
pedestrian翻译_英文怎么翻译成中文pediatric是什么意思,pediatric怎么读,pediatric翻译为:小儿科的提示:例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释The results were published online june 30 in the open pediatric medicine journal .

pediatric是什么意思,pediatric怎么读,pediatric翻译为:小儿科的   提示:例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释   The results were published online june 30 in the open pediatric medicine journal .   这项研究成果已于6月30日在儿科医药月刊上发表。   A pediatric nurse ‘s shoes may lack the shine , but they have the spit .   5一个儿科护士的鞋会不能显得出众,但会有很多口水。   Infant mortality rates had also dropped , reflecting healthier mothers and better obstetric and pediatric care .   婴儿死亡率也有下降这也说明产妇的健康得到提高以及产科与儿科的医疗条件的进步。   Dr. davis is also developing a portable pediatric asthma monitor .   戴维斯博士还在开发一种便携式的小儿哮喘监控仪。   The american academy of pediatric dentistry notes that swallowing fluoridated toothpaste can cause problems .   美国儿童牙科学会指出,吞下含氟牙膏可能会产生问题。


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