
spoil用英文怎么读_英汉互译在线翻译软件spoil用作动词 (v.) spoil by (v.+prep.)

spoil   用作动词 (v.) spoil by (v.+prep.) 因…而毁坏; 因…而宠坏 make (sth) useless because of sth; harm the character of by sth   spoil sb/sth by sth/v-ing   The small boy spoilt the picture by smearing it with ink.   那孩子往画上抹墨水把画给毁了。   He spoilt the performance by speaking out of turn.   不该他说话时他说了话,结果把整个演出搞糟了。   We’ve had a wonderful day out; let’s not spoil it now by having a quarrel.   今天我们出来玩得非常开心,现在别让争吵给破坏了。   He spoiled his son by giving him too much money.   由于他给孩子太多的钱惯坏了孩子。   The plan was quite spoilt by the rain.   计划完全被这场雨破坏了。   Our holidays were spoilt by the bad weather.   天气不好把我们的假日破坏了。   The picture on our TV is spoilt by interference from your vacuum cleaner.   我家电视机的图像由于你的吸尘器干扰而不清楚了。   My essay was spoilt by careless mistake.   我的作文给粗心大意弄糟了。   The truth is she is spoilt by her grandmother.   实际情况是她给她奶奶惯坏了。 spoil face〔beauty〕 毁损某人的容貌 ruin one’s face   spoil one’s face〔beauty〕   The murderer attempted to escape from law punishment by spoiling his own face.   那个杀人犯企图自毁容貌而逃脱法律的惩罚。   The young man who spoiled his girl friend’s beauty with sulphuric acid was sentenced to death.   那个用硫酸毁损女朋友容貌的年轻人被判处死刑。 spoil for (v.+prep.) 一心想某事 be eager〔keen〕 for sth   spoil for sth   He’s spoiling for an argument.   他存心想争吵。   It was obviously from his attitude that he was spoiling for a fight.   他摆出那副架势显然是憋足了劲要打架。   They have well-trained troops, who are spoiling for a fight.   他们有一支训练有素,求战心切的部队。   He spoils for learning.   他求学心切。 spoil with (v.+prep.) 用…破坏 make (sth) bad with sth   spoil sth with sth   She spoiled the soup with too much salt.   她盐放得太多,把汤糟蹋了。


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