丙烯酸酯复合高分子乳液. 互联网 Further proven experiments showed that DPR was up to 99 98 % under the best condition.
验证性试验结果表明,在此条件下,杂蛋白的去除率达99.98%. 互联网
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